
  • 网络PTI;the Press Trust of India
  1. 印度报业托拉斯记者:下个月印度和中国将要庆祝两国建交55周年。

    Press Trust of India : India and China will see the55th anniversary of their establishment of a diplomatic relationship next month .

  2. 印度报业托拉斯记者问:印度外长将于本月底访华,请您谈谈印中关系前景、两国边界问题。

    Q : ( Press Trust of India ) Indian Foreign Minister Singh is going to visit China at the end of this month .

  3. 但据印度报业托拉斯通讯社(PressTrustofIndia)报道,最高法院立即阻止执行这一决议,并在9月宣布其无效。

    But the Supreme Court immediately stayed that order , then struck it down in September , the Press Trust of India reported .

  4. 印度报业托拉斯记者:中印两国有着悠久的交往。

    Press Trust of India : China and India have had long-standing exchanges .

  5. 据印度报业托拉斯报道,最小的受害者是该男子三个月大的女儿,最年长的是他55岁的父亲。

    The Press Trust of India news agency reported that the youngest victim was his three-month-old daughter , and the oldest his 55-year-old father .

  6. 印度报业托拉斯记者:您如何看待以金砖国家为代表的新兴市场国家和发展中国家的兴起对现有世界格局及全球治理体系的影响?

    Press Trust of India : How do you see the impact of rising emerging markets and developing countries represented by the BRICS countries on the existing world architecture and global governance system ?

  7. 他向印度报业托拉斯透露,此次印度方面预计将派出一个30人的团队,用约一个月的时间进行观测,另外用15天的时间对数据进行计算并最终公布结果。

    He told the Press Trust of India news agency that a 30-strong team would take about a month to make its observations and another 15 days to compute and declare its data .

  8. 印度报业托拉斯援引空军部门消息人士的话说,重启斗拉特别奥里地基地是为了加强印度在这个战略地区的空中和陆地侦察能力。

    The news agency Press Trust of India quoted Air Force sources as saying that the Daulatbeg Oldi Base was revived to bolster India 's aerial and land reconnaissance capability in the strategic region .

  9. 印度报业托拉斯援引一位不愿透露姓名官员的话说,多达10名激进分子躲藏在这个地区,其中包括两到三个穆斯林激进组织的一些高级指挥官。

    The Indian wire agency Press Trust of India quoted unnamed officials as saying that up to ten militants were hiding in the area including some top commanders of two to three Muslim militant groups .

  10. 烟草在线据印度报业托拉斯报道编译如果烟农生产的出口优质烟草超过印度烟草委员会给他们分配的当年配额,印度政府将向烟农收取销售收益15%的高额罚款。

    New Delhi : The government will impose a hefty penalty of15 % of sale proceeds if farmers produce more export quality tobacco than the quota allotted to them by the Tobacco Board for the current year .

  11. 印度通讯社印度报业托拉斯报道说,铁路官员指责公共汽车乘客造成事故。

    The Press Trust of India reported that railway officials blamed the passengers for the accident .