
  • 网络ICICI;ICICI Bank;ICICI Bank Ltd;ICICI Bank Limited
  1. 日本三菱UFJ证券(MitsubishiUFJSecurities)计划与印度工业信贷投资银行(ICICIBank)成立一家投资银行合资公司,此举表明两国跨境交易正在呈现上升态势。

    Mitsubishi UFJ Securities of Japan plans to establish an investment banking joint venture with India 's ICICI Bank , signalling a rising tide of cross-border deals between the countries .

  2. 在有关储户从印度工业信贷投资银行(ICICI)掀起提款浪潮的报道中,印度储备银行(ReserveBankofIndia)开始介入此事并向储户保证,印度工业信贷投资银行财务状况良好。

    The Reserve Bank of India stepped in to reassure depositors that ICICI was financially sound amid reports of a wave of cash withdrawals from the bank .