
  • 网络China Iron And Steel Association;CISA;China Iron & Steel Association
  1. 中国钢铁工业协会建议中国钢铁业采取联合行动阻止我们,这是一个令人不安的进展。

    For CISA to suggest joint action by the Chinese steel industry to prevent this is a very concerning development .

  2. 中国钢铁工业协会已表示,它计划在今日过后继续与矿商谈判,使今年的谈判成为有记录以来最长的年度谈判。

    CISA has said it plans to continue negotiating with the miners beyond today , making the current annual negotiations the longest on record .

  3. 据中国钢铁工业协会(ChinaIronandSteelAssociation)统计,在2003年至2006年之间,钢材产量翻了近一番,从2.22亿吨到4.19亿吨。

    Between 2003 and 2006 , steel production nearly doubled from 222m tonnes to 419m tonnes , according to the China Iron and Steel Association .

  4. 但在中国钢铁工业协会(chinaironandsteelassociation)于大连组织的年会上,行业高管们表示,他们的钢厂已不再受断电的影响。

    But senior industry executives at the annual meeting organised by the China Iron and Steel Association in Dalian said their mills were no longer being affected by the energy cuts .

  5. 中国钢铁工业协会强烈反对美报告中对中国钢铁行业的不实指责,并将就美方违背WTO规则的行为采取相应措施,维护中国钢铁企业的利益。

    Chinese Iron and Steel Industry Association strongly condemn the irresponsible report from America , which disobeyed the WTO treaties for the rights the Chinese Iron and Steel Industry deserved .

  6. 中国钢铁工业协会(chinaironandsteelassociation)上月表示,国内钢厂今年上半年利润同比骤降96%,使得钢铁业成为“重灾区”。

    Last month the China Iron and Steel Association said domestic steelmakers saw profits plunge 96 per cent in the first half compared with a year ago , turning the industry into a " disaster zone " .

  7. 根据中国钢铁工业协会(ChinaIronandSteelAssociation)的数据,今年中国的钢产量上升了近3%,但上半年的需求仅增长0.4%。

    Chinese steel production has expanded by nearly 3 per cent this year , but demand growth during the first half of the year was only 0.4 per cent , according to the China Iron and Steel Association .

  8. 中国钢铁工业协会(ChinaIronandSteelAssociation)在其月度报告中表示,由于产量增长,钢材价格的反弹势头无法持续。3月份中国钢材产量估计已达7000万吨,相当于年产量8.34亿吨。

    In its monthly report , the China Iron Ore and Steel Association said the rally could not last because of rising production , which is estimated to have hit 70m tonnes in March , or 834m tonnes on an annualised basis .

  9. 中国钢铁工业协会(ChinaIronandSteelAssociation)会长朱继民在该协会网站贴出的一篇演讲中表示,由于需求疲弱和原燃料价格处于高位,上半年会员钢铁企业累计利润跌至23.9亿元人民币(合3.79亿美元)。

    Zhu Jimin , chairman of the China Iron and Steel Association , said in a speech posted on the association 's website that the aggregate profit of the nation 's steelmakers fell to Rmb2.39bn ( $ 379m ) in the first half year due to falling demand and rising costs .

  10. 中方谈判代表中国钢铁工业协会(Cisa,简称:中钢协)拒绝接受上述降价幅度,而要求价格削减40%至45%。

    The China Iron and Steel Association ( Cisa ), Beijing 's negotiator , has rejected those cuts and is instead seeking a 40-45 per cent cut in prices .

  11. 分析师们提出,这项调查的推手,似乎是中国钢铁工业协会(cisa)对于打击中国投机交易、获取定价控制权的渴望。

    Analysts suggested that the probe appeared to be driven by the desire of the China Iron and Steel Association to crack down on speculative trading in China and gain control over pricing .

  12. 今年中国钢铁工业协会代表中国钢铁企业与力拓(riotinto)、必和必拓(bhpbilliton)及淡水河谷(vale)之间的基准价格谈判尤其曲折,目前仍然处于僵局,最后期限可能是6月30日。

    Benchmark negotiations between Chinese steelmakers , led by the China Iron and Steel Association , and miners Rio Tinto , BHP Billiton and vale , have been particularly tortuous this year and remain deadlocked ahead of a potential deadline on June 30 .

  13. 但代表大型钢厂的行业组织中国钢铁工业协会(cisa)的数据显示,去年中国钢铁需求增速放缓至8%,今年则可能放缓至4%。

    But last year steel demand growth slowed to 8 per cent and this year it could slow to 4 per cent , according to the China Iron and Steel Association , an industry body representing big mills .

  14. 摩尔说,中国钢铁工业协会(CISA)数据显示,在冬季放缓之前的10月下旬,中国大中型钢铁企业的日均粗钢产量已下跌了7.5%,而存货量减少近10%,至1410万吨。

    Ms Moore said data from the China Iron and Steel Association showed average daily crude steel output of large and medium-sized mills had fallen 7.5 per cent in the past 10 days of October ahead of the winter slowdown , while inventories were down almost 10 per cent to 14.1m tonnes .

  15. 中国钢铁工业协会,据粗略统计,铁,钢,木负增长链。

    China Steel Association , according to rough statistics , iron , steel , wood chain of negative growth .

  16. 不过中国钢铁工业协会表示,今年粗钢产量的增长速度将从去年的7.5%放缓至3%。

    Still , the association says the pace of growth will slow to 3 % this year from 7.5 % last year .

  17. 在1月举行的中国钢铁工业协会理事会会议上,官员们也提出了裁员的问题。

    The problem of job cuts was also raised by officials at the China Iron and Steel Association 's national council meeting last month .

  18. 中国钢铁工业协会报告显示今年中国粗钢产量可能下降,这是31年来首次出现这种情况。

    The China Iron and Steel Association is reporting crude steel output here in China may fall for the first time in 31 years this year .

  19. 成为中石化、中石油一级供应商网络成员单位及中国钢铁工业协会配件中心成员单位。

    We are one of the supplier member of the network units of Sinopec , CNPC and the units of China Iron and Steel Industry Association Parts Center .

  20. 中国钢铁工业协会周一发布报告称,随着一些地区执行严格的环保政策,部分钢厂已开始停产。

    ' With environmental policy tightening in some areas , some steel mills have begun to halt production , ' the China Iron and Steel Association said in a report Monday .

  21. 官方媒体昨日报道称,中国钢铁工业协会提议,将冷轧钢板的出口退税率从5%上调至17%。

    The China Iron and Steel Association has proposed lifting a tax rebate on exports of cold-rolled steel from five per cent to 17 per cent , state media reported yesterday .

  22. 此次拘留事件已经加剧了堪培拉和北京之间的紧张关系,而且正值中国钢铁工业协会与澳洲矿商有关铁矿石年度基准价格的谈判陷入僵局。

    The detentions have heightened tensions between Canberra and Beijing and come amid fractious talks between the Chinese Steel Association and Australian mining groups to set an annual benchmark price for iron ore.

  23. 在铁矿石涨价消息刚刚披露的当天,中国钢铁工业协会宣布,钢铁行业去年的利润增长近期50%,或许这并非巧合。

    It is perhaps no coincidence that on the day news of the iron ore price first leaked , the industry association announced that profits last year increased by nearly 50 per cent .

  24. 如果中国钢铁工业协会没有回应,他们将把中国钢铁业带入陌生的领域。尽管中国方面虚张声势,称自己拥有铁矿石资源,但在传统上,中国一直依赖质量和数量均稳定可靠的进口铁矿石。

    If Cisa does not respond , they are taking the Chinese steel industry into uncharted territory , and for all their bravado about how they have their own iron ore , China has traditionally relied on the consistent quality and quantity of imported iron ore.

  25. 中国钢铁工业协会继续扮演其坏警察角色。昨天该协会表示,不会接受30-35%的降价幅度。韩国和日本钢厂似乎正接近以这一降幅与矿业企业达成协议。

    Cisa , for its part , continues to play its bad cop role , saying yesterday it would not settle at a 30-35 per cent cut , the level at which South Korean and Japanese mills appear close to an agreement with the miners .

  26. 据中国钢铁工业协会说,由于产能过剩和钢材价格低迷,2012年中国钢铁业可能将首次面临亏损的局面。中国钢铁行业的焦煤消费量占每年全球总消费量的一半。

    The Chinese steel industry-which consumes half of all metallurgical coal mined each year-faces the possibility it could operate at a loss in 2012 for the first time as a result of overcapacity and weak steel prices , according to the China Iron & Steel Association .

  27. 该公司在与中国钢厂代表机构中国钢铁工业协会(cisa)的年度合约谈判中拒绝让步,此举已被现货市场证明是正确的。

    Its refusal to budge on annual contract negotiations with CISA , the representative body for Chinese steel mills , has been vindicated by spot markets .

  28. 英澳矿业集团力拓(RioTinto)昨晚抨击中国钢铁生产商采用过于激进的谈判策略。此前,中国钢铁工业协会(CISA)号召成员企业抵制该公司的铁矿石现货销售。

    Rio Tinto last night slammed Chinese steelmakers over increasingly aggressive negotiating tactics , after the China Iron & Steel Association called for its members to boycott the Anglo-Australian mining group 's spot sales of iron ore.

  29. 中国政府在夏季推出了方便公司进口铁矿石的政策。中国钢铁工业协会周一表示,新政策7月开始生效后,又有68家进口商获得了铁矿石进口资质,之前拥有该资质的进口商只有118家。

    The strong imports also came after authorities in the summer made it easier for companies to import iron ore. Sixty-eight new importers joined in the trading since new measures took effect in July , the China Iron and Steel Association said Monday . The previous system limited imports to just 118 license holders .

  30. 中国最大上市炼钢企业宝钢(Baosteel)昨日宣布,面对疲弱需求,将进一步减产,这个消息强化了中国钢铁工业协会(CISA)主办的年度会议上的悲观基调。

    The bearish tone at the annual gathering backed by the China Iron and Steel Association was reinforced yesterday by Baosteel , China 's biggest listed steelmaker , which announced more production cuts amid weak demand .