
  • 网络china foreign exchange trade system;China Foreign Exchange Trading Center;CFETS
  1. 拆借对手应为与中国外汇交易中心签约的境内金融机构。

    The opposite party of the interbank borrowing ( lending ) shall be domestic financial institutions that have signed contracts with the China Foreign Exchange Trading Center .

  2. 柯先生同时还担任中国外汇交易中心技术顾问、上海金融学院金融研究中心顾问。

    Cristoforo serves as a Senior Advisor to the China Foreign Exchange Trading Center ( CFETS ) and is also an advisor to the Shanghai International Finance College Research Center .

  3. 交易商协会应将有关签署信息及时告知中国外汇交易中心。

    The NAFMII shall timely notify China Foreign Exchange Trade System of the relevant information .

  4. 可以通过中国外汇交易中心进行境内外汇同业拆借。

    May carry out domestic interbank foreign exchange borrowing ( lending ) business through the China foreign exchange trading center .

  5. 中国外汇交易中心本币交易系统(以下简称交易系统或系统)是提供金融机构之间进行金融产品交易的系统。

    China Foreign Exchange Trade Center 's RMB Electronic Trading System is a system that allows financial institution deal finance production .

  6. 1994年4月1日,中国外汇交易中心系统在上海成立,并在若干城市设立了分中心。

    On 1 April 1994 , the China Foreign Exchange Trading System was set up in Shanghai and branches were opened in dozens of cities .

  7. 备案材料交中国外汇交易中心初审后,报国家外汇管理局。

    The materials shall be firstly submitted to China Foreign Exchange Trading Center for examination and then submitted to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange .

  8. 在此基础上,该文介绍了中国外汇交易中心的电子票据解决方案和纸质票据解决方案,并指出了票据市场发展需要配套的法规。

    The article also introduces the CFETS solutions to electronic and material paper , and holds that CP market growth requires supporting laws and regulations .

  9. 根据中国外汇交易中心的公布,3月25日人民币对美元汇率中间价上行了45个基点,报6.5580,第二次突破6.56关口。

    The updated data from Chinese Foreign Exchange Center show that central parity rate of RMB / USD reaches 6.5580 on 25th , Mar. up to 45 basis point and it is the second time to break the gate of 6.56 .

  10. 为实现新版货币网系统,本文工作包括如下几个方面:1.分析并介绍了当前中国货币网所面临的挑战,中国外汇交易中心当前业务发展的趋势和对新货网站的建设目标要求。

    Analyze and introduce the current challenges of the existing China Money Website , the business development trends of CFTES and the goal of new website . 2 .