
yín hánɡ jiān wài huì shì chǎnɡ
  • interbank foreign exchange market;interbank foreign exchange mart
  1. 通过运用产业组织理论的SCP分析范式对我国的银行间外汇市场的市场结构、行为和绩效的特征进行了分析。

    The essay analyses the Chinese inter-bank foreign exchange market with the Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm ( SCP Paradigm ), which is the classical method of the theory of industrial organization .

  2. 实施外汇管理,监督管理银行间外汇市场;

    Administering foreign exchange , and supervising inter-bank foreign exchange market ;

  3. 外汇市场通常分为银行间外汇市场(批发市场)和零售市场。

    The foreign exchange market includes Banking Market and Retail Market .

  4. 具备与银行间外汇市场联网的电子交易系统;

    The enterprise shall be equipped with electronic trading system connected with the inter-bank foreign exchange market .

  5. 林吉特成为第一个在中国银行间外汇市场挂牌交易的新兴市场国家货币。

    Ringgit became the first currency of an emerging market economy traded in the Chinese inter-bank foreign exchange market .

  6. 其次,对我国银行间外汇市场做市商制度实施的背景及现状进行了阐述,并从逻辑层面上分析了做市商制度的作用及带来的影响。

    Then , does some research on the background and current situation of the foreign exchange market maker system .

  7. 未来我国金融衍生产品的开发至少应该在股票指数期货、人民币利率掉期、银行间外汇市场发展等方面有所突破。

    It is compulsory for China to have a breakthrough in the developing of such financial derivatives as stock index futures , Renminbi interest rate swaps , development of foreign exchange market , etc.

  8. 该月银行间外汇市场日均成交量微缩,外汇供大于求顺差稍减,人民币汇率继续保持稳定。

    In April , the average daily turnover of interbank forex market shrank slightly , the excess of forex supply over demand decreased a little and the RMB s exchange rate kept stable .

  9. 因此,从政策层面上,应加快人民币利率市场化进程,转变外汇衍生交易监管思路,建立高效的银行间远期外汇市场,开辟银行汇率风险对冲渠道;

    Therefore , from the policy level , it 's compulsory to quicken the renminbi interest rate market-orientation progress , changing ideas of foreign exchange derivative dealing supervision , establishing an efficient forward inter-bank foreign exchange market , developing the bank exchange rate risk offset channels ;

  10. 中国人民银行根据银行间外汇市场形成的价格,公布人民币对主要外币的汇率。

    The People 's Bank of China shall publish the exchange rates of Renminbi against major foreign currencies according to the prices fixed at interbank foreign exchange swap centers .

  11. 在较长期限(一年),无论是境内银行间人民币远期外汇市场还是境外离岸人民币无本金交割远期市场基本上都不是以利率平价理论为定价基础,更多是受人民币长期升值的预期影响。

    In the longer term ( one-year term ), whether the forward foreign exchange markets in domestic or offshore are not based on interest rate parity theory , but influenced by the expectation of the appreciation of RMB .

  12. 三是发展和完善外汇市场,推广远期银行结售汇业务,延长银行间外汇市场交易时间,推广大额代理业务。

    Thirdly , developing and improving exchange market , meaning to spread the operation of forward exchange settling and soling of banks , lengthen the dealing time of inter-bank exchange market , popularize agent operation .

  13. 非银行金融机构符合以下条件的,可以向交易中心申请会员资格,进入银行间即期外汇市场交易。

    Non-banking financial institutions meeting the following criteria can apply for membership at the Center and , if approved , deal with proprietary transactions in the foreign exchange spot market .