
  • 网络long term bank loan
  1. 惠誉国际及穆迪于2009年分别肯定大新银行之长期信贷评级为「A-」及「A3」级。

    Dah Sing Bank 's long term rating had been affirmed as " A - " and " A3 " by Fitch and Moody 's respectively in2009 .

  2. 资本市场包括股票市场、企业债券市场和银行中长期信贷市场。

    Capital market consists of stock market , corporate bond market and long and middle term credit market .

  3. 深圳证券市场从成立至今,取得了长足的进步,占据了全国证券市场的半壁江山,基本可以反映全国资本市场发展的概貌(本论文中的资本市场主要研究证券市场,略去银行的长期信贷市场)。

    Since its establishment , the Shenzhen stock market has made rapid progress , occupying half of the country in the nation stock market .