
  • 网络bank debt;bank loan
  1. 民营企业银行债权的公司治理效应依然较弱。

    Corporate Governance effect of bank debt of the private enterprises are still weak .

  2. 因此,要加强并购贷款银行债权在公司治理中的参与。

    Therefore , to strengthen the M & A lending bank debt participation in corporate governance .

  3. 2011年,希腊的私有银行债权方同意对希腊所欠债务减值50%,将希腊的债务减少了1000亿欧元。

    In 2011 , Greece 's private lenders received a massive 50 % haircut of what they were owed , reducing Greece 's debt by € 100bn ( $ 110bn ) .

  4. 在争论中,有人提出,target债权和一国国内商业银行债权有本质区别。

    In the debate , it has been suggested that there are fundamental differences between target claims and claims on domestic commercial banks .

  5. 论破产制度变迁中银行债权的法律保护

    Legal Protection for Bank Creditor in the Change of Bankruptcy Institution

  6. 企业破产案件中如何维护银行债权

    The Bankruptcy of Enterprise and the Protection of Bank 's Credit

  7. 公司法人人格否认制度与银行债权保护

    On System of Corporate Personality Denial and Bank 's Claim Protection

  8. 银行债权和企业债务问题的研究

    The research of banks ' loans and enterprises ' debt

  9. 论银行债权的法律地位及其重构

    On the legal position of bank creditor 's rights and its reconstruction

  10. 银行债权的公司治理效应研究&来自中国上市公司的经验证据

    On the Corporate Governance Effect of Bank 's Credit

  11. 防范关联交易风险保护银行债权安全

    Preventing Risks of Connected Transactions and Maintaining Security of Banking Creditors ' Rights

  12. 公司人格否定与银行债权的保护

    Disregard of corporate personality and protection of the banks ' creditor 's interests

  13. 企业并购过程中的银行债权保全问题研究

    The Research on the Protection for Bank Loans during Enterprises ' Mergers and Acquisitions

  14. 论银行债权的安全及法律保障

    Security of Banking Credit and Its Legal Guarantee

  15. 对国有商业银行债权保护不足的信贷博弈分析

    An Analysis of the Credit Gaming of State-owned Commercial Bank 's Obligation Right Protection Insufficiency

  16. 特别对于银行债权的保护,更加具有现实的意义。

    Specially regarding the bank creditor 's rights protection , even more has the real significance .

  17. 从利益相关者理论出发,为银行债权参与公司治理奠定理论基础。

    From the stakeholder theory , the bank claims the theoretical basis for participation in corporate governance .

  18. 公司法人人格的滥用与银行债权安全

    The Abuses of Legal Personality of the Enterprise and the Security of Creditor 's Rights of the Bank

  19. 其中,最为引人注目的则是国有资产的流失、破产企业职工的安置、银行债权的损失等。

    The focus is the loss of assets , arrangement of workers and the loss of bank loans .

  20. 推行合资改制,逃避银行债权;

    Pursuing the joint venture management to change its original structure with the aim of evading paying bank debts .

  21. 期房按揭贷款银行债权的风险分析及其法律保障

    The Risk Analysis and Legal Protection of Bank 's Creditor 's Rights on Mortgage Loan with Personal Residence Being Built

  22. 本文应用债权治理的相关理论,研究银行债权的公司治理效应。

    By employing the theory of credit governance , the paper studies the corporate governance effects of bank 's credit .

  23. 《中华人民共和国企业破产法》对商业银行债权的影响

    Impact of the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of the People 's Republic of China on Creditors ' Rights of Commercial Banks

  24. 第一章主要是对期房按揭制度及银行债权的法律保护相关问题做一个概述。

    The first chapter gives an overview of relevant issues of the mortgage system and the legal protection of creditor banks .

  25. 本文对银行债权特征对自由现金流约束方面进行了实证分析。

    Based on the public data , the paper analyzes the effect of those characteristics and deposit of those free cash flows .

  26. 另一类是衡量股份制商业银行债权结构的指标,即应付债券比例。

    The other is a measure of the debt structure of joint-stock commercial , that is , the proportion of bonds payable .

  27. 深入研究商业银行债权治理的机制有助于提高银行业的整体治理水平。

    Doing comprehensive research on creditors ' governance of commercial banks can further help to improve banks ' corporate governance as a whole .

  28. 带着这些疑问,本文展开了对国有商业银行债权保护问题的研究。

    This paper will emphasis on the claims protection of the state owned banks and study the problems at the sight of banks .

  29. 大量企业通过恶意逃债废债、使银行债权悬空以及借助企业改制逃避银行债务等手段使得银行债权无从实现。

    Substantial businesses evade bank debts through wasting debts maliciously , leaving bank debt vacantly and restructuring enterprises so that banks can not achieve claims .

  30. 说明了银行债权系主权利、根本性权利,而抵押权和保证债权都是担保权,系从权利。

    Description of the main creditor banks of the rights , fundamental rights , and mortgages are secured creditors and guarantee the right of the right .