- Priority claim;lien;privileged debts

Therefore , the high quality firms should choose bonds finance ; the poor quality firms should choose mixed finance with the bank owning senior and short-term debt , the common creditor only possessing junior and long-term debt .
Therefore , business enterprise should give debt financing a prior role under the certain circumstance that other factors are certain .
In China , a popular viewpoint is the preference of equity financing , that is , equity financing is prior to debt financing .
In bankruptcy proceedings , the usufruct of allotted land and buildings become mortgaged property , the mortgagee have the priority to achieve their claims .
It is an principle in real right law that when real right and obligatory right exist simultaneously , real right has priority , bui it isn 't absolute because special obligatory right can be realized prior to real right .
The modern capital structure theory shows that a company 's financing structure does affect its value , so firms usually raise their finance in pecking order : retained earning refinancing , debt financing , and then external equity financing .
Two , tax is prior to common creditor 's rights , except that law otherwise regulates .
In insolvency proceedings , claims for personal injury compensation of consumers should be given priority , compared with claims for work , claims of government and secured claims .
In practice , tax priority usually conflict with other priorities and guarantee real rights when we must follow the solution that tax priority should precede other priorities of public law claim on .
If you research on the tax law relations from the credit relations ' perspective , you would find that it is very hard to conclude that tax right is of priority over the general right of credit , whether based on theory , law , or practical operation .
The second one describes the tax effect of priority and public law claims .
Law Analysis on the Person Creditor 's Rights Prior to the Wealth Creditor 's Rights
On Bankruptcy Creditor 's Rights
The outer priority of the water-right means its force comes first before the water-debt right and other debt right has something to do with the water .
Claims Secured by Maritime Lien If the creditor waives the property security , the surety shall be relieved of his suretyship liability to the extent of the creditor 's waiver .
In this part , the writer classifies the claims against the bankrupt into seven kinds , including the secured claims , claims of laborers , preferred claims provided by special laws , government claims , claims for tort damages , common claims and other claims .
Promissory prior call has only obligatory right effect while legal prior call has the validity of real right , which also be limited by the third person acquiring system and estate real right registration validity in order to protect the equity of the third person in good will .
All rights with preference for repayment according to law shall be preferred rights of creditors in reorganizers ;
This is particularly reflected in the generated time of tax priority , and it has a lot of controversy and disputes in effect conflict between tax priority claims and secured claims .
Priority of the Contractor , but in our system because of the lack of support for the registration system , and the practice is mainly used to protect the wages of construction workers , so that the priority should not be transferred with the claims .