- 名preferred creditor;preferential creditor

For two years , the IMF agreed to a series of programmes that were partially designed , inadequately funded and , in some cases , even threatened its preferred creditor status .
In fact , markets are concerned about the opposite issue that the ECB has de facto acquired preferred creditor status .
By agreeing an unlimited bond purchasing programme , and by abandoning the privilege of senior creditor status , the European Central Bank has demonstrated that it is the only functional institution left in the European Union .
If the rest of the EU is determined to protect senior creditors , it should surely share in the cost of doing so .
This is why the Irish have been " persuaded " to rescue the senior creditors of their banks , at the expense of the national taxpayer .
And it incorporated more common sense in allocating burden sharing on the capital structure , including imposing severe losses on bond holders and other senior creditors .
Yet the idea that taxpayers should bail out senior creditors of massively insolvent banks at such risk to the solvency of their state is both unfair and unreasonable .
That makes it extremely unlikely that an auction will realise enough to pay off the senior creditors and leave some over for Mr ackman and his fellow investors .
While the Commission discusses the possibility of making depositors preferred creditors and correctly concludes that there are strong arguments for such a move , it fails to recommend such a change .
Without a priority , you are a general creditor and your claim will be paid , along with the claims of other general creditors , from any monies still available after priority claims are paid .
At the crux of the debate is the issue of whether senior unsecured creditors take a hit .
At the crux of the debate is the issue of whether senior unsecured creditors take a hit A mother 's love is synonymous with care , protection , and nurturing .
Preferential right that directly provided by law , means special creditors can be paid before the other creditors form the debtor 's particular movable and immovable property , or all property .
The right of a creditor to priority of payment .
Therefore , the high quality firms should choose bonds finance ; the poor quality firms should choose mixed finance with the bank owning senior and short-term debt , the common creditor only possessing junior and long-term debt .
Although security does not assure that the loan will repaid , it does reduce the risk , because the bank becomes a preferred creditor in the event of liquidation , and takes procedure over general creditors in the liquidation of any assets pledged to the bank as collateral .
Comparing the priority of a right to exist , practice , often occur right of priority with other creditors in conflict situations .