
zhài quán rén
  • creditor;obligee;claimant;loaner
债权人 [zhài quán rén]
  • (1) [creditor]∶对商业活动提供贷款的人

  • (2) [obligee]∶其利益受债务证书保护的人

债权人[zhài quán rén]
  1. 让这个如此庞大的债权人在获得补偿的队伍中排在仅次于国际货币基金组织(IMF)的位置,是一个错误。

    It was a mistake to put such a hulking creditor second only to the International Monetary Fund in the recovery queue .

  2. 负责出售现代建设35%股权的牵头债权人韩国外换银行(koreaexchangebank)表示,债权人将讨论是否开始与现代汽车就股权出售展开谈判。

    Korea exchange bank , the lead creditor in charge of selling a 35 per cent stake in Hyundai E & C , said that creditors would discuss whether to start negotiations with Hyundai Motor over the stake sale .

  3. 他的债权人同意给他一个喘息的机会。

    His creditors agreed to give him a temporary respite .

  4. 这个国家欠外国债权人数十亿元。

    The country owes billions of dollars to foreign creditors .

  5. 该公司称将偿清所有债权人的债务。

    The company said it would pay in full all its creditors .

  6. 墨西哥和菲律宾均已与商业银行债权人达成了协议。

    Mexico and the Philippines have both concluded agreements with their commercial bank creditors

  7. 6月15号有一个债权人会议,通告将送达所有已知的债权人。

    There will be a creditors meeting on June 15 and notices will be circulated to all known creditors .

  8. 债权人之间的分歧会加大重组的费用

    Disagreements among creditors can be costlier still .

  9. 破产程序保护债务人免受债权人的讨债。债务人可以申请破产,这叫做“自愿破产”。

    Bankruptcy . A debtor may file for bankruptcy , which is called " voluntary bankruptcy " .

  10. 他们还完债权人的钱后,仍有用不完的钱。

    money to burn e.g. After they paid off the creditors , they still had money to burn .

  11. 法院指定了一个接管人以管理和清算破产公司的资产。债权人决定提起破产之诉。

    The court appointed a receiver to administer and liquidate the assets of an insolvent corporation . The creditors decided .

  12. 两年来,IMF同意了一系列设计不全面、资金不足,甚至在某些情况下威胁到其优先债权人地位的项目。

    For two years , the IMF agreed to a series of programmes that were partially designed , inadequately funded and , in some cases , even threatened its preferred creditor status .

  13. 把欧盟委员会提出的“债权人纾困”(bail-in)建议看作是共同的银行处置框架的一部分。

    Take the " bail-in " proposals suggested by the European Commission as part of a common bank resolution framework .

  14. 一个正在考虑的做法债权人纾困(bail-in)将让私人部门银行债务持有人首先承担损失,然后再由政府进行救助。

    One such process under consideration , known as a bail-in , would see private sector bank debt holders take losses before further government rescues took place .

  15. 相比之下,赛维LDK可以作为国际投资者的一个积极测试案例,此前他们对中国企业如何重组一无所知,也不知道是否能找到一个让国内外债权人都满意的清盘方案。

    In contrast , LDK serves as a positive test case for international investors , who previously had no idea how a Chinese restructuring might work , or if a successful resolution could be found that would please both onshore and offshore creditors .

  16. 我国公司债债权人保护完善之思考

    Thought on Perfecting Creditor 's Protection of Company Debt in China

  17. 我国债权人代位权行使方式仅限于裁判方式,存在缺陷;

    Way of exertion on subrogation is confined to by judgment .

  18. 公司资本真实与债权人保护研究

    Reserch of Relationship between Capital Reality and Creditor 's Rights Protection

  19. 债权人如何对分立后的企业主张债权

    How does the Creditor claim the rights after the company separated

  20. 新破产法对债权人会议表决标准的规定仍有需完善之处。

    The standard of voting in creditors meeting should be consummated .

  21. 债权人代位权的行使。

    The fourth part , exertion of creditors ' subrogate right .

  22. 债权人保护是现代公司治理中一个重要的问题。

    Creditor protection is an important issue of modern corporate governance .

  23. 这个决定反映了其对客户、债权人及利益相关者的承诺。

    The decision reflects its commitment to customers , creditors and stakeholders .

  24. 企业破产中债权人利益的保障

    Ensuring the Creditor 's Interest when the Enterprise Goes Bankrupt

  25. 关联企业债权人利益的公司法保护

    Creditors Protection in the Affiliate Enterprises by the Company Law

  26. 但同时,如何保护债权人利益就凸显重要性。

    Yet the protection of creditors'interest became much more important .

  27. 论公司法债权人保护制度的完善

    Perfection of the System of Creditor Protection in Company Law

  28. 论民事执行程序中对关联企业债权人的立法保护

    Legislative Protection to Creditors of Affiliated Enterprises in the Civil Execution Process

  29. 二是如何有效地保护债权人利益。

    The other is how to protect the creditors ' interests effectively .

  30. 有限责任合伙带来的最大问题应该是债权人保护问题。

    The big problems must be the creditor protection arising from LLP .