
  • 网络rolling over;extension;debt extension
  1. 轻率地将无力偿还的债务展期,并非健康银行体系的标志。

    Blithely rolling over unpayable debts is not the hallmark of a healthy banking system .

  2. 欧洲央行和成员国可能会在债务展期方面保持无止境的耐心,但他们不愿承认亏损,例如在希腊主权债务和西班牙银行业债务上的亏损。

    The ECB and member states may be infinitely patient in rolling over debt , but unwilling to recognise losses , for example on Greek sovereign and on Spanish banking debt .

  3. IMF暗示反对法国最近提出的临时债务展期等计划,这将不包括削减私营部门所持债权的价值。

    The fund signalled opposition to short-term rollover plans , such as that recently floated by France , which would not involve a reduction in the value of private sector holdings .

  4. 他们强调称,债务展期不太可能构成所谓的信用事件,从而引发信用违约互换(cds)这种违约保险产品的赔付。

    They underlined that a rollover was unlikely to constitute a so-called credit event , which would trigger payments on credit default swaps , a form of insurance against default .

  5. 基于债务展期的企业融资担保合约博弈分析

    The Game Analysis on Financing Guarantee Contract with Debt Exceeding

  6. 印度存在着巨额财政赤字,公共债务展期率也很高。

    India has high fiscal deficits and a high rollover rate for public debts .

  7. 债务展期金融契约视角下信用担保风险定价研究

    Study on Credit Guarantee Risk Pricing from the Perspective of Debt delay Finance Contract

  8. 幸运的话,此举有望帮助我们度过今年春季紧张的债务展期阶段。

    If we are lucky it might get us through the intense debt rollover period this spring .

  9. 这也标志着可能会放弃法国支持的让银行对其持有的希腊债务展期的计划。

    It also marks the possible abandonment of a French-backed plan for banks to roll-over their Greek debt .

  10. 法国银行业提出的将这些债务展期并进一步向希腊提供300亿欧元融资的方案,现在看来是死路一条。

    A proposal led by French banks to roll this over and offer Greece € 30bn of new financing now appears to be doomed .

  11. 这个预测幅度很大,原因包括两个最大的未知数:有多少私人债务展期?资本外逃的程度如何?

    The two largest question marks reflected in this wide range are how much private debt is rolled over and the extent of capital flight .

  12. 希腊政府已快要到达仅需借钱来为债务展期及偿付到期债务的阶段。

    The Greek government is now close to the point at which it needs to borrow only to roll over debts and cover its debt service .

  13. 有一种可能是,在2012年和2013年两年,为意大利、西班牙和比利时的公共债务展期和财政赤字提供融资担保。

    One possibility would be to guarantee financing of rollover of public debts and fiscal deficits for Italy , Spain and Belgium for 2012 and 2013 .

  14. 澳大利亚政府正在建立一个规模达40亿澳元(26亿美元)的基金,以救助那些无法对外国债务展期的商业地产投资者。

    The Australian government is creating a A $ 4 billion ( $ 2.6 billion ) fund to tide over commercial-property investors who cannot renew foreign debt .

  15. 一些人辩称,欧洲央行可以无限期地阻止债券市场爆发危机:通过购买二级市场的所有债券和为债务展期以及新融资发行的债券。

    Some argue that the ECB could stave off crises in bond markets indefinitely : by buying all bonds in the secondary market and those issued for rollovers and new financing .

  16. 然而每一次面对展期的要求,你都将需要越来越大的勇气,才能投出一份否决票。因为这个原因,我认为,债务展期将在长期上有利于一个政治性联盟的产生。

    But with each rollover , you will have to be progressively bold to vote no. This is why I believe that a debt rollover favours a political union in the long run .

  17. 这两套解决方案均要求,以“通过债务展期提供回旋空间”为目的改革会计准则,同时由政府收购资产,抑制价格的下跌。

    The two sets of solutions suggest changes to accounting rules aimed at providing " breathing space through forbearance " and purchases of assets by the authorities to put a floor under prices .

  18. 希腊正试图向美国投资者募资50亿至100亿美元,以解决五月份约100亿欧元(合135亿美元)的借款需求,用于到期债务展期和利息支付。

    Greece is seeking $ 5bn - $ 10bn from US investors to help cover its May borrowing requirement of about € 10bn ( $ 13.5bn ) to roll over maturing debt and meet interest payments .

  19. 台湾各国有银行持有全行业50%以上的资产,它们是力霸的主要债权人。这些银行的高管表示,过去10年来,为该集团进行债务展期乃是家常便饭。

    Executives at state-owned banks , which hold more than 50 per cent of Taiwan 's banking assets and are Rebar 's main creditors , say that rolling over debt for the group has been a routine move for them for the past 10 years .

  20. 未来两年,美国将有一半的政府债务需要展期。

    The US will roll over half its government borrowing in the next two years .

  21. 任何一个神智清醒的债权人都不会认为一个国家在这种形势下还能对债务进行展期。

    No sane creditor imagines that a country could roll over its debt in this situation .

  22. 类似的选择,也适用于当前是否对希腊债务给予展期的决策。

    A similar type of choice will also apply to the more immediate decision to roll over Greek debt .

  23. 按照我的设想,如果沿着债务持续展期的道路走下去,我们迟早会走到外围国家发生违约这一步。

    If we go down the route of permanent debt rollover , we will sooner or later arrive at a point where the periphery countries default – under my scenario .

  24. 到目前为止,希腊一直在押注财政援助的承诺将足以降低其借贷成本,使之得以对主权债务进行展期,并继续支付其账单。

    Until now Athens has bet that the promise of financial assistance would be enough to reduce its borrowing costs and allow it to roll over its sovereign debt and continue to pay its bills .

  25. 在单阶段展期模型的基础上,为改进单阶段展期模型的不足,提出了债务多阶段展期的担保定价模型,并给出了多阶段展期模型的风险定价方法。

    On the basis of debt one-period delay , it constructs the guarantee pricing model based on debt muti-period delay , and gives its pricing method .

  26. 今年10月初以压倒性优势上台的希腊新政府也没有多少时间,因为希腊明年将被迫借入约540亿欧元(合780亿美元)债务,以弥补预算赤字,并为到期债务的展期筹措资金。

    The government , which came to power after a landslide victory in early October elections , does not have much time either since Greece will have to borrow some € 54bn ( $ 78bn ) next year to finance the budget deficit and roll-over its maturing debt .