
  • 网络Debt Contract;bond indenture
  1. 在本文中,我们在连续时间框架下,考察一个自有资金有限,但有机会投资于某个项目的企业家,和一个拥有无限财富的投资者之间签订的长期债务合约。

    In this thesis , we consider a long-term debt contract in continuous time between a risk-neutral entrepreneur with lim-ited endowment of wealth , who has the opportunity to invest in a project , and a risk-neutral investor with unlimited wealth .

  2. 从长远来看,很多债务合约需要转变为风险分担合约。

    In the long run , many debt contracts need to be turned into risk-sharing contracts .

  3. 隐藏信息和隐藏行动的存在激励参与方签订债务合约;

    Hiding information and hiding behavior stimulate two parties to sign the loan contract ;

  4. 他谈到,就投资小企业而言,回报率最高的方式不是通过持股,而是通过特许权协议、债务合约和代理商协议,这一趋势正变得越来越明显。

    Increasingly , he says , the most rewarding way to invest in a small business is not through equity but via royalty agreements , debt instruments and factoring arrangements .

  5. 从可转换公司债券的债务合约特征和股票看涨期权特征出发,分析了其投资价值和投机价值,从而构造出可转换公司债券的投资收益曲线;

    This paper analyses the investing value and speculating value of covertible bonds according to the features of their liability contracts and stock call option . Then the investment income curves of convertible bonds are constructed .

  6. 戈登声称该学说的思想在于当整个金融体系被错误地认定为破产时,应该放宽债务合约期限,而且公众对于银行系统的支持力度还应该达到可以阻止或者解决大恐慌的程度。

    The " Livingston doctrine " , Mr Gorton claims , means that debt contracts should be relaxed and public support for the banking system expanded to prevent or resolve a generalised panic , when the entire financial system is wrongly treated as insolvent .

  7. 这家银行在上周五称,该行对希腊债务CDS合约的风险敞口或许高达10亿欧元。

    It said on Friday that it could have a 1 billion euro exposure to Greek CDs .

  8. 一方在对方履行债务不符合约定时,有权拒绝其相应的履行要求。

    If the other party rendered non-conforming performance , one party is entitled to reject its corresponding requirement for performance .

  9. 眼下,还没有人对针对企业债务违约的对冲合约价值提出质疑;企业cds似乎仍然运行相对良好。

    For the moment , nobody is questioning the value of those hedges against corporate risk ; the corporate CDs still appears to work relatively well .

  10. 由于欧盟似乎准备伸出援手,希腊的债务信心危机已经缓解,希腊债务保险合约的极端价格已随之大幅下跌。

    The crisis of confidence in Greek debt has eased , now that the European Union appears ready to help . The extreme price of insuring Greek debt fell sharply as a result .

  11. 这一改变使得Sprint公司将维持较高的债务利润比,因此也使得它不太可能违反关联债务合约。

    The terms allow Sprint to have a higher ratio of debt relative to its profits , making it less likely that it will breach covenants associated with its debt .