
zhài quán rén huì yì
  • creditors meeting;creditors council
  1. 6月15号有一个债权人会议,通告将送达所有已知的债权人。

    There will be a creditors meeting on June 15 and notices will be circulated to all known creditors .

  2. 新破产法对债权人会议表决标准的规定仍有需完善之处。

    The standard of voting in creditors meeting should be consummated .

  3. 试论债权人会议制度的若干法律问题

    On Several Legal Issues of Creditors ' Meeting System

  4. 破产程序中的债权人会议制度研究

    A Study of Creditor Meeting Law during Bankruptcy

  5. 第一次债权人会议及第一次分担人会议,须依下文的规定而召集。

    The first meetings of creditors and contributories shall be summoned as hereinafter provided .

  6. 债权人会议行使上列职权,应当作出书面决议。

    The creditors conference shall make a written resolution when exercising the above functions .

  7. 债权人会议的决议,对于全体债权人均有约束力。

    Resolutions of the creditors ' meeting shall be binding on all of the creditors .

  8. 债权人会议应当对所议事项的决议作成会议记录。

    Minutes shall be kept of the resolutions on the matters deliberated at creditors ' meetings .

  9. 债权人会议是破产程序中债权人自治的重要表现形式。

    The creditors meeting is an important form of the creditors ' autonomy in bankruptcy process .

  10. 管理人执行职务,应当接受债权人会议的监督。

    The manager is subject to the supervision of the creditors conference when performing its duties .

  11. 经债权人会议认可的偿债计划,对双方当事人具有约束力。

    The plan for liquidating debts recognized by the creditors conference is binding to both parties .

  12. 和解的方式是债务人与债权人会议以磋商的形式达成和解协议。

    Reconciliation system is to reach settlement agreement through mutual negotiation between debtor and meeting of creditors .

  13. 企业整顿的情况应当定期向债权人会议报告。

    The circumstances of the reorganization of the enterprise shall be periodically reported to the creditors ' meeting .

  14. 本文第一章介绍了债权人会议的立法基础和价值。

    In Chapter One , the author introduces the legislative basis and value of the creditors meeting mechanism .

  15. 此外,新破产法较旧破产法扩大了债权人会议的职权,这是我国新破产法的创新。

    Besides , The new bankruptcy law expanded the powers of creditors meeting than the former bankruptcy law .

  16. 本文第三章主要讨论债权人会议的法律地位。

    In Chapter Three , the author makes a discussion on the legal status of the creditors meeting .

  17. 管理人应当列席债权人会议,向债权人会议报告职务执行情况,并回答询问。

    The manager shall attend the creditors conference and report on its performance of duties and answer inquiries .

  18. 债务人的法定代表人必须列席债权人会议,回答债权人的询问。

    The legal representative of the debtor must attend the creditors ' meetings and answer the creditors inquiries .

  19. 债权人会议的成员,有权参加债权人会议,并享有表决权。

    All members of the creditors conference are entitled to participate the creditors conference and enjoy a right of voting .

  20. 第二,笔者介绍了工资优先权的实现程序,包括破产申请,债权申报和债权人会议。

    Secondly , the procedure of the realization includes application for bankrupt , declaration of credits and creditors ' meeting .

  21. 债权人会议设主席一人,由人民法院从有表决权的债权人中指定。

    The creditors conference has one chairman who will be appointed by the peoples court among creditors of voting right .

  22. 对于前二款规定的裁定,人民法院应当在债权人会议上宣布,无须另行通知和公告。

    The peoples court shall announce decisions provided in the proceeding two paragraphs in the creditors conference without further notification and public notice .

  23. 奥尼尔女士称,在两周后举行的第二次债权人会议前应当用来探索每一个可以挽救公司机会。

    Ms O'Neil said the next two weeks before the second creditors'meeting should be used to explore every opportunity to save the company .

  24. 第六十三条?召开债权人会议,管理人应当提前十五日通知已知的债权人。

    Article 63 : When a creditors ' meeting is to be held , the administrator shall notify the known creditors 15 days in advance .

  25. 借鉴国外有关立法经验,建立可转换公司债债权人会议制度是一种较为可行和必要的尝试。

    It is feasible and necessary to set up a mechanism of convertible corporate bondholder meeting through learning from relative legislative experience at home and abroad .

  26. 债权人会议正是为了满足这一需要而设置的,由全体债权人组成的集体决议机构。

    The meeting of creditors is set in order to meet the needs of forming a unity mean , by all creditors formed a collective body resolution .

  27. 对于本条第一款所列行为,债权人会议可以直接作出决议,或者以决议取代监督人的同意。

    The creditors conference may directly make resolutions on activities listed in the first paragraph of this article , or substitute the permission of the supervisor with resolutions .

  28. 破产清算人执行职务,应当向人民法院报告工作,并接受债权人会议和监督人的监督。

    The bankruptcy assignee shall report to the Peoples Court on its work when performing duties and be subject to supervision of the creditors conference and the supervisor .

  29. 债权人会议没有选任监督人的,实施前款规定的行为应当征得债权人会议的同意。

    Where the creditors conference fails to select and appoint a supervise , permission shall be acquired from the creditors conference to conduct activities provided in the proceeding paragraph .

  30. 代理人出席债权人会议,应当向人民法院或者债权人会议主席提交债权人的授权委托书。

    Where an agent participates in the conference , it shall present to the peoples court or the chairman of the creditors conference the creditors written form of authorization .