
zhài quán
  • Debt;creditor's rights;obligatory right;financial claim;hypothecation;right in personam;claim in personam
债权 [zhài quán]
  • [hypothecation; creditor's rights; financial claim] 索还债务的合法权利

债权[zhài quán]
  1. 我国应建立侵害债权制度

    China should establish the system of infringement of the creditor 's rights

  2. 但这种理想的债权担保制度,在现实实践中效果并不理想。

    But this ideal creditor 's rights guarantee system is not perfect in practice .

  3. ELA(EmergencyLiquidityAssistance)紧急流动性援助应急资金,目前正在实施,由欧洲央行借给希腊以确保该国政府与债权方商讨债务方案时,希腊银行能够保持资金流动。

    Emergency cash , in effect , loaned to Greece by the ECB to make sure Greek banks stay afloat while the country negotiates with its creditors .

  4. 但债权国们也显得实力雄厚,既让人着迷又令人畏惧

    But creditors also appear to be fascinatingly and horrifyingly powerful .

  5. 美国尚有足够的信用来让其得以选择一条更加有利可图的路径使它的债权人们渐渐贫困枯竭。

    America still has enough credibility to a more profitable path that would impoverish its creditors slowly .

  6. 今年,希腊再次要求债务减值,但是没有跟债权方达成协议。

    Greece pushed for a second debt haircut this year but has failed to reach an agreement with its creditors .

  7. 逾期未申报债权的,视为放弃债权。

    Creditors who fail to lodge their claims during the respective periods shall be deemed to have abandoned their rights .

  8. 2011年,希腊的私有银行债权方同意对希腊所欠债务减值50%,将希腊的债务减少了1000亿欧元。

    In 2011 , Greece 's private lenders received a massive 50 % haircut of what they were owed , reducing Greece 's debt by € 100bn ( $ 110bn ) .

  9. 3层模糊BP神经网络模型可以运用于不良资产债权价值评估。

    The 3-layer fuzzy back-propagation neural net model can accurately evaluate the NPL 's value relatively .

  10. 正如博弈论所预测的,正统芬兰人党(TrueFinns)、斯洛伐克人、欧洲央行(ECB)、债权银行和其他方面的搭便车行为,使得对任何事情达成合理的一致都变得几乎不可能。

    As game theory predicts , free riding by the True Finns , the Slovaks , the European Central Bank , creditor banks and others has made it nearly impossible to reach a sensible agreement on anything .

  11. 本文主要是运用信息有限性和融资优序理论,根据融资方式中的财政融资、内部融资、债权融资和股票融资分析了F水务公司的融资策略,并且分析了各自的风险,提出风险防范措施。

    This paper mainly uses information limited and pecking order theory , according to the financing mode of financing , internal financing , debt financing and stock financing analysis of F Water Service Company financing strategy , and analyzed their risk , put forward risk prevention measures .

  12. 国外对债权治理的研究始于上世纪七十年代,Jensen(1986)首次提出了负债的相机治理作用,表明债权治理的目的是保护投资者的利益不受侵犯,实现高效的经营管理。

    Research on Debt Financing Governance began in the 1970s abroad , Jensen ( 1986 ) first proposed the discretionary governance of debt , indicating that the purpose of debt financing governance are to protect the interests of investors and achieve efficient management .

  13. 债权、知识产权与物权的界分

    Division of Creditor 's Right , Knowledge Ownership and Real Right

  14. 债权期限结构影响因素的文献综述

    Review of the Determinant Factors of Firm 's Debt Maturity structure

  15. 第三人侵害债权的责任问题研究

    Study On Liability of Third Party 's Infringing On Obligatory Right

  16. 巨额金融债权损失,谁之过?

    Who is Responsible for Immense Financial Creditor 's Rights loss ?

  17. 采用或有债权分析方法推导出使收益最大化最佳投资时机的槛值,再用比较静态分析方法研究不同参数对槛值的正负影响及经济意义。

    The optimal investment rule is found by contingent claims analysis .

  18. 债权人如何对分立后的企业主张债权

    How does the Creditor claim the rights after the company separated

  19. 对强化金融债权管理的思考

    Thoughts on How to Strengthen the Management of Financial Obligatory Right

  20. 撤诉后债权诉讼时效是否中断

    Whether or not Time Effect Is Interrupted After Withdrawal of Lawsuits

  21. 税收债权私法保障研究

    On the Application of Private Law Safeguard-related Systems in Tax Claim

  22. 中国和其他债权国持有大量的美国债券。

    China and other creditor nations hold substantial amounts of U.S. debt .

  23. 侵害他人债权应承担损害赔偿责任问题探讨

    On Problems about Assuming Damages if Infringing Creditor 's Rights

  24. 债权价值评估中因保证责任产生的或有负债的处理

    Disposal of Contingent Liabilities Caused by Responsibility of Guarantee in Debt Valuation

  25. 在通知的主体方面,债权受让人进行通知应该有一些特殊的要求。

    The notice of assignee should have some specific requirements .

  26. 论债权质权中第三债务人的保护

    On the Protection of Third Debtor in Pledge of Credit

  27. 论债权治理机制及其在我国的实践

    Analysis of Creditor Governance and Its ′ Practice in China

  28. 破产债权的申报与调查制度研究

    A Study on the System of Proof and Investigation for Insolvent Credit

  29. 金融债权凭证与其所记载的财物具有分离性的特点。

    Financial claims documents and records with dissociative characteristic property .

  30. 在《企业破产法》中应建立定金债权优先清偿制度

    Establishing the First Earnest Money Obligatory Rights System in Enterprise Bankruptcy Act