
  • 网络Claims Trust
  1. 诉讼信托不同诉讼担当、诉讼代理和债权信托。

    Litigation trust is different from litigation take-on , litigation surrogate and credit-right trust . A suit brought for trespassing .

  2. 债权的信托在我国也应适用债权让与的法律规定。

    The trust of credit also follows the rules of credit-assignment in China .

  3. 对于资产证券化路径设计,建议在资产证券化移转方式的选择上,采用债权让与式与信托移转式;

    For the route design of asset securitylization , I suggest that adopt obligatory right assigning mode and fiduciary transferring mode on the transferring mode for asset securitylization ;