
  • 网络debt maturity structure;Structure of Debt Maturity
  1. 债务期限结构研究:文献述评与研究展望

    Research on Debt Maturity Structure : Literature Review and Research Prospect

  2. 流通股比例与债务期限结构负相关。

    Outstanding shares and debt maturity structure have the negative correlations .

  3. 债务期限结构的权衡思想的实证检验

    Empirical Study on the Trade-off Idea of Debt Maturity Structure

  4. 我国上市公司债务期限结构研究

    Study on Debt Maturity Structure of Listed Companies in China

  5. 债务期限结构与代理成本的相关性实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of Association between Debt Maturity Structure and Agent Cost

  6. 行业类别和公司债务期限结构选择&来自中国上市公司的经验证据

    Industry Classification and the Choice of Corporate Debt Maturity Structure

  7. 企业债务期限结构是债务契约的重要内容。

    Corporate debt maturity structure is an important part of the debt contracts .

  8. 选择不同债务期限结构的企业,传递了不同的申贷项目的质量,而银行可以根据这一情况,根据企业贷款的期限结构对申贷项目的质量进行甄别。

    The firm with different quality project would choose different debt maturity structure .

  9. 破产风险、管理者机会主义行为与债务期限结构

    Bankruptcy risk , managerial opportunism behavior and debt maturity

  10. 首先,本文对债务期限结构的研究进行文献综述。

    Firstly , this dissertation will review the existed literatures about debt maturity structure .

  11. 目前对债务期限结构的研究主要是从公司治理、公司特征等企业内部因素来进行分析的。

    The debt maturity structure is analyzed from the corporate governance characteristics and internal factors .

  12. 债务期限结构的经济后果&来自我国上市公司的经验证据

    On economic Outcome of Debt Maturity Structure & Evidence From the Listed Companies in China

  13. 而良好的公司治理又有利于企业做出正确的债务期限结构决策。

    And good corporate governance can help enterprises make the right debt maturity structure decisions .

  14. 其中,债务期限结构决策是思考的重点。

    Among them , the debt maturity structure of decision-making is the focus of thinking .

  15. 本文实证过程中还对已有债务期限结构理论在我国的适用性进行了验证。

    This paper also verifies the applicability of existing theory of debt maturity in China .

  16. 而理论研究主要集中在债务期限结构和企业投资之间的关系。

    The theoretical research focuses on the relationship between debt maturity structure and business investment .

  17. 企业的债务期限结构是指企业的总负债中长期债务和短期债务的构成结构与所占比重。

    The debt maturity structure of firm is composing structure and proportion with different term debt .

  18. 债务期限结构对我国上市公司过度投资行为影响的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis about the Impacts of Debt Maturity Structure on Chinese Listed Companies ' Overinvestment

  19. 信号传递下的企业债务期限结构选择

    Signalling with Firm Debt Maturity Choice

  20. 区域金融发展与我国上市公司债务期限结构

    Regional Financial Development and the Debt Maturity Structure of Chinese Listed Companies : An Empirical Analysis

  21. 公司债务期限结构问题研究综述

    Overview of Corporate Debt Maturity Structure

  22. 债务期限结构和公司治理是现代公司理论和实践中两个至关重要的问题。

    Debt maturity structure and corporate governance are two crucial issues of practice and modern corporate theory .

  23. 债务期限结构指公司债务中长期债务和短期负债之间的比例关系。

    The debt maturity structure refers to the relationship between long-term , midterm liabilities and short term ones .

  24. 最后,进行了政治关系对民营企业债务期限结构影响的实证研究。

    At last conducts empirical study on the influence of political connections to private firm debt maturity structure .

  25. 正如流动风险理论预期的那样,资本结构和债务期限结构成正向关系。

    There is a positive relationship between leverage and maturity , as predicted by the liquidity risk argument .

  26. 通货膨胀率和预期通货膨胀率都与资产负债率和债务期限结构显著的正相关。

    Inflation and expected inflation rates are all positively associated with assets liabilities ratio and debt maturity structure .

  27. 我国上市公司应收账款管理与债务期限结构的相关性研究

    A Study on the Correlation between Accounts Receivable Management and Debt Maturity Structure of Listed Companies in China

  28. 债务期限结构理论表明,在不完善的资本市场中,债务期限结构确实影响企业价值。

    Debt maturity structure theories show that in imperfect capital markets , debt maturity structure indeed influences firm value .

  29. 债务期限结构影响因素和双向效应动态调整模型&来自中国上市公司的经验证据

    The Determinants of Debt Maturity and a Two-way effects Dynamic Adjustment Model & Empirical Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies

  30. 在国内,关于债务期限结构的研究起步很晚,而且存在很多缺陷。

    In domestic , the study on Debt Maturity Structure has just begun and there exist lots of defects .