
  1. 考虑到希腊的债务、预算与经常账户赤字和竞争力的极度低下,该国根本无力摆脱债务陷阱。

    Given its debt , its budget and current account deficits and its woeful lack of competitiveness , Greece cannot escape the debt trap .

  2. 在全球经济日趋放缓的背景下,这种做法必将造成债务国预算赤字不断恶化,原因是税收将受到衰退的侵蚀。

    Against the background of a weakening global economy this formula ensures a worsening of the debtors ' budget deficits as tax revenues are eroded by recession .

  3. 建立规范的地方政府举债融资机制,把地方政府性债务纳入预算管理,推行政府综合财务报告制度,防范和化解债务风险。

    We will establish a standard financing mechanism for local governments to issue bonds and place local government debt under budgetary management . We will implement a comprehensive government financial reporting system and guard against and defuse debt risks .

  4. 看看他们的贸易收支情况吧,他们的债务,还有预算。

    Look at their trade balance , their debt , and budget .

  5. 数月来,投资者一直在紧张地关注着西班牙、葡萄牙和爱尔兰的债务水平和预算赤字状况。

    Investors have been looking nervously at debt-levels and budget deficits in Spain , Portugal and Ireland for months .

  6. 各国被监控的不仅包括过度的赤字和债务,还有预算失衡和日益下降的竞争力。

    Countries will be monitored not just for excessive deficits and debts , but also for imbalances and falling competitiveness .

  7. 西班牙是欧元区第四大经济体,目前失业率为19%,楼市泡沫破裂,债务累累,预算赤字巨大。

    The euro zone 's No. 4 economy , Spain has an unemployment rate of 19 % , a deflating housing bubble , big debts and a gaping budget deficit .

  8. 不过奥巴马政府官员表示,政府将接近达成一个关键的财政目标:到2015年实现基本平衡(不计债务利息),预算赤字与GDP之比略高于3%。

    Still , Obama administration officials say they will come close to achieving a key fiscal goal : a primary balance , excluding interest on the debt , by 2015 , with a budget deficit just above 3 per cent of GDP .

  9. 希腊政府旨在降低债务负担的削减预算只会让增长前景进一步恶化。

    The Greek government budget cuts aimed at reducing the debt burden only makes the growth picture worse .

  10. 在未来几年里,中国将有充足的资金来用于空间技术的飞跃,与此同时,美国将因为更高的债务和紧缩的预算而受挫。

    In the coming years , China will have plenty of cash for great leaps forward in space , while the United States will be hamstrung by higher debt and tighter budgets .

  11. 第二,提出了把县乡政府债务纳入省市财政预算管理,通过财政转移支付补偿来化解县乡债务。

    Second , by the county and township government debt should be included in provincial and municipal financial budget management , through the financial transfer payment of compensation to defuse County township debt .

  12. 她通过谈判,为利比里亚免除了大量债务,将国家预算提高了三倍以上,对腐败行为展开大规模调查,并创建了一个真相与和解委员会,调查内战期间的种种罪行。

    She negotiated significant debt relief , more than quadrupled the national budget , opened a large investigation into corruption and started a truth and reconciliation commission to address crimes committed during the civil war .

  13. 台湾拥有较低的外部债务、可控的预算赤字、充足的经常账户盈余和3600亿美元外汇储备资产(亚洲第三大规模),因此看起来它能够很好地度过任何风暴。

    With low external debt , a manageable budget deficit , a bulging current account surplus and a $ 360bn pile of reserve assets – Asia 's third largest – Taiwan seems well placed to ride out any storm .

  14. 今年10月初以压倒性优势上台的希腊新政府也没有多少时间,因为希腊明年将被迫借入约540亿欧元(合780亿美元)债务,以弥补预算赤字,并为到期债务的展期筹措资金。

    The government , which came to power after a landslide victory in early October elections , does not have much time either since Greece will have to borrow some € 54bn ( $ 78bn ) next year to finance the budget deficit and roll-over its maturing debt .