
  1. 主要分析与债权出资有关的概念和原理。

    It mainly analyzes the conception and theory on Creditors ' rights investment .

  2. 理论界对于债权出资的概念界定存在不同的观点。

    Experts said they have funded claims for defining the existence of different views .

  3. 在我国关于债权出资的概念主要存在广义说和狭义说两种学说。

    In China the concept of debt-funded largely generalized and narrowly stated that two theories .

  4. 因此,近年来学界对于债权出资持比较肯定的态度。

    Therefore , in recent years , investors have adopted a more academic credit for the positive attitude .

  5. 第二部分主要是以对目标公司的债权出资的风险及风险防控的分析。

    The second part is the analysis of the risk of the credit to the target company investment .

  6. 根据我国的合同法和公司法的相关规定可知,债权出资具有浓厚的理论基础。

    According to the relevant provisions of contract law and company law , debt funded with a strong theoretical basis .

  7. 最后,针对债权出资的特定情形,提出债权比例应予适当扩大的主张。

    Finally , the investor claims against the specific circumstances , the proposal on the expanded ratio of credit investment .

  8. 其次,文章还介绍了债转股的基本理论,如将债转股与可转换公司债、以债权出资、借贷资本等相似法律概念作了比较。

    In addition , Secondly , this article compares Debt-to-Equity Swap with convertible debts , investing debt and capital on loan .

  9. 因此,债权出资的风险防控问题就值得特别的关注,然而我国理论界对这个问题的研究并不细致透彻。

    Therefore , the prevention and control of the risk of the creditor ` s rights investment is worthy of particular concern .

  10. 然后,分析了对公司债权出资和对第三人债权出资两种出资类型的可行性。

    Furthermore , it analyzes the availability that company Creditors ' right investment and the Creditors ' right of the third party .

  11. 从实践上来看,九十年代初的政策性债转股为债权出资积累了一定的基础。

    From a practical point of view , the policy of the early nineties for the debt financing debt accumulated a certain foundation .

  12. 债权出资包括以公司为债务人的债权出资和以第三人为债务人的债权出资两种。

    Funded claims including the claims of the debtor after the company and the third party debtor of the debt-funded in two ways .

  13. 我国债权出资的实践由来已久,但债权出资是否属于合法的出资方式却富有争议。

    There 's long-standing practice of creditor 's rights investment in China , but whether its investment style is legitimate or not has been controverted .

  14. 在现代社会中,债权出资已经从获得物权的手段发展成为独立的财产形态。

    Funded debt is part of company capital system and credit investment in modern society has access to means to become independent of the real right property forms .

  15. 法律的允许与具体制度的缺失使得债权出资的风险问题显得更为突出,因此制定合理易行的风险防范制度尤为必要。

    The law allows and the lack of specific system makes even more prominent risk , and therefore develop a reasonable system of risk prevention is especially necessary .

  16. 针对债权出资的不安全性、债权出资的难评估性等缺陷所可能引发的风险,设计了一套风险防范措施。

    For the financial claims of insecurity , debt-funded nature of such defects difficult to assess the risks that might lead to design a set of risk prevention measures .

  17. 有的国家对债权出资仍然是禁止的态度,而有的国家对债权出资是有限制的承认,甚至是承认债权出资的合法性。

    Some claims State funding continues to be prohibited , but some national recognition of funded debt is restricted , or even recognize the legitimacy of the funded debt .

  18. 首先对于债权出资的比例进行限制,有助于在承认债权出资合法性的情况下,保障公司的经营活动的顺利经营发展。

    First of all for limiting the proportion of debt-funded , helps in recognizing cases of debt-funded legitimacy , guarantee the smooth operation of the business activities of the company development .

  19. 债权出资可以估价并且依据合同法的规定可知债权可以发生转让,由此我们可推知,对于债权出资我国是采用了接受的态度。

    Debt investment valuation and transfer of claims under the provisions of contract law can take place , from this we can infer , attitudes towards debt funding is accepted in China .

  20. 第二章债权出资的可行性研究:本章首先通过分析债权在发展过程中呈现出的变化,以及各国对债权让与的予以认可立法态度,奠定债权出资的依据。

    This chapter begins by analyzing the claims presented in the development process changes , as well as countries of Credit , shall be recognized legislative approach , laying the basis for financial claims .

  21. 第三章债权出资的国内外比较:本章主要从英美法系与大陆法系相关国家对债权出资立法态度的进行比较考察,进一步得出我国立法上承认债权出资乃时代需求。

    This chapter from the common law and civil law claims related to the state legislature funded study comparing attitudes of further legislative recognition that our country is the need of the times debt financing .

  22. 主要从债权出资的概念、理论基础、现物出资要件的符合性和各国的立法实践这五个角度,对债权出资做一个简要的介绍。

    The author makes a brief introduction of the creditor ` s rights investment from five angles , for example , the concept , theoretical basis , conditions of physical capital , legislations of different countries .

  23. 首先介绍了对债权出资进行立法规制的必要性,最后笔者重点探讨了债权出资中的审查制度、评估制度及债权出资担保制度和比例问题的立法设想。

    Firstly , it introduces the necessity of legislation and regulation on Creditors ' right investment . Than the author particularly discusses the censor system , evaluation system , insurance system of Creditors right as well as the proportion of Creditors ' rights .

  24. 针对以对第三人的债权出资的三大类型风险分别提出了公示机制、表决机制、评估机制、验资机制、担保机制、保险机制、转让机制和退出机制。

    Against the risk of the credit to the tired investment , the author suggests different countermeasures , just such as notification mechanism , voting mechanism , assessing mechanism , validating mechanism , guaranteeing mechanism , insuring mechanism and transferring mechanism and exiting mechanism .

  25. 为了保证资本的确定性,保护公司债权人的利益,股东以对第三人债权出资,必须对出资债权的实现承担担保责任。

    In order to ensure the certainty of capital and protect the interests of the creditor , the shareholder , who contribute credior ' right to the company as a third party , must be liable to guarantee the realization of the credior ' right .

  26. 我国现行公司法对于债权出资没有以明确的表述加以规定,但是我们根据现行公司法的规定可知:对于非货币出资只要是能用货币进行估价并且能够依法转让的财产都可以用作出资。

    Existing company law for debt-funded without clear wording of provisions , but under the existing provisions of the company law : for non-monetary funds as long as the money can be used for the valuation and transfer of property as a form of investment .

  27. 另一种是股东以其对第三人享有的债权作为出资投入到公司,并由公司对第三人享有债权。

    Another kind is enjoyed by the shareholders of the company as a contribution to claims of third party , and the company has rights .

  28. 本文分析了债转股在法律上的诸多障碍,然后提出了自己的一些对策,诸如:建立债权转让市场、允许以债权出资、制定资产管理公司特别法、降低上市标准等。

    The authors of this article give points of the obstacles , and then put forward their proposal , such as : constructing market system to transfer bad claims , allowing investor invest with claims , legislate the special law of capital management company and so on .

  29. 其次,对债权地位的重新认识,也将对债权能否作为出资类型予以更充分的理论支持。

    Secondly , new understanding of the status of claims , claims will also is able to type , as more fully funded theoretical support .

  30. 该章节不但从学理上探讨了由于债权的不安全性,随意性,隐蔽性造成债权出资存在的问题。

    This chapter not only academically discussed claims due to safety , capriciousness , concealment claims the problems caused by capital contribution .