
  • 网络injection;investment;Asset Injection;Capital Injection
  1. 《经济观察报》(EconomicObserver)上周末报道称,农行将得到400亿美元的注资。

    The Economic Observer reported at the weekend ABC would receive a capital injection of $ 40bn .

  2. 但是,与高盛(Goldman)不同的是,摩根大通不需要筹集额外资本。高盛本周募集了55亿美元,以帮助偿还政府的100亿美元注资。

    But , unlike Goldman , which raised $ 5.5bn this week to help repay its $ 10bn capital injection , JPMorgan needed no extra capital .

  3. 该公司要向该计划注资约3,000万美元。

    The company was pouring around $ 30 million into the scheme .

  4. 当时,微软便曾向困难重重的苹果公司(Apple)注资1.5亿美元。

    In 1997 , Microsoft invested $ 150 million in a struggling apple ( AAPL ) .

  5. 台湾政府昨日向陷于困境的中华商业银行(TheChineseBank)注资纾困,并承诺保障储蓄客户的存款,以防这家银行的流动性危机扩散。

    Taiwan 's government tried yesterday to prevent a liquidity crisis at The Chinese Bank from spreading by injecting additional funds into the ailing lender and promising to guarantee depositors ' savings .

  6. 在1998年长期资本管理公司(long-termcapitalmanagement)濒临崩溃时,巴菲特给了其管理层一个小时的时间来决定,是接受还是拒绝他现金注资的条件。

    When the hedge fund long term capital management was imploding in 1998 , Mr Buffett gave its managers an hour to accept or reject his terms for a cash infusion .

  7. 理想的情况是,对西班牙银行的纾困应立即进行,并且应该采取用欧盟(eu)纾困基金直接注资的形式。

    Ideally , a bailout for Spanish banks should come immediately and in the form of direct capital injections from the EU bailout funds .

  8. 欧盟委员会(europeancommission)已谨慎提议,在动用欧元区纾困基金向私营银行注资前,先由各成员国自行补偿这些银行的损失。

    The European Commission has discreetly proposed to have member states make good the losses of private banks before they are recapitalised with eurozone rescue funds .

  9. 近4年前,微软公司(Microsoft)以150亿美元的估价,向Facebook注资2.4亿美元。

    Nearly four years ago , Microsoft ( MSFT ) invested $ 240 million in Facebook at a valuation of $ 15 billion .

  10. 其中,俄罗斯的数字天空科技(DigitalSkyTechnologies)集团今年就为京东注资5亿美元,这家公司也是Facebook、社交游戏开发商Zynga、和团购网站Groupon背后的投资者。

    Digital Sky Technologies ( DST ) & the Russian firm that is backing Facebook , Zynga , and grouponinvested $ 500 million this year .

  11. 通用电气希望,通过注资Pivotal,公司可以有一个更好的途径来为客户快速开发、部署大数据商务应用。

    With pivotal , Ge hopes it will have a better way to quickly build and deploy big data business applications for its customers .

  12. 然而,目前EFSF的授权和规模都需要扩大,涵盖向银行注资的任务。

    The EFSF 's mandate and size need to be expanded to include bank recapitalization .

  13. 投资者已向ImpossibleFoods注资逾1.8亿美元,这家公司试图用味道和气味与肉类相似、但由植物制成的食品来替代肉食。

    Investors have poured more than $ 180m into Impossible Foods , which is trying to replace meat with something that tastes and smells similar but is made from plants .

  14. 在富达投资(FidelityInvestments)向Uber注资数亿美元之前约20年,Uber就创建了提供黑色轿车服务的波士顿轿车(BostonCoach)公司。

    Nearly two decades before Fidelity Investments pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into Uber , the firm created black car service Boston Coach .

  15. 据新汉末谢尔大学(UniversityofNewHampshire)的风险研究中心(CentreforVentureResearch),去年,天使投资者向年轻公司的注资,从2009年的$176亿上升到了约$200亿美元。

    According to the Centre for Venture Research at the University of New Hampshire , angel investors in America pumped about $ 20 billion into young firms last year , up from $ 17.6 billion in 2009 .

  16. 官方通讯社新华社旗下的《经济参考报》(EconomicInformationDaily)报道称,首批发债规模为3000亿元人民币(合480亿美元),将很快由政策性银行发行。今年春季,这些银行获得注资。

    A first batch of Rmb300bn ( $ 48bn ) out of a planned Rmb1tn will be issued soon by policy banks that were recapitalised this spring , the Economic Information Daily , a newspaper run by the official Xinhua news agency , said .

  17. 瑞士银行(UBSAG)则属于另一个极端,作为政府注资计划的一部分,它同意采用国际“最佳规范”支付高管人员薪酬,并接受政府监督。

    At the other extreme , Switzerland 's UBS AG agreed as part of a government recapitalization plan to use international'best practices'for executive pay and accept government monitoring .

  18. 智能手机制造商HTC计划向Beats电子公司注资3亿美元,Beats公司曾推出了BeatsbyDr.Dre系列音响器材。

    Smartphone maker HTC is investing $ 300 million in beats electronics , the same company that releases various beats by Dr. dre audio products .

  19. WrkRiot前首席技术官兼联合创始人阿尔•布朗(AlBrown)表示,崔原计划个人注资200万美元,但后来只投了40万美元。

    WrkRiot 's former chief technology officer and co-founder , Al Brown , said Choi had intended to put $ 2 million of his own money into the company but that only $ 400000 had materialized .

  20. 然而,海湾投资者的影响力正在上升,因为它们参与了包括为花旗集团(citigroup)和瑞银(ubs)注资等高调交易。

    But the influence of Gulf investors is rising as they participate in high-profile deals including capital injections into financial institutions such as Citigroup and UBS .

  21. 在去年初被Borland忍痛抛弃之后,它单独注资成立了一个新的公司&CodeGear。

    After being virtually abandoned by Borland early last year , it was resurrected in a spin-off company called CodeGear .

  22. 与花旗(Citigroup)和瑞银(UBS)最近与主权财富基金达成的类似交易一样,在摩根士丹利蒙受惨重的次贷损失后,中投公司的注资将为其资产负债表提供支撑。

    Like similar sovereign wealth fund deals agreed recently by Citigroup and UBS , the capital injection bolsters Morgan Stanley 's balance sheet following big subprime losses .

  23. imf经济学家从直接支持(包括注资和资产购买)、银行融资担保以及非标准央行贷款三方面,对美国未来5年的复苏成本进行了研究。

    IMF economists looked at costs net of recoveries over five years on direct support ( including capital injections and asset purchases ) , bank funding guarantees and non-standard central bank loans .

  24. 届时,EFSF便能够向银行业注资,并在公开市场上购买身处困境的国家的国债。

    The EFSF would then be able to inject capital into banks and purchase bonds of distressed governments on the open market .

  25. 瑞士银行瑞银集团(UBS)获得了对其去年所呈提议的预批函,它提议向国有的北京证券(BeijingSecurities)注资2亿美元,以换取后者20%的股份。

    UBS , the Swiss bank , has been granted preparatory approval for its proposal , submitted last year , to inject $ 200m into the state-owned Beijing Securities in return for a 20 per cent stake .

  26. 它可以选择直接为欧洲财政稳定机构(EFSF)注资,也可以根据她的请求提供帮助。

    It could contribute to the European Financial Stability Facility ( EFSF ) directly or by providing it with a back-stop on request .

  27. 高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)估计欧元区外围成员国银行受到的冲击将最为严重,其结果是38家银行需要300亿到920亿欧元的注资。

    Goldman Sachs ( GS ) estimates that banks in the peripheral eurozone would be hit the hardest , resulting in 38 banks requiring between 30 billion and 92 billion euros .

  28. 而高盛、富国银行(wellsfargo)和美国银行(bankofamerica)等其它一些银行,预计不会立即进入这场收购争夺战,而是会用注资来提高其借贷能力,支撑资产负债表。

    Others , like Goldman Sachs , Wells Fargo and Bank of America are expected not to enter the takeover fray immediately and use the cash infusion to increase their lending capacity and bolster their balance sheets instead .

  29. Kabam是一家风投注资的私营公司,主要有三大业务。

    Privately held and venture-capital backed kabam has three distinct businesses .

  30. 至于投资者也很可能会向这款游戏的开发商Zynga公司注资入股,当然作为多款在线游戏的开发商,投资者愿意给其股份开出的价格可要比鸡的饲料价格高。

    And investors are likely to pay more than chicken feed for shares in Zynga , the firm that makes FarmVille and other online games .