
  • registered company;incorporated;company incorporated
  1. 布兰南也表示,注册公司要求的书面工作,令他颇为头痛,而crispthinking的亚当希尔德雷思则表示,人员管理是一项挑战。

    Mr Brannan also says he has struggled with the paperwork required for a registered company , while Adam Hildreth of crisp thinking says managing people can be a challenge .

  2. 注册公司是独立的法律实体。和自然人很大程度上一样拥有权力,负担义务。

    Registered company is a seperate legal entity ; it possesses rights and is subject to duties in much the same way as a natural person .

  3. 我需要VI设计银行帐户与VI设计公司-但它保证了银行帐户将被打开后,我注册公司?

    I need an offshore company with an offshore bank account – but is it guaranteed that the bank account will be opened after I register the company ?

  4. 根据美国劳工统计局(BLS)数据,截至2008年8月份,美国有580万人拥有自己的企业,还有1030万人自己单干但没有注册公司。

    In August 2008 , 5.8m Americans worked for their own companies , and another 10.3m were self-employed but did not incorporate , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

  5. 域名注册公司GoDaddy的总部设在亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔市,该公司5月份在坦佩开工建设新的全球技术中心。

    Domain name registrar GoDaddy , which is based in Scottsdale , Ariz. , broke ground in May on its new Global Technology Center in Tempe .

  6. 在香港注册公司,有没有经营范围的限制?

    Are there any limits about business scope of HK company ?

  7. “都是中国制造么?上海注册公司”他问。

    " Is it all from China ?" he asks .

  8. 找一家便宜的注册公司,注册你的域名。

    Find an inexpensive registrar and register your domain .

  9. 如何在法国注册公司和办事处

    How to Register Your Office and Company in France

  10. 布什政府同意开始着手研究海外注册公司激增的情况。

    The Bush administration agreed to study the explosion in companies moving offshore .

  11. 同样,这里对于任何人在任何地方注册公司并没有特定的限制。

    Again , there is no restriction on who can register a company in any particular location .

  12. 在大陆上市能刺激这些公司的H股价格上涨。H股为大陆注册公司在香港股市发行的股票。

    These mainland listings could boost the companies'Class-H shares , or shares of mainland-registered companies that trade in Hong Kong .

  13. A股和H股都是由中国境内注册公司发行的普通股股票,却一直处于同股不同价的分割状态。

    China A-shares and H-shares are both ordinary shares issued by Chinese domestic companies , but with different prices all the time .

  14. 然而,加强金融透明度一事,仍遭到负责注册公司企业的州政府的强烈抗拒。

    Resistance to greater corporate transparency is still strong at the state level , however , where companies and corporations are registered .

  15. 在香港注册公司没有外汇管制、资金进出自由;各种外币可以随时兑换调动;

    No foreign exchange control , the capital flows at liberty , each kind of currency can be exchange and transferred at anytime ;

  16. 海外注册公司须在本港设立营业地点后一个月内,把某些文件送交公司注册处登记。

    Companies incorporated overseas must register certain documents with the Registry within one month of establishing a place of business in Hong Kong .

  17. 一九九九年,共有658家海外注册公司办理注册。与注册组长联络以安排上课时注册步骤及人员。

    During 1999 , 658 of these were registered . Arrange with the Registrar to set up registration procedures and personnel at the course ( s ) .

  18. 所有出品公司均是香港注册公司,有关影片即属香港电影;

    All the presenting companies involved in film production must be registered companies in Hong Kong ( For partly companies registered outside Hong Kong , please refer to part b ) .

  19. 不过,外国投资者可以自由交易h股,即在不实施资本管制的香港上市的中国内地注册公司的股票。

    Foreign investors can , however , invest freely in the " H shares " of companies domiciled on the mainland but listed in Hong Kong , which has no capital controls .

  20. 中国政府通报称,2014年3月至2015年5月,中国新增480万家注册公司,相当于每天增加10600家,或者说每分钟七家。

    The Chinese government reported that 4.8 million new companies were registered from March 2014 to May 2015 , a rate of 10600 new businesses per day , or seven every minute .

  21. 商务部发言人姚坚周二说,谷歌在中国有两家注册公司,但迄今商务部尚未接到两家公司有意退出的报告。

    On Tuesday , Ministry of Commerce spokesman Yao Jian said Google has two companies registered , but so far the ministry hasn 't received any reports regarding an exit of either company .

  22. 如果有更多的人自己创业注册公司,他不仅能解决自己的就业问题,如果他雇佣一名员工,那么一个人就解决了两个的就业问题。

    If more people start up their own company , he not only can solve their employment problems , if he hired an employee , a person to solve the employment problem of the two .

  23. 要获得Tier1投资者签证,申请人必须投资200万英镑以上,投资对象必须是英国注册公司的债务或股份,或者英国政府债券,向房地产相关集团的投资则不计入。

    To obtain a Tier 1 visa , applicants must invest more than £ 2m in the debt or equity of active UK-registered companies or UK government bonds and are not allowed to invest in property-related groups .

  24. 与在所有其他国家(除美国和维京群岛以外)注册的公司相比,在巴拿马注册的公司出现在世界银行(WorldBank)2010年发布的大型腐败案例数据库当中的几率更高。

    Companies incorporated in Panama were more likely to appear in the World Bank 's database of big corruption cases , published in 2010 , than those of any other country except the US and the British Virgin Islands .

  25. 直接把已经中国单机游戏门户站、早已拥有几百万FANS的游侠网名字借用,并且堂而皇之的注册成为公司名字。

    Direct already net name uses the station of portal of Chinese stand-alone game , You Xia that has millions of FANS already , and hall and of emperor register make company name .

  26. 中国存托凭证(CDR)是境外注册的公司在中国境内发行的代表境外公司股票的可转让证券。

    Chinese depositary receipt ( CDR ) is a certificate issued by a depositary representing ownership of a specified number of shares in a foreign company .

  27. 尽管Telegram是一家同时在英国和美国注册的公司,该公司并未披露其租用的办公地点位于何处,或者用来租用这些办公地点的法人实体是什么。

    Though Telegram is registered as both a British and a US company , it does not disclose where it rents offices or the legal entities it uses to rent them .

  28. 所有进行预注册的公司都将成为物质信息交流论坛(SIEF论坛)的成员。

    All companies that pre-register will become a member of a Substance Information Exchange Forum ( SIEF ) for the substance concerned .

  29. 香港域名注册有限公司可随时终止此优惠计划而不须另行通知。

    HKDNR can terminate the program at any time without giving prior notice .

  30. 投资方和操作方在香港注册平台公司。

    The investor and the middleman register a platform company in Hong Kong ;