
  • 网络Corporate Governance Culture
  1. 公司治理文化成本的会计学分析

    Analysis on the cost of corporate governance culture with accounting

  2. 试论公司治理文化对企业创新的作用机制

    On the Operating Mechanism Using Corporate Governance Culture to the Enterprise Innovation

  3. 公司治理文化,企业竞争力和形成路径

    Corporate Governance Culture , Corporate Competitiveness and Forming Path

  4. 论公司治理文化的生命周期

    The Analysis of Life Cycle of Corporate Governance Culture

  5. 论公司治理文化的风险及对策

    On the Risks and Countermeasures of Corporate Governance Culture

  6. 我国公司治理文化理论与实证研究

    Theoretical and Positive Study on Chinese Corporate Governance Culture

  7. 第三章对公司治理文化的概念与结构进行了深入的理论分析。

    In Chapter 3 , we analyze theoretically the concept and structure of corporate governance culture .

  8. 公司治理文化研究综述

    Summary of Corporation Governance Culture

  9. 我国的公司治理文化和商业社会的程度也不适合独立董事制度的发展。

    Corporate governance culture and the degree of business society is not fit for the development of independent director 's system either .

  10. 首先,本文从生成的层面和形成主体的不同,将企业文化分为公司治理文化、管理文化和执行文化。

    First , from the differences of formation and main bodies , corporate culture is divided into CGC , managerial culture and executive culture .

  11. 创建股份银行的公司治理文化,形成与市场经济相适应的文化理念,为银行的持续发展提供长期的不竭的精神动力。

    To create company governing culture of stock bank , forming the culture Id é e which fits with market economy , providing sustained development of the bank with long-term and unceasing dynamism .

  12. 并在前人研究的基础上提出了公司治理文化直接影响着公司治理结构和公司治理机制的有效性,是构成企业竞争力的核心要素之一。

    Then based on previous researches , it puts forward that CGC , one of the core factors of corporate competitiveness , influences the effectiveness of corporate governance structure and governance mechanism directly .

  13. 公司治理文化的风险是企业在跨国经营中必须面对的实际问题,公司治理文化的风险根源在于不同文化之间的差异及其对企业的影响。

    The corporate governance culture risk is a practical problem which multinational enterprises have to solve . The risks originate from the cultural differences , which have an important impact on the enterprise .

  14. 本文研究不但为创新型企业的公司治理文化指明了方向,而且对公司治理文化的管理具有指导意义,同时对公司治理制度与公司治理文化的配合具有参考意义。

    This study not only shows the direction of corporate governance culture , but also has a significance to the management of the corporate governance culture and has much reference to the conjugation of culture and institution .

  15. 公司治理的文化路径依赖及其创新性选择

    The Cultural Path Dependence of Corporate Governance and Its Creative Choice

  16. 中小公司治理法律文化模式的构建

    On the Construction of the Model of Legal Culture in Minor and Middle Corporations

  17. 中国独特的文化特征影响到公司的治理文化,由此也对符合中国文化特色的公司治理模式提出了新的要求。

    The Chinese unique cultural characteristics will affect the corporation governance culture and pose new demands to the corporation governance mode that suits the Chinese culture .

  18. 我国公司治理中的文化依赖探析

    Analysis of the Cultural Dependence in the Governance of Chinese Companies

  19. 上市公司治理、企业文化与外部监管

    The Governance of Listed Companies , Business Culture and External Supervision

  20. 中国公司治理模式的文化影响分析

    Analysis on Cultural Influence of Manage Model of Chinese Company

  21. 中国公司治理中的文化依赖研究

    Research on Culture Dependence in Chinese Corporate Governance

  22. 第一,我国公司治理观念和文化还处于初始传播阶段,上市公司还没有充分认识到独立董事的重要作用。

    First , the concept of corporate governance in China is still in the initial dissemination phase and the listed companies are not fully aware of the important role of independent directors .

  23. 也包括内部环境,如公司治理结构、企业文化等。

    Also includes interior environment such as the company management structure , enterprise culture .

  24. 解析公司治理模式:跨文化视角

    Analyzing Corporate Governance Modes : A Cross-cultural Perspective

  25. 公司治理模式与国家文化的关联性研究

    The Relationship between Culture and Corporate Governance Pattern

  26. 由于公司治理背后存在着文化差异,中国企业在跨国并购中应注意文化兼容性问题。

    Because of the culture differences behind corporate governance , Chinese enterprises should value the problem of cultural compatibility in transnational mergers .

  27. 因此,我觉得对待这些机构的根本方法,还是要培养一种更好的公司治理及风险管理文化,特别是要确保这些机构不会像赌博那样,过度涉足收购-套利业务。

    Therefore , I consider the fundamental approach to addressing such institutions is still to cultivate a better corporate governance and risk-management culture , in particular to ensure that they do not engage excessively in the acquire-and-arbitrage business as casino banks .