
  1. 第一部分考察股东出资义务的性质。

    First part studies the nature of shareholder 's investment obligation .

  2. 首先分析股东出资义务的特征及股东履行出资义务的意义,以突出对违反出资义务股东加以规制的必要性。

    First , analyze the characteristic and significance of the Capital contribution in order to highlight the necessity to regulate the violation .

  3. 本文从国内外研究现状入手,通过分析不同资本制度对股东出资义务的影响,阐述股东出资的义务性质。

    This article from the domestic and foreign research status , analyzing different capital system to shareholders , expounds the influence of obligation of capital contribution of the shareholders ' contribution obligations properties .

  4. 第一章阐述了资本与公司资本制度的发展演变,通过新公司法与现行公司法的对比,论述了我国公司资本制度对股东出资义务的规定。

    Charter One illustrates the development and evolution of capital and company 's capital system , and addresses the rules on duties of shareholders ' capital contribution under company 's capital system in China by comparing new Company Law with Company Law in effect .

  5. 论外商投资企业股东违反出资义务及其法律防范

    On Violating Contributing Obligation of Shareholders of Foreign Investment Enterprise

  6. 股东履行出资义务主要内容包括出资数额、出资形式。

    The main contents of the obligation of contribution include the amount of subscribed capital and the method of capital subscription .

  7. 通过比较分析,指出现行《公司法》对有限责任公司股东违反出资义务的法律后果规定过于简单,存在漏洞,无法适应司法实践的需要。

    But in our companies law the provision of the legal consequence when the partners disobey the obligation of investment is too simple , and it has some flaws .

  8. 在股东违反出资义务情形下,由董事对债权人承担责任的规定是《公司法司法解释三》中的一项重要的制度创新。

    In shareholders ' violation of capital contribution obligations case , the provisions of the directors taking responsible for creditors is an innovation in the company legislation in our country .

  9. 最后,明确抽逃出资不属于违反出资义务的形态,瑕疵出资是违反出资义务表现形式之一。第三章:股东违反出资义务的民事责任。

    Finally , make clear that contribution flight do not belong to the violation of investment obligation , the contribution flaw is one form of violation of investment obligation . Chapter ⅲ: Shareholders ' civil liability for violating investment obligation .

  10. 在此基础上得出出资义务的违反是指股东在履行出资义务的过程中违反法律或章程规定,未及时、充分出资的违法行为。

    Based on this , breaching of the obligation means that shareholders violate the law or regulation , not timely and fully fulfill his investment obligation .

  11. 股东出资瑕疵违反出资义务,需要承担民事责任。这一问题具有重大理论与实践意义。

    That the investment defect of shareholders breach its obligations must bear the legal responsibility is of great theoretical and practical significance .

  12. 股东对公司履行出资义务是股东从公司获取利益的基础,建立追缴出资和失权制度,督促股东对公司履行出资义务。

    It is the basis that shareholders obtain interests from the company and perform the duty such as providing funds to company , company should set up system that demanding shareholders provide funds and taking back the right to supervise .

  13. 在公司有效成立以后,基于设立公司的股东出资存在两种义务,一是股东之间基于契约(包括发起人协议和公司章程)的约定义务;

    After the company is established effectively , there are two kinds of obligations on shareholder 's investment which is used to set up the company , one is the agreement obligation on the basis of the agreement ( including promoter 's agreement and corporation by-law ) between the shareholders ;

  14. 主要是厘清和界定股东、出资、股东出资义务及股东出资责任的含义和性质,分析后二者之间的关系,目的在于指明本文主题的基本内涵。

    By defining shareholders 、 investment 、 investment obligation 、 investment responsibility , analyzing the relationship of the back two questions , the subject is defined .

  15. 出资是股东对公司最基本的义务,各国公司法立法都规定了股东违反出资义务的严格责任,但是瑕疵出资在实践中并不鲜见。

    Although the strict invest liability to shareholders have been ruled in national company legislation , in Practice , defective capital contribution is not infrequent behavior .

  16. 资本制度的整体价值取向决定了股东出资制度的范围与边界,在立法过程中,对股东出资形式、方式的限定以及对股东违反出资义务的法律规制都受到其所选择的资本制度的影响。

    The value of the capital system determines the scope and the border of shareholder-funded system . In the process of the law-making , the choice of the capital investment forms , the regulations of investors has been infected .

  17. 股东有限责任主体关系的变化,必然导致责任内容也随之改变,股东对债权人承担有限责任的理念在公司法律规范中表现为股东对公司承担出资义务的责任,公司对债权人承担独立责任。

    The change in relationship among limited liability subjects leads to the change of the limited liability itself . In the provision of corporation law , the idea that shareholders undertake limited liability to the creditors is expressed as shareholders undertaking the responsibility to provide funds to the corporation ;