
  • 网络limited liability
  1. 第一部分主要对股东有限责任制度的概念进行了分析,指出股东有限责任制度有其自身的含义,并不是民法中所指的有限责任。

    Chapter one discusses the conception of the limited liability of shareholders .

  2. 论股东有限责任制的价值追求

    On Value Pursuit of Shareholder s ' Limited Liability

  3. 第三节对股东有限责任制度的具体法律构建进行探讨,指出法律基于公平正义的价值考量,为了平衡股东与债权人之间的利益,规定了股东有限责任制度的适用条件。

    Section three studies the legal design of the limited liability of shareholders .

  4. 揭开公司面纱是对股东有限责任原则的修正。

    Piercing the corporate veil is amendment of the limited duty of shareholder .

  5. 论股东有限责任的缺陷及救济

    On the Defects of the Limited Responsibilities of Share Holder and Its Remedy

  6. 本文主要围绕股东有限责任制度的法理基础进行探讨。

    This article mainly studies the jurisprudence foundation of the limited liability of shareholder .

  7. 法律对股东有限责任制度的确认是法律生成的过程。

    The validation of the limited liability of shareholders is the formation of law .

  8. 公司法人人格否认理论与股东有限责任

    The Doctrine of Disregarding of Corporate Legal Person Status and Shareholder 's Limited Liability

  9. 公司法人的独立人格和股东有限责任制度,促进了社会生产力的发展,推动了社会的文明与进步。

    Company 's limited liability system , has promoted the development of society 's productivity .

  10. 摘要股东有限责任是现代公司法律制度的基本内涵之一。

    Shareholders limited liability is one of the fundamental connotations of contemporary company law system .

  11. 揭开股东有限责任否认法理的面纱

    To Open the " Veil " of Theory that Denied a Limited Liability of Shareholders

  12. 股东有限责任和独立人格的滥用对从属公司债权人的利益产生了危害。

    The abuse of limited liability damages the interest of the creditor of the controlled company .

  13. 公司法人人格独立和股东有限责任原则是公司法人制度的基石,公司法人格否认法理是公司法人制度的例外和补充。

    Personality ; Corporation Independent corporate personality and principle of limited liability is the base of corporation system .

  14. 第五部分,我国建立股东有限责任例外适用制度的必要性、可能性及立法构想。

    The third part discusses the specific application of the exceptional application system of the shareholder limited liability .

  15. 一般认为,公司人格的独立和股东有限责任是公司法人制度的两大基石。

    Traditionally , generally considering , independence of corporate personality and limited liability of shareholders are two fundamental stones .

  16. 法定资本制、资本三原则、股东有限责任被过多地赋予了债权担保的功能。

    Statutory capital system , three doctrine of capital , shareholders limited liabilities are overloaded the function of guarantee .

  17. 因而,它不是对股东有限责任原则的否定,而是对股东有限责任原则的修正和维护。

    So it does not means the denying of the stockholder limited liability principle , but the amendment and maintenance .

  18. 公司法人格否认法理是股东有限责任的例外适用和有益补充。

    The theory of disregarding corporate entity is regarded as an exception and beneficial supplement to the shareholder 's limited liability .

  19. 法人独立责任是我国民法上独有的概念,其实质为公司法上股东有限责任制度的一种投影和扩张。

    And the sole responsibilities or shared responsibilities must be dependent on the number of the parties in the legal relationship .

  20. 现代公司法确立的公司人格独立与股东有限责任作为公司制度两大基石保障了公司的正常运行。

    The limited liability system and corporate personality independence established in the modern corporate law has guaranteed the normal movement of the company .

  21. 我国的公司法人制度是以公司人格独立&股东有限责任为核心的。

    The system of legal persons in Chinese corporations is based on independent personalities , that is , the limited liability of shareholders .

  22. 公司制度中的公司独立人格和股东有限责任原则,刺激了投资者的投资热情,推动了经济的发展。

    The independent personality of the company and the shareholders ' limited responsibility , spur the enthusiasm of the investment and promote the economic development .

  23. 第二,责任主体是滥用了公司法人独立地位和股东有限责任的公司积极股东。

    Secondly , subject of liability is the active shareholders of a company who abusing the limited liability and independent personality of a legal person .

  24. 本章对股东有限责任、公司独立人格和公司治理结构这三个与公司债权人相关的公司法基本制度进行了比较详细的阐述。

    This chapter renders complicated comparison with foundational systems among the limited liability of shareholders , independent legal person of corporation and management of corporation .

  25. 可以说,国内对于股东有限责任制度的系统研究,的确仍需深入与开拓。

    Therefore , the systematic research on the system of the limited liability of shareholders in our country certainly needs to be deepened and expanded .

  26. 公司股东有限责任的实质是股东履行完依据公司法所规定的各项义务后,所获得的一项对公司债权人的权利。

    The essential of the shareholder 's limited liability is the shareholder 's basic right that is got by fulfilling the obligations of the company law .

  27. 关联企业的出现对于传统公司法中的独立法律人格和股东有限责任制度造成了极大的冲击。

    The emergence of related enterprises in the traditional company law , " independent legal personality " and " shareholder limited liability system " caused great impact .

  28. 从公司法人格否认的本质来看,它是对公司独立人格和股东有限责任的补充与维护。

    From the perspective of the essence , disregard of corporate personality is the supplement and maintenance of the principle of corporate personality and limited shareholder liability .

  29. 公司独立人格与股东有限责任是公司法最为核心的理念,也是构建现代公司的两大基石。

    The independent personality of company and the limited liability of shareholders are the core idea of Corporation Law , which constructs the modem company two big cornerstones .

  30. 第一节分析了股东有限责任制度的经济价值与负面作用。第二节分析了法律基于经济理性对股东有限责任制度的确认。

    Section two pointing out that the limited of the limited liability is established on the value of efficiency , and it 's the result of the economic rationalism .