
  1. 特别股是普通股之外股份存在的一种特殊形式,实质上是股权平等原则的例外。

    As an exception for ordinary stock , substantially , the preferred stock is a right except for equal rule of stock rights .

  2. 控制权的行使与传统公司法上的公司法人人格独立原则、有限责任原则、股权平等原则均发生了冲突。

    The exercise to controlling authority conflicts the principle of the independence of the corporate personality , the principle of limited liability , the equity principle of equality clashed on the tradition of the Companies Act .

  3. 一股一表决权的股权平等原则要求在公司治理决策中实行资本多数决原则。正文的第一部分对资本多数决原则的基本理论进行分析。

    Resulting from the principle of equality that " one share has one vote ", the majority rule comes into domain in the corporation 's governance and decision-making process . Part One is the basic analysis on the Majority Rule .

  4. 股权类别化并不是公司法一系列基本原则的例外,相反它是对意思自治原则、股权平等原则、资本多数决原则的科学理解。

    The equity category is not a series of exceptions to the basic principles of corporate law ; on the contrary , it is the scientific understanding of the principles of the autonomy , the equity and the capital majority rule .