
ɡōnɡ sī fā qǐ rén
  • company promoter
  1. 股份有限公司发起人若干问题研究

    A Research on Issues concerning Stock Company Promoter

  2. 公司发起人问题研究

    Research into the Issue of Company Promoter

  3. 首先介绍了各国对公司发起人资格的限制规定;

    First of all it introduces the correlative items of countries .

  4. 公司发起人与公司股东的关系评析

    About Relationship Between the Promoter and the Shareholder of a Company

  5. 公司发起人的资格条件可以进行适当扩大。

    The company sponsors qualification can be appropriately expanded .

  6. 本论文紧紧围绕公司发起人这个中心展开。

    This paper is written surrounding company sponsor closely .

  7. 对股份有限公司发起人责任的思考

    The Reflection on Sponsors ' responsibility for Limited-Liability company

  8. 低闸枢纽泄流能力研究行为能力欠缺者的公司发起人资格&基于法解释学的一般套路

    Discharge capacity of low head sluice On Competence of Promoter Whose Capacity Is Deficient

  9. 我国公司发起人法律责任研究&从个人本位到社会本位的转换

    On Legal Responsibilities of Company Promoters : Transformation from Individual Standard to Social Standard

  10. 股份有限公司发起人的法律规制

    Legal Regulation of Sponsors of Joint-stock Company

  11. 论公司发起人的民事责任

    On Company Sponsors ' Civil Liabilities

  12. 公司发起人的人格。

    The company promoter 's personality .

  13. 传统理论主张行为能力欠缺者不能充任公司发起人,是一个普遍的误解。

    The traditional theory advocates that persons whose capacity is deficient can not be the promoter .

  14. 公司发起人必须符合一定的资格,并有人数的限制。

    The company sponsor has to be qualified and there is a quantity limitation as well .

  15. 论董事竞业禁止义务股份有限公司发起人制度研究

    The Study of the of Obligation of Non-Competition for Company Directors On Promoter System for Company Limited

  16. 公司发起人是公司设立三大要素中人的要素,对公司的设立起到至关重要的作用。

    There are three factors in the incorporation , promoters is the important hominine factor in them .

  17. 第八十条股份有限公司发起人承担公司筹办事务。

    Article 80 The initiators of a joint stock limited company shall undertake the preparatory work of the company .

  18. 淏洋国际有限公司发起人及公司专业人员都来自于贸易、金融、银行、会计等领域。

    UNIOOCEAN INTERNATIONAL LIMITED was founded on the expertise of accomplished individuals from the fields of finance , trading , banking , and accounting .

  19. 股份公司发起人的民事责任是发起人因在设立公司过程中违反民事法律规范而应承担的侵权责任。

    The sponsors ' civil liability is the liability of tort when the sponsors violate civil legislations in the process of establishing the company .

  20. 第二个问题是在对公司发起人本质作全面科学认识的基础上,对发起人和股东、认股人作比较以巩固和加深理解。

    The second is comparing sponsor with shareholder and the people who buying stock , based on the scientific understanding toward the nature of sponsor .

  21. 上市公司发起人对初始股权结构的设计是筹资者与投资者之间的第一次也是非常重要的一次契约安排。

    Sponsors ' design of the initial stock equity structure is the first material " contract arrangement " between the financing entity and the investors .

  22. 本章从责任性质、归责原则、责任具体内容以及诉讼时效等方面对公司发起人的民事责任进行阐述。

    The text describes the civil liabilities systems from many aspects , such as the quality and contents of the civil liabilities and limitation of actions .

  23. 关于公司发起人方面的法律制度作为公司法中的重要组成部分,是关于发起人的权利和义务的相关规定。

    The company sponsors of legal system , as an important part of company law , is about the rights and obligations of the promoters and relevant regulations .

  24. 公司发起人的资格&为未成年人辩护公诉人、自诉人、辩护人不是最后陈述权的主体。

    The Eligibility of Stockholder & Defend the Young person ; Prosecutor , private prosecutor and advocate are not the subjects of the right to make a final statement .

  25. 这五部分的内容包括:第一部分为公司发起人本质之剖析,在这一章节中主要谈了两个大问题。

    The five parts of the paper are as follows : The first chapter is the analysis of company sponsor . In this part two questions are referred to .

  26. 总之,一个健全的公司发起人制度体系,不仅要平衡各方面的利益,更应促进现代公司制度的有序发展。

    In a word , a wholesome company sponsor system not only can balance the interests of all parties , but also can promote the orderly development of modern company system .

  27. 认为公司发起人具有独立人格,不是设立中公司的机关,它与将来公司均是独立主体。

    Think that the company promoter has independent personality , not the organ of the company while setting up , the company promoter and the coming company are two independent subject .

  28. 股份有限公司发起人,必须按照本法规定认购其应认购的股份,并承担公司筹办事务。

    The promoters of a company limited by shares must subscribe for shares for which they are required to subscribe in accordance with this Law and must be responsible for the preparation of the establishment of the company .

  29. 论我国股份有限公司中发起人的信义义务

    On the Faith Obligation of the Sponsor in the Limited Company of Our Country

  30. 在我国,基金管理公司既是发起人、持有人,又是管理人。

    In China , fund management company is not only the organizer but also the holder and the administrator .