
  • 网络Business card;Official card
  1. 我国现行的公务卡制度是以国库集中支付制度为基础,以公务卡为载体的一种新型财务结算制度。

    The current official card system in our country is a new financial settlement system which is based on centralized treasury payment system and supported by official card .

  2. 公务卡制度的推行作为国库集中支付改革的延伸,必须将其置于财政国库管理制度的总体框架内来统筹考虑。

    Extension official card system as the implementation of treasury centralized payment reform , must be integrated into the overall framework for the fiscal treasury management system in the .

  3. 我想,政府官员们会喜欢公务卡的。

    I think government bosses would like to have government cards .

  4. 我区推行公务卡制度一些问题的探讨

    Discussion on the Implementation of Corporate Card System in Guangxi

  5. 积极推行公务卡制度提高预算资金使用率公务员制度暂行条例

    Promote the civil servant card system and improve the utilization ratio of budget fund

  6. 试论预算单位推广公务卡的意义及措施

    Discussion on the Significance of and Measures for Popularizing the Official Cards in Budget Units

  7. 招行马蔚华首发公务卡金融创新遏制腐败

    The finance innovating Contain the corruption

  8. 国库集中收付体系下的公务卡制度研究

    A Study of Government Credit Card System in Centralized Collection and Payment System of the State Treasury

  9. 2008年财政部大力推行的中央预算单位公务卡改革工作预示着无现金结算方式即将到来。

    In2008 , the national financial ministry put great effort on reform of public service card within central budget units , it indicates the arrival of non-cash balance .

  10. 公务卡制度改革作为一种创新的公共财政管理制度,是国库收付体系改革的重要组成部分,是财政国库管理制度的深化。

    As a system innovation , Government credit cards system is the important part of public finance budget system reform and the deepening of National treasury centralized payment system reform .

  11. 本文在查阅大量资料的基础之上,对我国公务卡制度改革进行了较为系统的阐述,并结合公务卡改革的试点情况,分析了各地在试点中取得的成效及存在问题。

    Based on plenty of data , this article illuminates the reform of official card system in details . It also analyses some achievements and problems existing in different places combining some pilot situations of the reform .

  12. 只有从根本上规范公务卡的使用,发挥其降低行政成本、提高行政效率、遏制腐败行为的优越性,才能使之成为真正意义上的公务卡。

    Only with the regulation of the usage of official card from the root and the advantages over reducing the cost , improving the working efficiency and restraining the corruption of administration can we make it the real official card .

  13. 其中在线交易功能实时连接后台,并使用密码保护公务交通卡的资金安全。

    One of it is online trading function real-time connectivity backstage , and use the password protection public transportation card capital safety .

  14. 马蔚华表示,他目前正全力关注于全国人大的事务,但他无意中透露,自己身兼数职可能有利于他在官员中推广公务信用卡。

    Mr Ma said he is concentrating on the business of the congress but let slip that his shared interest could see him promote his government credit cards among officials .

  15. 强化公务支出管理,深化公务卡管理改革。

    The reform to require payment of official business expenses with credit cards will be deepened .