
  • 网络corporate governance;Governance;corporategovernance;Corporation Governance;corporate government
  1. MBO与公司治理

    MBO and Corporate Governance

  2. 得出结论,MBO仅是对现存缺陷的公司治理结构进行修正的一种手段;

    And make such conclusion , MBO is only a kind of means to amend the defective structure of corporate governance ;

  3. EVA理论与公司治理

    The EVA Theory and Corporation Governance

  4. GRC整合过程就是对GRC过程中的公司治理过程、企业风险管理过程以及遵循过程的整合。

    The process of integrating GRC is to integrate Governance , Risk , and Compliance of enterprise management .

  5. 面对国际化竞争的要求,中国大型企业设立CEO职位(首席执行官的领导体制),是大型企业公司治理结构体制创新的产物。

    Facing international competition , China establishes its leadership of CEO ( Chief Executive Officer ) in large-sized enterprises , which is necessary in the improvement of the company management structure for large companies .

  6. MBO是优化公司治理结构,降低公司代理成本和促进公司管理、激励机制变化的有效工具。

    MBO is a tool that can optimize the management construction of company , decreases the agency cost , promotes the improvement of management and change the irrational encouraging mechanism .

  7. 并在会计利润的基础上发展了业绩的评价指标,构建了新的公司治理业绩的衡量指标&公司治理剩余(CGS)。

    And we developed the performance indicators on the basis of the accounting profit evaluation to construct a new measure of performance of corporate governance - Corporate Governance Surplus ( CGS ) .

  8. 公司治理包括公司治理结构和公司治理机制两个方面。

    Corporate governance includes corporate governance structure and corporate governance mechanism .

  9. 完善公司治理结构,强化内控约束机制;

    Perfecting corporate governance structure , strengthening internal control binding mechanism ;

  10. 完善公司治理省级分行任重道远

    Perfecting the company management , the provincial branch shoulders heavy responsibilities

  11. 公司治理与企业绩效:理论与实证研究

    Corporate Governance and Firm Performance : A Theoretical and Empirical Study

  12. 公司治理、自由现金流与非效率投资

    Corporate Governance , Free Cash Flow and Ineffective Investment in China

  13. 公司治理结构和会计定位理论研究

    A Theoretical Research of Company 's Administrative Structure and Accountant Orient

  14. 公司治理结构的价值取向是在公平与效率之间徘徊的。

    The values go back and forth in fairness and efficiency .

  15. 公司治理与财务监督模式的比较与借鉴

    Comparison and Reference of Corporate Governance Models and Financial Supervision Models

  16. 第三部分,公司治理结构下的会计舞弊。

    Part ⅲ, The accountant information fraud under corporate governance structure .

  17. 公司治理的文化路径依赖及其创新性选择

    The Cultural Path Dependence of Corporate Governance and Its Creative Choice

  18. 公司治理评等系统及其效果分析

    The Analysis of Corporate Governance Evaluation System and It 's Effect

  19. 公司治理与财务困境:来自上海股票市场的证据

    Corporate governance and financial distress : evidence from Shanghai security market

  20. 浅议我国公司治理与会计控制的完善

    On the Perfection of Corporate Management and Accountancy Control in China

  21. 公司治理:理论、模式与中国上市公司的实践

    Corporate Governance : Theory , Modes and China Listed Companies ' Practice

  22. 关键词:公司治理,独立董事,内部人控制

    Keywords : Corporate governance , Independent director , Insider control

  23. 双重委托代理理论:上市公司治理的另一种分析框架&兼论进一步完善中国上市公司治理的新思路

    Double Principal-agent Theory : Another Analysis Framework of Listed Companies ' Governance

  24. 公司治理与证券市场上投融资双方信息不对称问题的解决

    The Problem of Asymmetric Information between Investor and Borrower in Securities Market

  25. 公司治理框架下的内部审计研究

    The Study of Internal Audit in the Framework of the Corporate Governance

  26. 银行介入公司治理机制研究

    A Research on Mechanism of Banks Involving in Corporate Governance

  27. 我国中小民营企业公司治理的研究

    Study on the Corporate Governance in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of China

  28. 公司治理模式与财务激励机制研究

    The Research on Corporate Governance Model and Financial Incentive Mechanism

  29. 优先股、公司治理与产权结构效率

    Preference Stock 、 Board Governance and the Property Right Efficiency

  30. 公司治理:花旗与德意志银行比较

    Comparative Study on Corporate Governance of Citigroup and Deutsch Bank