
  • 网络commodity energy;commercial energy resource
  1. 太阳能热水器在造福城乡居民的同时,也节约了宝贵的商品能源。

    The solar energy water heater in the benefit of urban and rural residents and , at the same time , save precious commodity energy .

  2. 湖北地区农村住宅目前尚处于自然发展的阶段,对商品能源依赖平均在60%以上。

    In Hubei area , the rural residential is still in primitive stage of development , its dependent on commodity energy is more than 60 percent .

  3. 中国商品能源消耗导致的氮氧化物排放量

    Nitrogen Oxides Emissions Arising from Commercial Energy Consumption in China

  4. 目前,商品能源的主要来源是化石燃料。

    For the moment , the predominant source of that energy is fossil fuels .

  5. 商品能源和清洁能源在居民生活用能中的比重明显提高。

    More commercial energy and clean energy are being used in people 's daily life .

  6. 粗略估计,商品能源每年至少增加2.5亿名新消费者。

    A rough estimate is that there are at least 250m new customers for commercial energy each year .

  7. 预测结果表明,消费结构中商品能源所占的比重和生活能源所占比重,不会发生很大的变化。

    It is shown that the proportion of the commodities energy and life energy in the rural energy structure will not change a lot .

  8. 便利性高的商品能源消费量逐渐增加,但固体生物质能依然是农村地区的主要能源来源。

    Electricity and petroleum products energy consumption increased gradually , but the solid biomass is still the main energy source in rural areas in China .

  9. 将松散生物质致密化能显著提高生物质的性能,提高其容重和热值,改善燃烧性能,成为商品能源。

    Densification of loose biomass can significantly increase the performance of biomass , increase their density and calorific value , improve its combustion properties , and become commodity energy .

  10. 随着能源紧张问题日益突出,如何降低占有社会商品能源三分一的建筑能耗成为目前暖通空调领域亟待解决的主要问题之一。

    With the energy shortage problem is more and more prominent , it is emergency to reduce the building energy consumption , which are one third of the social commercial energy consumption .

  11. 随着收入的增加家庭选择商品能源的可能性增加,减少选择生物质的可能性.生物质对于农村家庭而言是低品位能源,随着收入的上升会减少生物质的消费量。

    As income increases , households increase the likelihood of commercial energy options , reducing the possibility of select raw materials . To rural households biomass is not favored energy , and with the rise of incomes there will be reduction of biomass consumption .

  12. 结果表明,在商品能源供应增加很少的情况下,农村能源综合建设使农村经济以较快的速度增长,农村能源综合建设已成为农村经济发展的动力。

    The results indicate that , in the condition of a small amount increase of commercial energy , integrated rural energy development makes rural econmy increase in the speed above the average of nation-wide , and it becomes an important factor for rural economy growth .

  13. 计算结果表明,到2050年,中国的商品能源总消耗将为1987年的6.86~7.36倍。下世纪初期,化石能源仍将是中国的主要能源。

    According to the results , the total commercial energy consumption by the year of 2020 will be 5.86 to 6.36 times greater than in the year of 1987 . The fossil fuel still will be main energy resources in the early stage of the next century .

  14. 中国建设银行(chinaconstructionbank)经济学家赵庆明表示,居民消费价格通胀将继续趋缓,尤其是在近期大宗商品和能源价格已开始下跌的情况下。

    Zhao Qingming , economist at China Construction Bank , said consumer price inflation would continue to ease , especially as commodity and energy prices had started to drop in recent weeks .

  15. 中国对巴西的FDI都与大宗商品和能源有关,主要输送渠道是卢森堡之类的避税天堂。

    This FDI , much of which was channelled through tax havens such as Luxembourg , was related to commodities and energy .

  16. 他说:大宗商品和能源价格涨了很多。

    Commodity and energy prices are much higher , he said .

  17. 由于商品和能源价格暴涨俄罗斯在过去的数年里已经变得富有。

    Russia has become rich over the last few years due to a boom in commodity and energy prices .

  18. 一旦巴西开始在海上从盐层下油田开采石油,该国货币将与大宗商品及能源价格更加关系密切。

    Once Brazil starts producing oil from its offshore " pre-salt " fields , its currency will become even more linked to commodities and energy prices .

  19. 商品和能源的成本一直不断增长,却不能得到真正地控制,就是一个很好的例证。

    A good case in point is the rising costs of commodities and energy supplies . But there is no real control over the rising costs .

  20. 过去几年,中国的铝、钢铁、水泥和玻璃产量几乎都翻了一倍,这也是大宗商品和能源价格大幅飙升的根本原因之一。

    Aluminium , steel , cement and glass have all nearly doubled production in the past few years which was also one of the root causes of the boom in commodity and energy prices .

  21. 我国进出口商品中内涵能源的行业结构分析

    A Structural Analysis of Energy Embodied in the International Trade of China

  22. 商品化可再生能源量在一次能源结构中的比例逐步提高。

    The proportion of commercial renewable energy to the structure of primary energy keeps rising .

  23. 在大宗商品交易所,能源、金属和农产品价格呈震荡走势,原因在于投资者的避险情绪推动美元出现反弹。

    On commodity exchanges , energy , metals and agricultural prices were volatile as risk aversion helped the dollar rally .

  24. 最有说服力的证据是,价格上涨的有很多不同种类大宗商品不仅有能源,还有金属和粮食。

    The most telling piece of evidence is the number of different commodity prices - not just energy , but metals and foodstuffs as well - that have risen .

  25. 中投在会上表示,该公司无意改变战略,其目前战略包括大举投资于美元计价证券、大宗商品(包括能源)以及房地产领域。

    CIC told the conference that it did not plan to change its strategy , which includes investing heavily in dollar-denominated securities , commodities including energy , and real estate .

  26. 近几周来,市场一直聚焦于发达国家潜在的通胀威胁,最引人注目的是英国,这主要是由于商品价格和能源价格的上涨。

    In recent weeks the market has been focussed on the potential inflation threat in the developed world , most notably the UK , largely due to the rise in commodity and energy prices .

  27. 大宗商品价格飙升和能源食品紧缺可能会搅乱这场转变。

    Soaring commodity prices and inadequate access to energy and food could mess up the transition .

  28. 坚挺的大宗商品价格,使能源、采矿和肥料生产商的财力大为增强,也使它们的股票成为一种很值钱的货币,可作为扩张和并购的资本。

    Strong commodity prices have bolstered the cash reserves of energy , mining and fertiliser producers , and made their shares a valuable currency to finance expansion and takeovers .

  29. 答案是否定的,除非这些国家采用技术和新工艺来大幅降低商品生产所需能源,减少二氧化碳排放量,《增长报告》指出。

    The answer is no , unless technology and new techniques are used to " radically " reduce the amount of energy needed to produce goods , as well as cut CO2 emissions , says the Growth Report .

  30. 但是那时将存在的能耗产品中,约有半数目前尚未投产,因此两国政府还有机会鼓励本国国民和企业在生产和消费冰箱、空调和锅炉等商品时,选择能源效率高的产品。

    But nearly all of the energy-consuming products that will be in existence by then have yet to be manufactured , giving the two governments scope to encourage citizens and businesses to choose efficient examples of goods such as refrigerators , air conditioners and boilers .