
  • 网络Fuel Energy
  1. 富裕世界的其他机构,包括世界银行(worldbank)和欧洲投资银行(EuropeanInvestmentBank),也决定限制对化石燃料能源项目的支持。

    Other institutions of the rich world that have decided to limit support for fossil fuel energy projects include the World Bank and the European Investment Bank .

  2. 俄罗斯燃料能源市场及其发展趋势

    Russian Fuel Energy Market and Development Trends

  3. 英国咨询公司paconsulting为客户定做模拟软件以解决他们碰到的特别问题,涵盖的领域从医药业,燃料能源到电视节目的制作。

    PA consulting , a British firm , designs bespoke models to help its clients solve specific problems in areas as diverse as pharmaceuticals , fossil-fuel energy and the production of television shows .

  4. 采用风气取代燃料能源已成为现实。

    Adopting wind and gas instead of fuel has come into reality .

  5. 石化行业燃料能源煤代油的途径

    The way of coal substituting for petroleum as energy source in petrochemical industry

  6. 车用合成燃料能源消费和温室气体排放对比分析

    Well-to-Wheel analysis of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for synthesized vehicle fuels

  7. 与你在我心中,我的勇气和燃料能源。

    With you in my heart , I am fuelled of courage and energy .

  8. 混合动力汽车是以电能和燃料能源共同作为动力输出的双重动力汽车。

    Hybrid Electric Vehicles ( HEV ) take electricity and fuel as double power output .

  9. 化石燃料能源系统更青睐垂直规模经济和大型的集中型企业。

    Fossil fuel energy systems favoured vertical economies of scale and giant , centralised enterprises .

  10. 俄罗斯燃料能源的出口

    The export of Russian fuel energy

  11. 出口:食用油,燃料能源。谷物,种子,汽车。

    Exports : edible oils , fuels and energy , cereals , feed , motor vehicles .

  12. 作为一种燃料能源,脂肪只是在运动时才消耗。而且并不是在运动初始阶段就能奏效。

    Fat burns when it is used as a fuel source for exercise , which doesn 't happen initially .

  13. 随着化石燃料能源危机的加剧,人类对海洋能的开发需求日益迫切。

    With the increase of fossil fuel energy crisis , the human development of ocean energies demand increasingly urgent .

  14. 结果发现:新的燃烧方式能使燃料能源在工业炉上得以清洁及有效利用。

    The results show that the new way is the best one for clean combustion and effective utilization of energy .

  15. 化石燃料能源含有大量的碳成分,排放出的温室气体进入大气层,致使全球温度升高,同时经过几百年的消耗,现有的化石燃料资源已濒临枯竭。

    Fossil fuel energy contains large amounts of carbon composition , and emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere , causing global temperatures rise .

  16. 随着工业的不断发展以及世界人口的剧增,化石燃料能源如煤和石油等的消耗量日益增加。

    With the development of industry and sharp increasing of population , fossil fuel , such as coal and oil , were consumed more and more .

  17. 本文将讨论21世纪主要能源,它包括化石燃料能源,裂变能和聚变能。

    The main energy sources in 21 Century , including fossil fuel 's energy , fission energy and fussion energy , are described in this paper .

  18. 全球气候改变确实是一个问题,同时对此的解决办法就是缩减燃料能源与可替代能源的价格差。

    Climate change is a real problem and the only way to tackle it is to reduce the gap between the price of fossil-fuel energy and alternative energy .

  19. 管理规章的不确定性和可替代燃料能源的出现可能会使美国不再会像过去一样依赖于煤炭资源。

    Regulatory uncertainty and the emergence of alternative fuel sources ( natural gas and renewables ) will probably make America 's future far less coal-reliant than its past .

  20. 它们为我们提供环保型可再生木材资源、燃料能源和众多非木材产品,包括食物、饲料、药材、建筑材料和装饰材料。

    They provide us with the environmentally sound renewable resource of wood , fuel for energy and many non-wood products , including food , fodder , medicines , building materials and cosmetics .

  21. 并非所有陆地都有生态系统恢复的优先权,大部分土地处在对食物、木材、草料和燃料能源的需求压力下,必须在绿化分区的基础之上考虑绿化的功能划分。

    Not all land has the first right of ecosystem restoring , under the pressure of woods , food , fuel energy , it should carry through on the base of greening .

  22. 随着传统的燃料能源正在一天天减少,对环境造成的危害日益突出,全世界都把目光投向了可再生能源。

    Along with the quick reduction traditional fossil energy gradually and the increasingly outstanding of environmental damage , all the countries around the world pay a high attention to the development of clean and renewable energy .

  23. 综合分析了工业炉燃料能源化学能转换、能量传递及烟气排放过程,提出了新的燃烧方式,研究了其对燃烧温度的影响。

    Having analyzed the procedures that chemical energy is changed to thermal energy , heat transfer and discharge of smoke . The authors set up a new combustion method used for industry furnaces . The authors study the influences of the new combustion method on temperature distributions in combustor .

  24. 会计师事务所普华永道(PwC)日前表示,英国可能在为中产阶级通胀的说法所误导,因为该公司研究显示,不断上涨的食品、燃料以及能源价格对最贫困者的打击最大。

    Britain risks being seduced by a myth of middle-class inflation , the accountants PwC said yesterday as its research suggested rising food , fuel and energy prices hit the poorest hardest .

  25. 普华永道的约翰•霍克斯沃斯(JohnHawksworth)表示,由于通胀主要集中在食品、燃料以及能源方面,此项研究结果不存在任何疑问,因为能源和食品账单在最贫困家庭预算中所占的比重要高得多。

    John Hawksworth of PwC said that , with inflation concentrated in food , fuel and energy , there was no doubt of the findings because of the much higher weight of domestic energy and food bills in the budgets of the poorest households .

  26. 这台燃气轮机以它抽入的燃料为能源。

    The gas turbine feeds on the fuel it pumps .

  27. 燃料型能源林是生物质能源的重要组成部分。

    The fuel type energy forest is the major part of biomass resources .

  28. 用作燃料或能源的植物材料、蔬菜或农业废弃物。

    Plant material , vegetation , or agricultural waste used as a fuel or energy source .

  29. 中国的目标是,到2015年使非化石燃料在能源消费中的比重达到11.4%。

    The country aims to draw 11.4 per cent of its energy consumption from non-fossil fuels by 2015 .

  30. 作为一种可再生资源,生物质已成为受人关注的替代化石燃料的能源之一。

    As a renewable resource , biomass has been focused on as an alternative energy source of fossil fuels .