
  • 网络trademark strategy
  1. 知识经济下企业商标策略之谋划

    Countermeasures on how Enterprises Design Trademark in the Knowledge Economy

  2. 商标策略与管理作为企业实现商标战略目标而采取的具体方法和措施,主要体现在商标的选择、注册、使用、宣传和保护等方面。

    As the main approach for enterprises to achieve the strategic goals , trademark management refers to the choice , registration , use , propaganda and protection of trademarks .

  3. 本文通过对商标策略的阐述,介绍了企业如何运用商标设计策略、商标注册策略、商标使用策略、商标保护策略及商标宣传策略来促进企业发展、增强企业的市场竞争力。

    The article presents how to use the trademark design strategy , the trademark registration strategy , the trademark usage strategy , the trademark protection strategy and the trademark publicizing strategy to accelerate the development and strengthen the market competition of the corporation .

  4. 企业商标使用策略研究

    Business Data On the strategy of trademark usage

  5. 商标扩展策略研究

    A Study of Strategies of Brand Extension

  6. 因此,在进行商标翻译策略探讨和理论研究时,必须把商标的特殊功能和翻译理论有机地结合起来。

    So the study on brand name translation must be guided by a certain theory systematically .

  7. 商标翻译策略

    Strategies for Translating Trade Marks

  8. 本文主要对无形资产管理中的专利管理策略,商标管理策略和商业秘密管理策略进行了探讨。

    The article deals with the problem of managerial strategies over the patent , trademark , trade secret of the intangible assets .

  9. 非价格竞争是现代市场营销竞争的发展趋势,实施非价格竞争有五种策略:产品创新竞争策略,名牌商标竞争策略,包装竞争策略,销售服务竞争策略,促销宣传竞争策略。

    Non-price competition represents the trend of modern marketing competition . It includes five competition strategies & product innovation , brand names and trade marks , packaging , sales service and product promotion .

  10. 企业商标文化与策略研究

    Studies on Trademark Culture and Strategies of the Enterprises

  11. 第四章为商标翻译的策略。

    In Chapter Four , the strategy about Chinese trademark translation is put forward .

  12. 论企业驰名商标域外保护策略

    On the Tactic of Enterprises ' Well-Known Trademarks Protection in Foreign Countries and Regions

  13. 制定商标海外市场开拓策略。

    Develop the trademark overseas market development strategy .

  14. 英文商标和英文商标的命名策略

    English Trademark and the Strategy of English Trademark Branding

  15. 谨慎适用相关国家(地区)的法律,为我国驰名商标域外保护提供良好的环境。论企业驰名商标域外保护策略

    Making use of the law of the relevant government . On the Tactic of Enterprises ' Well-Known Trademarks Protection in Foreign Countries and Regions

  16. 本文将从权力话语的角度探讨商标名称的翻译,并小议在权力话语理论指导下商标翻译的策略。

    This paper analyses the translation of the brand names from the viewpoint of the theory of power and discourse and discusses the translation tactics under the guidance of the theory .

  17. 本文拟从商标的语言文化特征,商标的语用意义与语用翻译失误,商标翻译的语用策略三个方面,探讨商标翻译的社会语用问题。

    This paper mainly discusses cultural differences and pragmatic failures in trademark translation , including cultural features of trademark , pragmatic meaning and pragmatic failures in trademark translation and pragmatic strategies of trademark translation .

  18. 我国的企业为防止商标在国外被抢注,应当实施及时在国外进行商标确权、办理商标国际注册等策略,以加强对驰名商标的域外保护。

    In order to prevent such phenomenon , it is necessary to carry out the tactic of the confirmation of right in foreign countries timely and of the international registration for trademarks , so as to strengthen the protection of well-known trademarks for China 's enterprises .