
  1. 国务院办公厅转发国家经委、经贸部、国家商检局关于加强出口商品质量管理工作意见的通知

    " Circular of the General Office of the State Council on the Transmission of the Recommendations Submitted by the State Economic Commission , the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade , and the State Bureau of Imp & Exp. Commodities Inspection "

  2. GB/T16868-1997商品经营质量管理规范监管相关手册以及保税商品的记录。

    Commodity quality management specificatio Planning Manage handbook and bonded material .

  3. GB/T16868-1997商品经营质量管理规范

    Commodity quality management specificatio

  4. 商品混凝土全面质量管理系统

    The Total Quality Management System of Ready Mixed Concrete

  5. 商品混凝土原材料质量管理

    Quality management for raw material of concrete to be sold

  6. 商品煤质量计算机信息管理系统

    Computer Information Management System of the Quality of Commodity Coal

  7. 唐代市场管理制度的内容包括市场管理法律关系的主体,即市场行为主体与管理者,市场管理的内容,主要有商品的计量和质量管理、物价管理、市场秩序管理、中外贸易管理等。

    Market management system in Tang Dynasty consists of managers , the main body of legal market management , and content of market management including quantity and quality control of commodities , management of price , market order , domestic and international commercial intercourse .

  8. 要加强商品及其商品质量的监督管理,健全和完善商品入市、退市制度。

    Grass-roots staff should intensity the supervision of commodities and their quality , perfect the system of commodities entering and quitting from the market .