
  • 网络quality in use;Quality by use;Operating weight
  1. 当您在开发过程中使用质量检验关(qualitygates)时,控制和理解您所采用的软件开发周期方法可以改善您的开发过程。

    Controlling and understanding your software development lifecycle approach improves when you use quality gates in your development process .

  2. 使用质量展开方法(QFD),解决如何将抽象的利益相关者诉求转化为比较明确的设计要求,从而实现天津站综合交通枢纽的项目规划。

    And Quality Function Deployment method ( QFD ) is used to transfer abstracted functional demand into identified design demand , so as to fulfill the Tianjin Railway Station Integrated Transport Hub Project benefit arrangement .

  3. 阐述Mn3O4的化学质量、物理质量及使用质量的内容与要求,探讨提高质量的主要措施,说明质量检测的基本手段。

    This paper describes the chemical and physical quality of Mn 3O 4 and its application requirements , investigates the measures to improve its quality and explains the basic means for quality determination .

  4. 使用质量比较好的电动牙刷,有效按摩牙龈。

    Use a quality electric toothbrush to effectively massage your gums .

  5. 基于汽车动力响应模型的路线使用质量评价

    Evaluation Method of Highway Using Quality Based on Vehicle Dynamic Response Model

  6. 自制大肠菌群快速检测纸片使用质量观察

    Observation of the Rapid Manufactured Paper Disc for Identification of E.Coli Groups

  7. 自行火炮综合体使用质量指标对其效能影响分析

    Analysis of Quality Index Effect of Self-Propelled Gun System on Its Efficiency

  8. 确保仪器设备的操作使用质量

    Quality assurance of the operation of medical instrument and equipment

  9. 公路线形使用质量评价系统

    Evaluation System of the Service Quality of Highway Alignment

  10. 在糖浆气浮中使用质量流量计的思考

    The Idea of Using Mass Flowmeter in Syrup Flotation

  11. 要使用质量过关的优质材料;

    Thirdly , construction must use high quality materials .

  12. 首先将路面的使用质量评价标准定为优、良、中、次、差5个等级;

    Firstly , classify the evaluation criteria of highway pavement into five classes ;

  13. 建筑使用质量与细部设计

    Utilized Quality of Buildings and Design in Detail

  14. 提高铝合金推拉窗安装和使用质量的思考

    Thinking on Improving Installation Quality and Use Quality of Sliding Sash of Aluminium Alloy

  15. 浅析提高混凝土路面使用质量的技术措施

    Analysis on the quality of concrete pavement and technological measures of enhancing surface function

  16. 使用质量检验关来改进开发过程

    Improve your development process with quality gates

  17. 沥青混凝土路面使用质量标准探讨

    Usage Quality Standard of Bitumen Concrete Pavement

  18. 结论:《中等职业学校教师职业倦怠量表》具有良好的结构效度和内部一致性信度,达到可使用质量标准。

    CONCLUSION : Burnout scale for teachers in vocational school has structural reliability and internal validity .

  19. 严控公路超限运输,确保路面使用质量

    Be strict to control the transport beyond the limits to ensure the service quality of pavement

  20. 改善粘扣现象提高石油套管现场使用质量

    Improving the Quality of Petroleum Casing Pipe Application to the Worksites by Reducing the Thread Gluing

  21. 围绕打得赢、不变质做好军费使用质量审计工作

    The auditing of military expenditure quality

  22. 在5个美国健康计划中上呼吸道感染和支气管炎时抗生素的使用质量调查

    Measuring the quality of antibiotic prescribing for upper respiratory infections and bronchitis in 5 US health plans

  23. 关节置换材料的耐磨性能会直接影响置换关节的使用质量和使用寿命。

    The wear resistance of materials for joint replacement can affect the service-quality and ser-vice-life of prostheses .

  24. 如果你想更好的控制而不是使用质量设置等级,从脚本中使用这个。

    Use this from scripting if you want to have finer control than offered by quality settings levels .

  25. 我认为如果使用质量好的防锈漆就不会产生这个问题。

    I think a better quality rust preventative paint could have been used and this problem would not exist .

  26. 即在不影响数字作品使用质量的前提下,将水印信息嵌入到需要保护的数字作品中。

    With no impact on the digital works premise , the digital watermarking embeds watermarking information into the digital data .

  27. 根据草坪质量的构成,草坪质量包括外观质量、生态质量和使用质量,因而从草坪养护管理角度提出草坪外观生态使用的综合质量评价指标体系。

    According to the structure of turf quality , turf quality consists of landscape quality , zoology quality and utilization quality .

  28. 实验表明,可见水印以自适应方式嵌入,想在不损坏图像使用质量的前提下,去除或毁坏图像中的可见水印是很困难的,具有较强的鲁棒性。

    The experiment shows that with the proposed watermarking system , it is difficult to remove the visible watermarking without damaging the image .

  29. 旧水泥混凝土路面破损调查与使用质量评价是进行路面加铺改建的前期准备工作;

    They are preparatory work for pavement repaving and renewal that the damage investigation and use quality evaluation for existing cement concrete pavements are .

  30. 结果与结论:建立药库质量管理规范化体系,对保证医院药品使用质量具有重要意义。

    RESULT & CONCLUSION : The quality control system in medical supply storeroom plays an important role in guaranteeing the quality of hospital medical supply .