
shǐ yònɡ fèi
  • royalty;charge for use;user fee
  1. 随着6C等专利联盟对中国DVD行业收取巨额专利使用费,专利联盟这一经济实体已引起了学者们的关注。

    With the imposing a great deal of patent royalty on the DVD industry in China by the patent pool , such as 6C and so on , the scholar have been giving attention to the Patent Pool .

  2. 拜尔将得到6%的使用费。

    Bayer will receive a 6 % royalty .

  3. 专利使用费让这位发明家得以再次立足于商界。

    The royalties enabled the inventor to re-establish himself in business .

  4. 向汽车驾驶员每年收取75英镑高速公路使用费的计划将对我大为不利。

    The plan to charge motorists £ 75 a year to use the motorway is going to hit me hard

  5. 自本法施行之日起,新增建设用地的土地有偿使用费,百分之三十上缴中央财政,百分之七十留给有关地方人民政府,都专项用于耕地开发。

    Starting from the date when this law comes into effect , 30 % of the land compensation fees for new construction land shall be handed over to the central finance , with the rest 70 % to be retained by related local people 's governments , for the development of land for cultivation .

  6. 但是,如果要用AppEngine构建生产Web站点,则需要评估使用费。

    To build production Web sites with App Engine , usage fees are assessed .

  7. MapEnginePro的定位介乎两者之间,每月使用费仅为每用户5美元。

    Map engine Pro sits somewhere between those two offerings , and will cost a monthly $ 5 per user .

  8. 事实上,宏达国际和三星等手机制造商不仅生产windowsphone手机,他们也会为自己生产安卓手机而向微软支付专利权使用费。

    Indeed , manufacturers like HTC and Samsung not only make Windows Phone devices , they also pay Microsoft royalties on their Android devices .

  9. 有关方面并未透露中国电信将向everythingeverywhere支付的网络使用费,通常而言这比直接收购网络推出服务要便宜得多。

    China Telecom will pay everything everywhere an undisclosed amount for the use of network , which is normally much cheaper than acquiring the infrastructure for the services directly .

  10. HPV疫苗专利持有者昆士兰大学(UniversityofQueensland)已放弃对在发展中国家销售该疫苗要求使用费。

    The University of Queensland , which holds the patents for the vaccine , has waived royalties for its sale in the developing world .

  11. bristolyork的怀特先生估计,设备制造商已不得不为一部独特的智能电话支付200~300项专利的使用费。

    Mr White of Bristol York estimates that device makers already have to pay royalties for 200-300 patents for a typical smart-phone .

  12. 它并未用android赚取一毛钱,这使得计算任何潜在的损害赔偿金与专利使用费,非常困难。

    Google does not earn any money with Android , which makes it difficult to calculate any potential damage awards and patent royalties .

  13. 如果iphone销售继续快速增长,苹果每年向诺基亚支付的专利使用费可能也将达到数亿美元。

    Ongoing royalty payments could also be worth hundreds of millions a year to Nokia if iPhone sales continue their rapid rate of growth .

  14. 总部驻珀斯的矿商BCIron上周表示,这一政府计划会令约800万澳元到1000万澳元的技术使用费推迟总计两年时间。

    BC Iron , a Perth-based miner , said last week that the government scheme would defer A $ 8m-A $ 10m in royalties for up to two years .

  15. 因此,对于MTV版权使用费的分配问题,平均分配的方式也是较为合适的选择。

    Therefore , for MTV copyright royalty , the mode of average distribution is relatively appropriate choice .

  16. 苹果最近新推出的流媒体服务苹果音乐(AppleMusic)增添了新的特色,比如包含视频内容,这意味着索尼/ATV能够自行协商版权使用费。

    Apple Music , the new streaming service Apple unveiled last Monday , has extra features , such as the inclusion of video elements , which meant Sony / ATV was able to negotiate its own rates .

  17. TweetDeck可能必须每月向顾客收取使用费,以便公司能够支付使用Twitter和FacebookAPI的费用。

    TweetDeck would likely have to charge monthly usage fees to consumers so the company could pay Twitter and Facebook to use their APIs .

  18. 宽带初装费大约相当于500美元(约合3100元人民币),而速度为每秒1M的网络服务的月使用费为70美元;

    Installation costs the equivalent of about $ 500 , and the monthly rate for a 1 megabyte-per-second connection is about $ 70 ;

  19. 专利之争已经平息:微软给予BarnesNoble的Nook许可证并获得专利使用费。

    The squabbles over patents have been settled : Microsoft is giving Barnes Noble a licence for the Nook and will get royalties in return .

  20. 专利之争已经平息:微软给予Barnes&Noble的Nook许可证并获得专利使用费。

    The squabbles over patents have been settled : Microsoft is giving Barnes & Noble a licence for the Nook and will get royalties in return .

  21. WhatsApp的联合创始人兼首席执行长(CEO)库姆(JanKoum)一直拒绝在应用程序内引入广告,其主要收入就是用户支付的每年99美分的使用费。

    Jan Koum , WhatsApp 's co-founder and chief executive , has resisted advertising and built a mobile service that makes money from 99-cent subscriptions .

  22. 相比于采用CDMA、GPRS或CDPD等无线通信方式的智能公交系统,系统构建成本低,无须缴纳网络使用费,且能够方便地进行业务扩展。

    Compared with those systems which use CDMA , GPRS or CDPD for wireless data transmitting , our system costs lower , does not require network usage charges , and can easily be expanded .

  23. 宽带初装费大约相当于500美元(约合3100元人民币),而速度为每秒1M的网络服务的月使用费为70美元;2M的则为120美元。

    Installation costs the equivalent of about $ 500 , and the monthly rate for a 1 megabyte-per-second connection is about $ 70 ; the monthly rate for a connection twice as fast is $ 120 .

  24. 不过,他对美国司法部针对ASCAP和BMI运营方式的一项审查满怀希望,认为该项审查将给予音乐发行商更多自行协商版权使用费的自由。

    Instead , he is hopeful that a US justice department review into how Ascap and BMI operate will give publishers more leeway to negotiate their own royalty rates .

  25. 微软起诉摩托罗拉,是因为摩托罗拉向微软索取其最终产品价格的2.25%,作为包括在WiFi及视频压缩技术标准之内的几项专利的使用费。

    Microsoft sued Motorola after the handset maker asked for 2.25 per cent of the final product price for use of several of its patents that are included in standards for WiFi and video compression technology .

  26. 针对这一起诉,西雅图一家联邦法庭的詹姆斯罗巴特(JamesRobart)法官构想出一种计算专利使用费的不同方法。按照这种方法,微软每年需要缴纳的费用不到200万美元。

    Judge James Robart , in a federal court in Seattle , laid out a different method for calculating the royalties that would instead cost Microsoft less than $ 2m a year .

  27. LotusLive服务向用户提供更加有效的与公司内外人员(包括客户、合作伙伴和提供商)协作的新方式,只需支付合理的包月使用费。

    LotusLive services provide users with new ways to work more effectively with people inside and outside their company , including customers , partners and suppliers , at a very predictable monthly rate .

  28. 在光盘行业中菲利普公司具有举足轻重的地位,台湾的两家小公司因为CD-R光盘生产专利使用费的问题同这样一个产业航母展开了诉讼,而诉讼的结果更是让人感到吃惊。

    Philips plays a decisive role in the disc industry . Two small companies from Taiwan take legal proceedings against this industry giant on CD-R disc production patent fee and the results is startled .

  29. 在德国,全国音乐作品演出权与复制权管理协会GEMA正试图要求酒吧和夜总会为播放的所有音乐缴纳使用费。

    In Germany , the national performance rights group GEMA is trying to make bars and clubs pay a commission on all music they play .

  30. 班迪尔还在争取提高与其他流媒体服务协商版权使用费的能力,但在目前的制度下,索尼/ATV要想这样做就必须先退出ASCAP和BMI。

    Mr Bandier is pushing for the ability to negotiate royalty rates with other streaming services too , but , under the current system , Sony / ATV would have to resign its memberships of Ascap and BMI before it could do so .