
  1. 关于构造旅游线路使用权市场初探

    Preliminary discussion on the foundation of the market on usufruct of tourist route

  2. 第六章惠州市农村土地使用权市场流转的经济学分析。

    ⅵ Huizhou City market , rural land use right transfer of Economic Analysis .

  3. 国有土地产权制度完善的要点是建立方便使用权市场运作和日常管理的土地使用者权利体系。

    The reformation is to facilitate the operation of the market and the right system .

  4. 论土地使用权市场化流转视角下地方政府非公益土地征用职能的转变

    Function Transformation of Local Government Non-public Interest Land Acquisition under Land Use Rights Marketability Perspective

  5. 制度、农地供求与农地使用权市场发育&以江西省为例

    System , land supply and farm land use right market development & take Jianxi province as example

  6. 同时,还要使农村集体建设用地使用权市场化流转。

    At the same time , but also the rural collective construction land use right transfer market .

  7. 发展集体建设用地使用权市场成为加快征地制度改革的突破口。

    It is a new access of land expropriation system reformation to develop the use right market of collective construction land .

  8. 论旅游线路产权的界定和保护关于构造旅游线路使用权市场初探


  9. 最后指出建立旅游线路使用权市场才是更合理的选择。

    At last , it is a more reasonable selection for us to set up the market on usufruct of tourist route .

  10. 大力培育农地使用权市场是促进农地使用权健康、合理、有序流转和集中的关键。

    To raise the rural land use right market is the key factor of promoting the rural land use right to transfer and accumulate healthily and orderly .

  11. 现行制度将土地使用权市场人为地割裂为两个市场,政府不仅是市场的监管者更是市场的直接参与者。

    The land use right market artificially separated into two markets , the government is not only a market , the market regulator is a direct participant .

  12. 土地使用权市场是我国土地资源配置体制市场化改革的主要成果,并已经成为配置土地资源的主要方式。

    The market of land use rights is the main achievement of the land allocation system reform and has become the key way to allocate the land resource .

  13. 第三,农地使用权市场对耕地配置效率的影响仍然存在很多争论,但是基于中国的经验研究十分匮乏。

    Third , there was a debate about the impact of land rental market on the land fragmentation and land distribution , but there is still no empirical evidence from china .

  14. 农户对土地产权的不稳定预期和缺乏运行良好的市场中介机构阻碍了城乡交错区农地使用权市场的进一步发育。

    The farmer 's uncertain expectations about land use right and the lack of the intermediary agencies in land market limits further development of land market at the urban and rural juncture .

  15. 在此基础上,设计了宅基地使用权市场化流转的模式,并通过宅基地腾退和交易实例进行了验证。

    On this basis , this paper has designed the model of market-oriented land use right transfer , and verified the model of market-oriented land use right transfer , with the exit homestead as an example .

  16. 集体林地使用权市场将是我国南方集体林区土地市场发展的主要内容,它的健康发展需要一套制度来保障。

    The market right to use collective forestland would be the main content of the collective land market developing in forest zone of the South China , and sound development of market needed one guarantee system .

  17. 促进土地流转最有效的方法应该是培育土地使用权市场,通过私人之间土地承包经营权的自愿转让,来实现农户经营规模的扩大。

    The most effective way to promote the land circulation should be cultivating the market of land use rights and allowing voluntary transfer of the land contracting rights by the farmers so that to expand farmers ' scale of operation .

  18. 摘要必须充分发挥市场机制在土地资源配置中的作用,建设农村土地使用权市场,特别是土地使用经营权的流转市。

    Market mechanism must be given lull play in the allocation of land resources and the market be established for the right of use of farm land , especially the trading market for the right of use and operation of farm land .

  19. 本文尝试从经济学的角度对此问题的解决进行探讨,并阐述了在解决旅游线路开发中的外部经济问题上,建立旅游线路使用权市场所起的作用。

    This study will try to discuss the solution of the problems from economics , and analyze what the foundation of the market on usufruct of tourist route acts on based on the solution of the problems of external economy in the exploitation of tourist route .

  20. 分析结果表明,城乡交错区的农地使用权市场十分活跃,集体出让农地是农地使用权市场的主要供给方式,而农户之间的农地自发交易则存在着短期限、无正式契约等不规范的特征。

    It shows that there is a flourish market in land use right existed in those areas , collectively owned land is the primary supply in land market and there are also some informal transactions such as short term , absent of formal contract in land transaction among farmers .

  21. 论农地使用权的市场化流转

    On the Marketable Transfer of Right of Use of Farmland

  22. 2建立配套的土地使用权流转市场和中介服务机构加强市场服务。

    Establish land use right transfer market and intermediary service agencies to strengthen the markets .

  23. 切实依法维护国有土地使用权转让市场。

    To earnestly protect the market of transfer of the right to use the state-owned land .

  24. 目前,我国农村土地使用权流转市场严重滞后,阻碍了农村经济的进一步发展。

    Nowadays , circulation market of land usage right lags behind seriously , which hinders rural economy from further development .

  25. 作为土地使用权流转市场的主要参与者,农户的意愿和行为对于土地使用权流转有着根本性的影响。

    As the major participant of the land use right market , the wishes and behavior of farmers have a fundamental influence on the farmland transfer .

  26. 随着我国城市住房制度改革的不断推进,经营性国有土地使用权的市场化工作已基本完成。

    As moving forward with our urban reform of the housing , the continued advancement of commercial land use right of the market has been basically completed .

  27. 自上个世纪80年代以来,随着我国农村家庭土地承包责任制的实施,我国农地使用权流转市场得以发育和发展。

    Since 1980s , with the implementation of China 's household responsibility system , the market of farmland transfer for the rights to use farmland has gradually formed and developed .

  28. 包括农村宅基地使用权流转市场、自由流转规则,买回制度、登记制度四个方面。

    Rural house foundation , including the right to use the circulation market , free circulation rules , buy back system , a registration system for the following four areas .

  29. 目前我国已允许农村耕地使用权进入市场流转,农村宅基地使用权的市场化流转也将势在必行。

    At present , China has allowed the rural farmland use rights to enter the market circulation , and the circulation of rural land use right market will also be imperative .

  30. 其中,土地使用权出让市场中产生的纠纷占了相当比例,并主要表现为国有土地使用权出让合同纠纷。

    And a considerable proportion of these issues have been originated in the market for the granting of the land-use right , and have been mainly in the form of disputes over the contract for granting of the State-owned land .