
  • 网络Market Transaction Cost
  1. 本文认为,市场交易费用的高低是决定我国农村市场扩张或萎缩的重要因素。

    The author points out that the height of the market transaction cost determines the outspread and shrink of the rural market directly .

  2. 土地产权制度安排影响土地市场交易费用的大小,对各利益主体具有不同的激励效应并导致不同的行为选择,进而影响交易能否顺利进行和资源配置效果。

    The land property rights institutional arrangements affect the land market transaction costs , bring different incentive effects to the various interest groups and lead to different behavior choices , thereby affecting whether a transaction will proceed smoothly and resource allocation effects .

  3. 企业内部市场交易费用分析

    Analysis of Cost of Intra-corporation Transaction

  4. 维护农民自身利益,节约市场交易费用,是农村合作经济组织的发展动因;

    To safeguard the interests of farmers and save trading expenses are the developmental motivation for the rural cooperative economic organization .

  5. 产业链问题其实在经济学上已经由来已久,科斯首先对这一问题进行了探讨,指出企业的边界是由企业内部的交易成本和外部的市场交易费用所决定的。

    Coase firstly investigated it and indicated that the border of enterprise is determined by the transaction cost internal and external .

  6. 研究结果证实了双方的坦诚合作交易是降低交易成本、提高市场交易费用效率的最优战略。

    The finding substantiates the straight-out collaboration transaction between sides is the best strategy to reduce the transaction cost and increase the transaction efficiency .

  7. 本文提供一个关于制度环境影响市场交易费用进而影响企业所有权安排的案例。

    This thesis is a case study about effects on the property rights structure of the enterprise by Transaction costs originating from institutional environment .

  8. 内部市场交易费用的高低主要取决于企业内部劳动考核费用的高低,而后者由企业内部对简单劳动的考核程序是否合理和所确定的各种系数是否公平等决定。

    The internal-market transaction cost depends on the inspection cost of labors , which depends on the inspection procedure of simple labor and the determination of various kinds of coefficients are fair or not .

  9. 从交易费用的角度看,合作制对于降低农村信贷市场交易费用具有明显的优势,是一种适合我国当前农村经济实际的金融产权制度。

    This article holds the opinion that the cooperative institution has an advantage in reducing the transaction cost in the rural credit market , and the cooperative is a suitable property institution for rural areas .

  10. 反之,当中间产品的专用性很弱且市场交易费用很低时,企业之间存在弱动因通过建立企业网络形成企业集团的紧密层或半紧密层。

    On the contrary , there are close layer or half close layer of enterprise group formulated by enterprise net with weak motion , when the special-purpose of intermediate goods is weak and trade expenses are low .

  11. 交易费用经济学强调经济组织在于节省交易费用,适度企业规模则应该确定于企业内部组织成本与外部市场交易费用的大小比较之中。

    Transaction cost economics emphasizes that organization can save transaction cost , so the proper firm scale should be obtained by the compare between the organization cost inside the firm and the transaction cost outside the firm .

  12. 研究表明:资本市场交易费用的增加是企业家资源拓展过程中的阻力,而改革滞后是目前资本市场交易费用高企的症结所在。

    Studies have shown that : costs increasing in capital market transaction are the resistance of the process of entrepreneurs ' resources expanding , and capital market reforms lag is the crux of the high transaction costs in capital market .

  13. 在制度层面运用新制度经济学理论从实现土地规模经营、节约市场交易费用和维护农民利益等三方面分析了合作组织发育的需求诱致性动因;

    This article analyzes the market-demand induced impetus of the development of rural cooperative organization from three aspects , which are the scale management of land , saving of the market transaction fare and the protection of farmers ' interest , using the new institutional economics .

  14. 在它们共同影响下,林农进入市场的交易费用很大。

    With their combined effects , market transaction costs of forestry farmer can be high .

  15. 技术·市场·交易费用

    Technigue 、 Market and Exchange Cost

  16. 金融市场自身交易费用构成趋于多样化、多层次性,这使得最优均衡分析中最优费用的研究变得复杂化,由于费用比例相对于资金总量较小,许多研究中将之忽略不汁。

    So the study of optimal expenses of optimal equilibrium becomes complex . For the few fees contrast to the total capital many researches ignore them at all .

  17. 一方面以宏观视角将交易费用划分为市场型交易费用、管理型交易费用、政治型交易费用和道德文化型交易费用,并在工与农、城与乡之间进行了比较分析;

    On the one hand the macro-transaction cost are classified into market transaction cost , governance transaction cost , political transaction cost and merit-culture transaction cost , and the author has contrasted the transaction cost between agriculture and industry .

  18. 证券交易佣金作为证券市场制度中交易费用最直接的体现,其变动必然带来证券市场的微观变化。

    As the primary cost of security transaction , the floatation of trading commission would change the microstructure of security market .

  19. 第二项是经济增长取决于稳定的政治/济制度,它将为非人格化的政治和经济市场提供低交易费用。

    Second that economic growth is dependent on stable political / economic institutions that will provide low costs of transacting in impersonal political and economic markets .

  20. 提出企业是一种创造财富的有效机制,而绝非仅是比市场更加节约交易费用。

    Enterprise is an efficacious mechanism of creating new fortune , it issue from market is not only because it can economize much more transaction costs .

  21. 此外,运输和通信成本下降、中间品市场完善促使交易费用下降,也促进了外包的增长。

    Besides , transport and communication costs fell , intermediate goods market become more convenient , all make the transaction costs decline , but also promote the growth of outsourcing .

  22. 有观点认为经济学应重在制度的研究,对制度变迁这一大背景下的产权、市场机制与交易费用、公共选择、分配等问题做出分析;

    Some views think that economics should pay more attention to the study on system , making analysis to the questions under the great background to the system , for example , property right , market mechanism , trade expenses , public to choose , assign , etc. ;

  23. 金管局并没有就认可交易商可以就提供第二市场交易服务收取的费用类别及水平定下任何标准。

    The HKMA does not set any standards on the type and level of fees that recognised dealers may charge for providing the secondary market trading service .

  24. 在股权分置改革过程中我们必须考虑到影响股权分置改革的一些因素,然后要构建一个稳定的市场环境,降低交易费用,提高制度安排的效率。

    In the process of reform we must consider some influencing factors , then construct the stable market environment to reduce system transaction expense and enhance system arrangement efficiency .

  25. 信用是企业核心竞争力不可或缺的一环,基于信用的市场交易对于降低交易费用、弥补契约的不完全性、增强市场权力等有着重要的现实意义。

    Trust is the important part of enterprise 's core competence , transaction based on trust has a realistic meaning on lower the transaction cost , making up the incompletion of the contract and strengthening the market power , etc.

  26. 本文从交易费用角度将交易关系分为三种类型并指出企业和市场谁更有利于交易费用的节约,主要取决于交易品的特征以及交易本身的具体职能。

    The paper divides transaction relationship into three categories from the angle of transaction cost and points out whether the firm or the market is more beneficial to reducing transaction cost depends on the characteristics of the goods and the concrete functions of transaction itself .

  27. 本文认为市场机制理论、交易费用理论、价值链理论、委托代理理论、成本管理理论是内部市场化的理论基础,企业在进行内部市场化管理时候要依据这些理论进行展开。

    This article holds that the enterprise managing the internal marketization should be based on these theory , mechanism theory , transaction cost theory , value chain theory , principal-agent theory , cost management theory , which were the theoretical basis of the internal marketization .

  28. 其并购动机包括获得规模经济效应,实现优势互补,涉足新的领域,增强市场实力,降低交易费用,产生财力协同效应;

    The motive of M & A includes to obtain the economical scale effect , to realize superiority supplementary , to step in the new domain , to strengthen the market strength , to reduce the transaction expense , to have the financial coordination effect ;

  29. 历史地看,企业不是对市场的替代,而是市场交易费用不断降低的必然产物。

    The enterprise was not the substitute of the market , but the result of that the cost of transaction reduces ceaselessly . 2 .

  30. 西部地区市场化改革实质上就是一个不断降低市场交易费用的过程。

    Western market-oriented reform is essentially a continuous process of reducing market transaction costs .