
  1. 随着我国变压器市场交易行为的不断规范、技术的不断成熟以及我国加入WTO后对外交流的进一步扩大,我国变压器制造企业面临着前所未有的竞争压力。

    With the gradual standardization of our country transformer market trade practices 、 the development of transformer technology and the further spread of exchanges with foreign countries after joining WTO , domestic transformer manufacturers are faced with unprecedented press .

  2. 道德在市场交易行为中的价值

    Value of Morality in Business Transactions

  3. 与市场交易行为并列并成为对照,某些非正式的相同决策也是农户的可能选择。

    So , comparing market transactions , some informal the same decision-making are also possible options for farmers .

  4. 交易意味着风险,这些跨市场交易行为可能会引发跨市场联合操纵、跨市场内幕交易的风险,除此之外,在我国还极有可能出现跨市场过度投机的风险。

    Cross-market transactions may cause cross-market joint manipulation , insider risk , especially cross-market excessive speculation in China .

  5. 由于现行法学理论对各种市场交易行为对证券价格形成的影响及意义缺乏辨析,现有法律对构成操纵证券交易价格行为要件的规定存在诸多漏洞和不确定性,司法实践中被追究的操纵行为极少。

    Few manipulation acts towards securities prices are sued because of the lack of precise legal theoretical distinguish to the influence and significance of transaction acts in stock market .

  6. 根据交易目的,这些跨市场交易行为可以分为跨市场套期保值、跨市场风险管理、跨市场套利和跨市场投机四种类型。

    According to the purpose of transactions , these cross-market transactions can be divided into four types , namely cross-market hedging , cross-market risk management , cross-market arbitrage and cross-market speculation .

  7. 所以,中国的农地转化不是一个一般意义上的市场交易行为,也不是一个法律意义上的损害&赔偿行为,而完全是一个权力作主且权力受益的行为。

    So , it is not a market activity in general meaning . It is not harm-compensate behavior in legal meaning , either , but a special mode that power-decision and power-benefit .

  8. 行业协会作为第三方私人治理机制,能够对市场交易行为进行治理,是对国家正式第三方治理机制的补充。

    Trade association , as the third party personal governance mechanism , can carry on the governance to the market transaction behavior and is supplement to the national official third party governance mechanism .

  9. 政府的角色应是裁判,加强监管,通过公共利益限制和公平补偿来规范市场交易行为,退出市场领域。

    The role of the government should be the ' judgment ' to reinforce the supervision , regulate the market transaction action through the public profit restriction and fair compensation , quitting the market region .

  10. 文章分为四个部分,每个部分的内容如下:第一章:提出钢铁仍然是工业基础性原材料,并指出钢铁工业在国民经济中的重要性和对钢铁产品市场交易行为特征进行了分析。

    First chapter : Putting forward that the iron and steel still is the fundamental raw material for industries , pointing out the importance in national economy and analyzing the characteristics in iron and steel product market .

  11. 交通运输部也印发相关工作方案,进一步规范公路水运工程建设领域市场交易行为和领导干部从政行为,促进交通运输系统反腐倡廉建设。

    The Ministry of transport issued the relevant programme of work , further regulating the area of Highway and waterway engineering construction market transactions and leading cadres in politics , promote transport of fighting corruption and building construction .

  12. 由此,本文认为工程招标制度的培育和发展对于规范建筑市场交易行为,维护招投标方的合法权益,保证建筑工程的质量和安全具有重要作用。

    Therefore this text think the cultivation and development of biding mechanism for standardize building market trading activity , safeguarding the square legitimate rights and interests of bid , the quality and security which guarantee the construction work have important function .

  13. 所谓的招投标就是指采购人事先提出货物、工程或服务采购的条件和要求,邀请众多投标人参加投标并按照规章程序从中选择交易对象的一种市场交易行为。

    The so-called bidding refers to the prior procurement of goods , works or services , conditions and requirements of the procurement , invitation to tender a number of bidders and in accordance with the rules and procedures from selection of trading as a market transaction .

  14. 其次,在对企业广告投入羊群行为存在性论证的基础上,进一步分析这种行为的产生原因和影响因素,并提出相应的对策建议以完善广告市场交易行为,避免羊群行为所带来的不利影响。

    Second , in the base on demonstrating the existence of enterprise advertisement herd behavior , further analyzes its reason and the influence factor , and proposes the corresponding countermeasure suggests in order to consummate the advertisement market transaction behavior , avoids disadvantageous influence which the herd behavior brings .

  15. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)2007年在信用保险市场的交易行为受到了一位美国参议员的指责。此前有电子邮件显示,该公司一位高级交易员曾催促同事杀掉一些投资者的头寸。

    Goldman Sachs ' trading activities in the credit insurance market in 2007 have come under attack from a US senator after e-mails showed a senior trader urged colleagues to kill some investors ' positions .

  16. 中国股票市场内幕交易行为甄别监控机制研究

    A Study on Monitoring System of Insider Trading in Chinese Stock Market

  17. 笔者对美国和德国的证券市场内幕交易行为的监管作了比较研究。

    The writer made a comparison between US and Germany .

  18. 证券市场内幕交易行为分析我国股市内幕交易行为研究

    An Analysis of Insider Trading of Our Stock Market

  19. 政府对股票市场内幕交易行为的监管研究

    The Study of Government Regulation on the Insider Trading of the Stock Market

  20. 本文试图通过对制度变迁过程中微观经济主体参与货币市场的交易行为的分析,阐明政府主导的金融改革中所建立的货币市场在货币政策传导过程中不具有良好的绩效。

    Through analyzing transactions of microeconomic subjects in monetary market , this paper clarifies that monetary market formed in government-oriented financial reform has no good performance in monetary transmission .

  21. 从立法理念、我国创业板市场关联交易行为制度、责任制度、附属制度等方面提出了相关的立法建议。

    The author puts forward the relevant legislative suggestions on legislation idea , activity system , responsibility system , affiliated system of affiliated transaction in growth enterprise market , and so on .

  22. 总之,本文通过不同研究角度、全新的研究方法就个人投资者对新三板市场的交易行为的影响问题做出了研究,具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    In summary , the author uses different angles , new research methods to research the impact of individual investors ' behavior on the three new board markets and has important theoretical and practical significance .

  23. 林业部门在对森林资源培育维护之外,还通过木材市场的交易行为向社会提供林木资源以满足社会生产生活的需要,同时也获得经济利益来维持自身的发展和实现为国家增收。

    Forestry sectors not only provide our society with resources to meet the need of social production and life through wood transaction , but also acquire economic benefit to maintain their own development and increase our country 's income .

  24. 由于关联方交易是不同于正常市场交易的行为,交易过程带有隐匿性,价格形成不受市场供求关系的制约,带有主观性,服务于关联双方的目的。

    As the related party transactions are different from the behavior of normal market transactions , the transaction process with the occult , the price formation is not constrain by the market supply and demand , with subjectivity , service for the purpose of both sides .

  25. 中国股票市场正反馈交易行为之实证

    Empirical research on positive feedback traders in China 's stock market

  26. 加大电子商务人才的引进,不断更新人们的市场观念和交易行为。

    Employ more talents and renew the market ideas and transaction behaviors .

  27. 我国证券市场的壳交易行为分析研究

    Studies on the Shell Transaction behavior in the Stock Market of our Country

  28. 第四章中运用了激励理论和博弈论的古诺模型分析第三方支付作为中介参与交易的微观市场结构和交易行为。

    The chapter 4 is based on the incentive theory and the game theory model .

  29. 第三部分为我国创业板市场关联交易的行为表现及其制度缺陷。

    The third part is the activities and their institutional defects of affiliated transaction in growth enterprise market .

  30. 对中国证券市场的投资者交易行为进行了短期过度反应的检验。

    Test the short-term overreaction hypothesis of the investors ' trading action in Chinese security market for the first time .