
  1. 这势必要求电网企业进一步加大电网投入、消除电网瓶颈、提升技术装备水平、提高资源配置能力、强化市场载体功能。

    It will require that the power grid enterprise to increase investment , eliminate network bottlenecks , improve the level of technology and equipment , improve the capabilities of market configuration , strengthen the function of market carrier .

  2. 作为资本市场载体的农业上市公司,是将资本市场与农业产业发展紧密联系起来的纽带,是推进农业产业化、发展现代农业的重要依托。

    Agricultural listed companies , as a supporter of capital markets , is a bond of capital markets and agriculture industries , and is an important foundation of the industrialization of agriculture promotion , and modern agriculture development .

  3. 其中,市场是载体、自由流转是前提、买回是保障,登记是线索。

    The market is the carrier of free circulation is the prerequisite and bought back the protection , registration is clues .

  4. 当其作为市场的载体时,又体现商品流动允许空间的大小及差异,显现不同的市场信号。

    When it serves as the carrier of power market , it also embodies the allowable dimension of commodity flow , thus represents different market signals .

  5. 电网作为电力市场的载体和国民经济的基础设施,承担着优化能源资源配置方式、保障国家能源安全和满足国民经济发展的重要作用。

    Power network is the infrastructure of national economy and the carrier of power market , which undertakes optimization of energy resource disposition and plays an important role in ensuring the national energy safe and satisfying the development of national economy .

  6. 内部资本市场:组织载体、交易与租金

    Internal Capital Markets : Organization carrier , Transaction and Rent

  7. 电网是电力系统的物质技术基础、电力市场的物质载体,地区电网是电网的重要组成部分。

    Distribution network is the basic of power system and power market .

  8. 城市是房地产市场发展的载体。

    Cities are the vector of the real estate market .

  9. 以民俗旅游的大市场需求为载体,把广西少数民族珍贵的节日文化遗产传承下去。

    This article puts forth that passing on Guangxi ethnic minority precious festival cultural heritage can be realized by taking the big market demand of the folk-custom tour as the carrier .

  10. 文化产业是以市场机制为载体运行的文化,它的有效运行是产业的一般特征与文化自身特殊性的有机结合,是市场价值取向和社会人文价值取向的互动。

    Cultural industry is operating on the basis of market economy , which bears the common features of industry and special features of cultural industry itself , and which is an interaction of market value and social humanity value .

  11. 期货交易所作为期货市场的物质载体和运作枢纽,对期货市场整体的健康发展起到基础性的至关重要的作用,因此建立和完善期货交易所的法律监管制度是我国期货市场规范发展的前提和保障。

    As the futures ' material expression and operating axis , Futures Exchange is very important and foundational to the hole futures sound developing , so establishing and perfecting the legal supervision institution of Futures Exchange is the premise and guarantee to normalize domestic futures .

  12. 所以从这一意义上,哈耶克强调,实现自由的途径必须以法治为基础,有限的政府干预为辅助,用限度的社会保障取代福利国家为依托,自由的市场经济为载体。

    From this meaning , Hayek emphasized that way to achieve freedom must be based on the rule of law , limited government intervention as a subsidiary , the level of social security instead of " welfare state " as the basis , free market economy as the carrier .

  13. 我们研究认为:作为连接市场与国家载体的住房,其构造中产阶级的作用由于双峰分层模式的嵌入得以强化,在中国无论市场体制还是再分配体制,住房都是社会经济分层的重要指标。

    It is concluded that as the carrier of bridging market and state , housing reinforces its function to build up middle class for the embedment of Double Peaks to Stratifications , because in China housing is key index of social economic stratification under both institutions of market and redistribution .

  14. 分析了面向客户关系管理的营销管理模式和适应客户化定制的营销BOM多视图间组织映射关系,以及营销BOM作为市场需求信息的载体向企业内部生产制造系统传递的机制。

    The marketing management mode orienting customer relation management , the organizational mapping relations of the sale BOM multi-views , and the mechanism that sale BOM transmits to manufacturing system inside the enterprise as the carriers of market demand information are analyzed .

  15. 建立新型的股份化的集体合作组织是实现中国农村市场化的最佳载体。

    Building a modern share-collective institution is the best carrier of realizing Chinese country marketization .

  16. 市场经济要求市场载体健全和完善,直接带动第三产业发展。

    Market economy needs a healthy and complete market carrier to drive the third industry forward .

  17. 广告已成为经营者自我推销和消费者获取市场信息的重要载体。

    Advertising has become an important carrier for the operators of self-marketing and consumers access to market information .

  18. 这是其他市场经济主体向载体的拥有者购买使用权利的前提条件,也是预防其他别有用心的人复制、抄袭权利人的劳动成果的有效途径。

    This is the reason that the other market economy purchase of use rights to the owner of the carrier .

  19. 央广传媒发展总公司是中央人民广播电台全资公司,授权经营中央人民广播电台广告等全部可经营性资源,是中央人民广播电台对外加强市场开发的重要载体。

    Yangguang Media Development Corporation , wholly-owned by CNR , is authorized to operate advertisements and other business resources , and plays an important role in marketing China National Radio .

  20. 在电力系统中,输电网络是电力市场的基础和载体,过负荷或违反静态电压安全指标是输电阻塞的主要表现。

    In power systems , transmission network is the base and carrier of electric power market , but congestion occurs frequently in weakly connected network due to overloading or to static voltage security constraints .

  21. 行政许可是市场准入制度的载体,市场准入制度是行政许可的目的,两者从不同的学科角度来共同实现自由竞争与有序市场。

    Administrative licensing is the vehicle for market access system , which in turn is the purpose of the former . Both serve to achieve free competition and market order from different angles of discipline .

  22. 由各期货公司形成的我国期货经纪业,是既面对期货交易者又面对期货交易所的中间环节,也是整个期货市场运行的主要载体和不可缺少的关键环节。

    Being composed of all the futures firms , Chinese futures broking industry is the intermediate link between the futures trader and the futures exchange , at the same time it is the main agent and indispensable key part of futures market .

  23. 市场中介机构是市场机制的重要载体。

    The market intermediary institution is an important carrier of market mechanism .

  24. 认为,竞技体育后备人才市场结构主要包括市场主体、市场载体、市场法则、社会保障、教育培训、调控体系等。

    It believes that the structure of sports reserve talent market mainly includes the market subject , market carrier , market rules , social protection , educational training , regulative and control system , etc.

  25. 然而竞争是市场经济的生命,市场是竞争的载体,企业是市场的主体,市场主体按照一定的市场规则进行交换的场所是市场。

    While Competition is the life of market economy , competition is the carrier of market . Enterprise is the subject of market . The place which is used by the subject to exchange in a regular way is market .

  26. 在国内,随着我国市场化进程的加快,作为市场经济载体的企业,必然将以适应国际通行的模式实现生产、经营、管理,以发展壮大。

    In China , with the acceleration of the process of market-oriented , as a vector of the market economy , enterprises must take the mode which adapt to international world to produce , operate , manage and gain the development and growth .

  27. 奥运项目的市场基本要素包括市场主体,市场客体,市场载体和市场媒体。它们共同构成完整的市场体系。

    The market basic factors of the Olympic events mainly include the market main body , market object , market carrier and market medium , which is together composed of the whole market system .