
  1. 土地储备机构是土地储备机制的市场运行主体。

    Land banking mechanism is an important means of enforcing urban land market administration .

  2. 论信息市场运行主体的发育和规范性行为

    Comment on the Growth and Canonical Behavior of the Main Body of Information Market

  3. 学校是市场运行的主体,但消费者学生也具有主体性;

    The university is the main body of market operation ;

  4. 单位是市场经济运行的主体,在社会主义市场经济发展过程中发挥着日益重要的作用。

    Enterprise as the principal economic part plays a more and more important role during the transition to market economy .

  5. 经济公平是调节现代市场运行中经济主体利益关系,调动经济主体的积极性,促进效率的提高,实现经济整体持续发展的关键。

    Economic equity is the crux of balancing party interest of economic subject in market operation , mobilizing the enthusiasm of them , promoting their work efficiency and finally bringing about the continuation development .

  6. 在我国,国有企业是国家作为私权主体参与经济活动的重要方式,是社会主义市场经济的运行主体,是国民经济的强大支柱。

    In China , the state-owned enterprise which is an important way to participate in the economic activities as a private right subject , and which is the main body of the operation of the socialist market economy , is a strong pillar of the national economy .

  7. 企业作为市场经济运行的主体,要在激烈的竞争中立足发展,就必须关注竞争、了解竞争、洞悉竞争的机理,掌握竞争战略的理论、方法与战略模式,从而善于竞争,赢得竞争优势。

    As players of market economy , enterprises have to focus on and learn about competition . They need to understand the nature of competition as well as theories , approaches and strategic models of competition in order to be good at it and to win advantages .

  8. 社会主义市场经济运行的产权主体包括资本产权和劳动力产权,后者是市场经济劳动者地位、身份、权利、利益的根本性基础。

    The main part of property rights of socialist market economy including capital and labor force , the latter is the basis of labor s status , identity , rights and interests in market economy .

  9. 竞争作为一种市场行为而贯穿于整个市场的运行及市场主体的行为当中,而经济学家和管理学家对于竞争的研究从未间断过,在不同阶段出现了不同的竞争理论。

    As a kind of market behavior , competition penetrates all the market activities made by the market entities , accordingly , various specialists in economics have been creating different theories on competition at different stages .