
  • 网络Market resources;marketing resource
  1. 最后,提出我国当代建筑装饰业的发展趋势,主要从管理、市场资源配置、技术、WTO四个方面对我国今后的建筑装饰业发展作了一个阐述。

    Finally , the thesis puts forward the development trend of our country 's contemporary architectural decoration , primarily from four aspects on management , the market resources installs , technique , and WTO .

  2. 品牌要依靠市场资源来生存和发展。

    Brand relies on the market resources to survive and develop .

  3. 本文解释了IBM通过PartnerWorld行业网络,提供的开发和市场资源提。

    This article explains the assistance that IBM can provide with development and marketing resources through the PartnerWorld Industry Networks .

  4. 我国股票市场资源配置效率的实证研究

    Practical Analysis on the Resource Allocation Efficiency of Chinese Stock Market

  5. 创业家如何以有限的市场资源达成竞争的优势?

    How do entrepreneurs achieve competitive advantages given limited marketing resources ?

  6. 我国奥运项目市场资源的特点、配置和开发

    On characteristic , collocation and exploitation of Chinese Olympic games events market resource

  7. 品牌区域市场资源竞争及品牌分布规律

    Study on the Region Market Resource Competition and Distribution Rules of the Brands

  8. 具有稳定的客户关系和市场资源;

    Has stable client relations and market resource ;

  9. 而战略贸易理论认为政府的干预有助于市场资源的合理配置。

    The strategic trade theory is for the subsidy as it benefits the market configuration .

  10. 高校体育培训市场资源开发与营销策略探析

    On Exploitation of Sports Training Market Resource and Its Marketing Strategy in Colleges and Universities

  11. 宏观调控对资本市场资源配置的影响研究&基于央行货币政策传导的效应分析及政策建议

    Study on the Effect of Macro Regulating and Controlling on the Resource Allocation of Capital Market

  12. 金融在市场资源配置中发挥着核心作用,应当重视提高金融效率;

    We should promote the financial efficiency for the finance is in the key position of allocation of resources .

  13. 会计信息的有效传递对资本市场资源配置功能的实现有着重要的影响。

    The effective transmission of accounting information makes important influence on realization of the resource distribution function of capital market .

  14. 目前比较突出的是中国各大城市掀起的土地出让市场资源配置方式改革的浪潮。

    Now , More outstanding is our city bring about to the reform wave tide that the resources allocation of remising-land market .

  15. 中国股市退市机制的失灵,极大影响了股票市场资源优化配置功能的发挥,并阻碍了中国股票市场的健康发展。

    The dysfunction of " delisting mechanism " in Chinese stock market has greatly influenced the optimal allocation of the market 's resources .

  16. 非资本要素包括技术、品牌、市场资源、管理能力和企业文化等无形资产。

    These element mainly involve enterprises ' intangible assets eg. technology , brand , market resource , managerial skill and corporate culture , etc.

  17. 为提高市场资源配置效率,降低社会交易费用,必须规范会计信息的披露,提高上市公司会计信息披露的透明度。

    To improve the efficiency of allocating market resources and decrease transaction cost , the disclosure of accounting information should be standard and transparent .

  18. 对成品油物流配送系统进行战略研究,在抢占市场资源、降低物流成本、提高市场竞争力等方面有着重要的意义。

    Refined oil logistics configuration strategy research , to preempt the market resources , reduce logistics costs , improve market competitiveness has important significance .

  19. 因此,有效的广告监管制度就成为保护消费者的权益,促进市场资源合理配置的重要制度。

    So the effective administration system of advertisement is an important administration system for protecting customers'rights and interests and promoting arrange the market resource .

  20. 失真的会计信息披露不仅严重损害了证券市场资源配置功能的发挥,而且从根本上动摇着证券市场发展的基础。

    Distorted AI illustration not only destroys the exertion of resource collocation function of security market but also agitates the base of security market development fundamentally .

  21. 顾客是企业利润的来源,是稀缺的市场资源,如何有效的拥有和控制顾客资源将成为供电企业必须思考的问题。

    Customer is scarce , and is the profit source of enterprises . How effective own and control customer resource should be considered by power supply enterprise .

  22. 根据盈余管理对市场资源配置的影响,本文将盈余管理分为效率性盈余管理和非效率性盈余管理。

    According to the influence of earnings management to the market resources disposition , this article divides earnings management into efficient earnings management and non-efficient earnings management .

  23. 加强对上市公司盈余管理的研究,对提高上市公司会计信息质量和改善证券市场资源优化配置功能有着十分重要的意义。

    To intensify the research of earnings management is significant to improve quality of accounting information and to improve the function of resource disposing of security market .

  24. 共享市场资源,降低信息成本,获取最大投资回报,提升企业的创新能力,龙头企业的带动等都是台商投资产业集聚形成的重要动因。

    The important causes of Taiwanese industrial centralization are sharing market resource , reducing information cost , obtaining maximal return , big enterprise ' driving and so on .

  25. 本文以江苏省的经济发展、体制格局和政策趋势作为金融业发展所立足的市场资源,研究金融市场的动态变迁和国有独资商业银行的竞争策略。

    This paper studies the resources and dynamic evolution of financial market in Jiangsu province to show the competition strategy of state - owned commercial banks ( SOCBs ) .

  26. 将投资过程与公司价值创造相联系,通过投资分析找到影响企业价值创造的因素,通过投资决策影响这些因素,以促进资本市场资源配置效率的提高和上市公司自身的价值创造。

    The method can also be the investment process analysis , which is linked with the company value creation through investment analysis to find factors that affect value creation .

  27. 本文认为大旅游产品观和形象市场资源综合导向型开发观是保证旅游产品合理开发、有效。

    The paper believes that ideas of macro-tourist products and leading type of image-market-resources are the rational foundation of assuring the reasonable development of tourist products and its effective application .

  28. 中国古代以唐为界,市场资源配置大体经历了初级和发展阶段,并显露出各自的特点和规律。

    Divided by the Tang dynasty , market resource regulation in ancient China roughly went through two phases , primary phase and development phase , each having its own characteristics .

  29. 本文基于生态学原理,探讨了同类品牌区域市场资源竞争问题以及品牌自由分布规律,给出了同类品牌资源竞争及分布规律对我国企业实施名牌战略的几点启示。

    The Region Market Resource Competition is illustrated . The region distribution rules of the brands are discussed . And then the revelation to the enterprises in China is given out .

  30. 先从资源配置的角度出发,对比分析政府资源配置方式和市场资源配置方式在医疗保险市场的不同作用。

    Starting from the angle of resources allocation , the dissertation compares and analyzes the difference function between the government resources allocation and market resources allocation in the medical insurance market .