
  1. 市场陷阱及企业防范的可拓研究

    Extension Research on Market Trap and Business Guard

  2. 如果对行业成长疏于管理或管理不当,则我国基金业有陷入E型市场结构陷阱的可能。

    If not managed properly , the industry will suffer the E-type market structure .

  3. 揭开中东电信市场的陷阱&机遇与风险并存的中东电信市场(下篇)

    Telecom Market in Middle East : Opportunities Exist with Risks ;

  4. 不幸的是,美联储似乎无法跳出近10前落入的市场友好陷阱。面对另一个泡沫破裂的可能,美联储惊慌失措,再次向资产依赖型美国经济注入流动性。

    Unfortunately , the US central bank can 't seem to break out of the market-friendly trap it fell into nearly a decade ago Panicking over the possibility that yet another bubble is bursting , the Fed is once again injecting liquidity into an asset-dependent US economy .

  5. 对无风险意识的人而言,股票市场充满了陷阱。

    The stock market is full of traps for the unwary .

  6. 美容医学:小心市场诱惑的陷阱&关于美容医学健康发展的几个问题

    Aesthetic Medicine : to be care the pitfall of the market enticement

  7. 对我国现阶段证券市场流动性陷阱现象的解释&基于证券投资随机模型的视角

    A Study of the Liquidity Trap of the Present Stock-market in China from the Perspective of the Stochastic Model of Stock Investment

  8. 当代文化的一个突出现象就是文化虽整体上摆脱了意识形态的控制,但又迅速地落入了市场因素的陷阱。

    Having been out of the control over the ideology on the whole is the obvious character of modern culture which is soon in trouble of market .

  9. 正如明斯基所警告的那样,过度信任没有监管的市场是一个陷阱。

    As Minsky warned , undue faith in unregulated markets proved a snare .