
  • 网络Two-sided market;bilateral market
  1. 3G技术给移动数据业务带来了新的契机,移动数据平台作为典型的双边市场平台,其定价问题日渐成为研究的热点。

    3G technology promotes a new period for mobile data business . As a typical two-sided market , its pricing is becoming a hot research .

  2. 本文基于双边市场理论设计了一个多维资源定价机制,提出了一个分布式的价格调整算法来实现资源的高效配置和QOS敏感的卸载调度。

    In this paper , we design a Multi-dimensional Pricing mechanism based on Two-sided Market Game , and we propose a distributed price-adjustment algorithm for efficient resource allocation and QoS-aware offloading scheduling in MCCS .

  3. 我们注意到,最近台湾方面己同美就加入wto问题达成了双边市场准入协议。

    We have noticed that recently Taiwan has reached bilateral market access agreement with the United States on the issue of WTO entrance .

  4. 因此,本文以双边市场理论为基础,首先分析SNS企业的双边市场特征,发现用户边存在强边内网络外部性这一特有属性。

    So , in this paper , on the basis of two-side market theory , we fist analyze the industrial feature of SNS and find that within-group externality is strong on user side .

  5. 双边市场理论的核心是定价理论。

    The core of the two-sided market theory is pricing theory .

  6. 以往针对双边市场的研究都会涉及到这些理论知识。

    Previous researches on two-sided markets always involve these theoretical foundations .

  7. 双边市场视角下的平台企业行为研究

    Behaviors of platform firms from the perspective of bilateral market

  8. 服务质量差异化条件下的双边市场定价策略研究

    Strategy of Two-Sided Markets when Platforms Provides Services with Different Service Quality

  9. 双边市场中平台企业的捆绑销售策略研究

    A Study on Platform 's Tying Strategy in Two-sided Markets

  10. 论反垄断法对双边市场中平台企业的适用

    On Application of Antitrust Law to Platforms in Two-Sided Markets

  11. 双边市场理论是近年来新兴的学术热点问题。

    Two-sided market theory is a newly emerging academic subject .

  12. 因此,平台定价是双边市场理论的核心问题。

    Therefore , platform pricing is the core of the two-sided market theory .

  13. 通道费的规制失灵:基于双边市场的研究

    Research on Regulation Failure of Slotting Allowances : Based on Two-sided Markets Theory

  14. 双边市场特征的企业竞争策略与规制研究综述

    Competitive Strategy and Regulations of Platform Firms from the Perspective of Bilateral Market

  15. 具有双边市场特征的电视媒体平台竞争模型

    The Model of Television Media Platform Competition with the Characteristic of Two-sided Markets

  16. 基于双边市场理论的卫视频道落地费研究

    Study of Landing Fee of Satellite TV Channel Based on Two-sided Market Theory

  17. 双边市场下大型零售商的竞争策略研究

    The Competitive Strategy of Large Retailer in Two-sided Markets

  18. 双边市场下电视传媒平台兼并的福利效应分析

    Analysis of the welfare effects of television media platform merger in two-sided markets

  19. 具有双边市场特征的产业中厂商定价策略研究

    Research on price strategy of firms in two-sided markets

  20. 基于双边市场的中国农地流转交易系统平台定价研究

    A Study on the Platform Pricing of China Farmlands Circulation System on Two-Sided Markets

  21. 具有双边市场特征的平台企业行为具有独特的经济特征,这些经济特征与传统单边市场中的企业行为有着根本的区别。

    Bilateral market platform firms are fundamentally different from the traditional single lateral market firms .

  22. 在搜索引擎这样的双边市场中,定价问题是一个热点的研究方向。

    In the search engine market , the pricing issue is a hotspot research direction .

  23. 接着笔者运用双边市场理论得出大型超市具有市场优势地位的结论。

    Then large-scale retail enterprises have market advantage position are concluded by using TSMs theory .

  24. 双边市场定价方式的模型研究

    Research of Pricing Mode of Two-sided Markets

  25. 接着讨论了双边市场的中平台对不同的用户群体的非对称定价策略。

    Then discussed the analyses of the two-sided markets in different platforms asymmetrical pricing strategies .

  26. 平台型产业反垄断规制的理论误区与释疑&基于双边市场理论视角

    Fallacies and Comments on Antitrust and Regulation in Platform Industries & Based on Two-sided Markets Theory

  27. 交换费合法是由银行业双边市场的网络外部性决定的。

    The reason for the legality of interchange fees is the network externality of bilateral market .

  28. 95.中国与工作组成员就货物贸易进行了双边市场准入谈判。

    95 . China undertook bilateral market access negotiations on goods with members of the Working Party .

  29. 失之东隅、收之桑榆:双边市场中的银行卡组织

    Loses On One Side and Gains On the Other : Bankcard Payment System in the Two-sided Markets

  30. 近年来,随着平台企业增多,新兴的双边市场理论引起越来越多学者的关注。

    As the number of platform enterprise increases , two-sided market theory absorbs more and more attention .