
  • 网络bilateral loan
  1. 目前德国与欧元区其他国家在以何种利率水平向希腊提供双边贷款的问题上持有不同意见。

    At present , Germany and other EU members hold different ideas on the proper interest rate of the bilateral loan to Greece .

  2. 根据法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(nicolassarkozy)和德国总理安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)达成的协议,在“非常严重的困难情况”下,希腊将获得欧元区伙伴国提供的统筹双边贷款以及imf的援助资金。

    Under the accord reached between President Nicolas Sarkozy and Chancellor Angela Merkel , Athens would , in the event of " very serious difficulties " , receive co-ordinated bilateral loans from its eurozone partners as well as IMF assistance .

  3. 美国总统乔治布什(georgew.bush)的政府一贯主张,应由imf独自负责援救行动,而非双边贷款机构。

    The administration of President George W. Bush used to argue that the IMF alone , not bilateral lenders , should be in charge of rescues .

  4. 拥有大量盈余资金的双边贷款机构,特别是中国的银行,正在通过提供不受严格社会或环保条款制约的低息贷款,抢走国际贷款机构的生意。

    Bilateral lenders with plenty of surplus capital , especially China , are undercutting their international rivals by offering low-interest loans unfettered by strict social or environmental conditions .

  5. 中国政策性银行10年来激进的双边贷款,已经使北京方面被动地暴露于一些国家(如委内瑞拉、斯里兰卡和津巴布韦)经济衰退或政局变动的风险。

    A decade of aggressive bilateral lending by its policy banks has left Beijing painfully exposed to economic downturns or political shifts in countries such as Venezuela , Sri Lanka or Zimbabwe .

  6. 拉加德表示:今后起草和签署的双边贷款,并不会形成一个贴着欧盟标签的专项基金或金库。

    Those bilateral loans which are to be drafted and signed from now on do not form a special pot of funds or coffers that would have an EU label on it , said Ms Lagarde .

  7. 降低双边贷款利率很难说是理想的起点:那会迫使意大利和西班牙等面临困境的国家“赔本”向希腊提供贷款,而德国却仍可获得少量收益。

    Reducing the interest rate charged on bilateral loans was hardly the best place to start : it may force countries in difficulty such as Italy and Spain to lend to Greece at a loss , while Germany will still make a small profit .

  8. 1980~2003年,日本向中国提供了累计达3.3万亿日元的贷款,占所有双边贷款总和的比重约50~60%,是中国最大也最重要的援助提供国。

    From 1980 to 2003 , loans provided by Japanese government has cumulated to 3300 billion Yen and been the largest and most important source of foreign aid for China . Its ratio to bilateral external debt is maintained between 50 to 60 percent .