
  • 网络Two-way communication;two way communication;Two-Sided Communication;Bi-directional Communication
  1. 因此,与会代表们强调了双向传播的重要性。

    Thus delegates stressed the importance of two-way communication .

  2. 变形Boussinesq方程组是描述水波双向传播的数学模型。

    The system of variant Boussinesq equations is a mathematical model describing water waves movement to both left and right .

  3. 研究发现YIG光子晶体与空气之间的交界面可能产生单向或双向传播模式,甚至没有模式,这与其截断的边界形状密切相关。

    Our studies show that the interface between a YIG PhC and air may support unidirectional or bidirectional propagating edge modes , or even no mode , closely depending on the boundary shape of the truncated PhCs .

  4. 基于格结构假设空间证据推理的双向传播计算模型

    A Two-way Broadcasting Computational Model of Evidential Reasoning Based on the Lattice-structural Hypothesis Space

  5. 网络媒体实现了新闻的双向传播,打破了从媒体到受众的单向传播模式的垄断;

    Secondly , the network media complete mutual communication , and the one-way communication model , from media to viewers , is not the monopoly model again .

  6. 外审形式本质上是编辑为及时获得反馈信息而在稿件刊发前对同行专家进行的信息双向传播。

    External examination essentially means that the editors who want to get the feedback information promptly carry on a two way transmission of information before the manuscript is published .

  7. 电视节目主持人形象传播的动态过程,就是客我与主我相互作用下所显现的讯息的双向传播过程。

    The dynamic process of " the presenter image propagation of a television program " is regarded as a bidirectional propagation process of the message presented by the reciprocity between " me " and " I " .

  8. 利用拓扑传播学方法,建立了单向传播和双向互动传播的一步和n步强连通与弱连通模型。

    According to topological communication , one step and n step strong connectivity and weak connectivity of unilateral communication and two way communication are built .

  9. 然后通过引进算子R和T,我们得到了一个解决光波导不连续问题的双向光束传播方法(BiBPM)模型。

    Then , we introduce scattering operators R and T and develop a new non-iterative bidirectional beam propagation methods ( BiBMPs ) based on the two operators .

  10. 方法:通过单、双向式传播途径,举办列车旅客控烟健康教育培训班。

    Method : Hold a health education class of smoking control among train passengers through directional or bi-directional transmitting mode .

  11. 藉由双向光束传播法来模拟此元件,结果显示此解多工器具有很低的插入损耗和高的隔离度。

    The simulation using the bi-directional beam propagation method proves that the demultiplexer can have very low insertion loss and high isolation ratio .

  12. 另外还有空中学校,通过双向无线电传播网络向住在偏远地区的学生提供身临其境的课堂教育。

    There are also school of the air , which use two-way radio networks to provide classroom experience to students in isolated places .

  13. 论文基于一种多层介质膜模型,分析了一种在反射型波导集成器件性能模拟中实用的双向束传播方法。

    A practical Bidirectional Beam Propagation Method ( B-BPM ) technology for reflective waveguide integrated devices is studied based on a multiple dielectric interface model .

  14. 根据深刻蚀凹面衍射光栅的结构特点,提出了双向束传播方法和角谱理论相结合的模拟方案。

    And a simulation scheme for EDG is presented through the combination of B-BPM and Angle Spectral theory . Methods : Forty patients were selected .

  15. 基于电子杂志广告最具特质的双向交互传播模式,受众的地位有了前所未有地提升,电子杂志广告必将成为一种主要的广告形式之一。

    Because of the bidirectional communication mode of E-journal advertisement , the status of the audience is upgraded , and it will surely become a main form of advertisement .

  16. 在分析电视与网络的优势与不足的基础上,提出电视利用网络的优势可以扩大信号覆盖面,实现信息双向交流传播;

    On the basis of explaining the advantages and disadvantages of television and network , this article put forward the advantages of television using network to extend rate of signal coverage and realize the two-way communication of information ;

  17. 它借助延伸信息空间的多维度传播方式和传受合一的传播形态,使公共领域的个人化传播和双向反馈传播成为可能,预示着个人媒体时代的真正到来。

    With the help of the multi-dimensional communication means of extending information space and the communication form of the integration of spreading and receiving , blog makes possible the personal spreading and the two-way feedback of public realm and it indicates the coming of the era of personal media .

  18. 它所开创的新时尚是一种“双向渗透”传播模式,是一场基于弱链接基础上的“元”传播;

    Finally , we came to the conclusion that this new vogue is a " double-round " model , a kind of meta-communication based on weak link .

  19. 从世界范围来看,新闻交换成为世界新闻秩序博弈中的一股新力量,我们所追求的平衡、双向的理想传播模式似乎有了某种实现的可能。

    From a global perspective , the news exchange would become the new force in the formation of news order , which would make balanced and bilateral communication possible .

  20. 信号在植株中能进行双向性的远距离传播,但向上比向下传播更有效率。

    The signal can move bidirectionally , but seem like more efficiently upward than downward .

  21. 其次归纳了我国城市街道路面中存在的问题,而视觉通道是路面中最少的区域,它是双向性质的信息传播方式,是期待开发的重要部分。

    Secondly , analysis of the problems on the street pavement and visual channel is minimum area on pavement , which is an important part of looking forward to developing by disseminating the two-way information .