
  • 网络BITs;Bilateral Investment Treaty
  1. 双边投资条约对缔约国之间的权利义务及争端解决方式等都进行了明确约定。

    Most of the BITs are expressly agreed the rights and obligations and dispute resolution between the parties .

  2. 但是,保护伞条款的表述方式在不同的双边投资条约中有不同,这不同不仅引起了对该条款的不同解释,也是构成仲裁裁决不一致性的潜在前提。

    However , the " umbrella clause " in different BITs are different , the differences not only cause different interpretations of the provision , but also constitute a potential inconsistency in the arbitral awards .

  3. 双边投资条约(BilateralInvestmentTreaty下文简称BIT)是国际投资法制的最主要表现形式,其重要性不言而喻。

    The international investment regulation are largely in the form of bilateral treaty .

  4. 双边投资条约(BIT)构成迄今为止外国投资的国际保护的最重要工具。

    Bilateral investment treaties ( BITs ) constitute to date the most important instrument for the international protection of foreign investment .

  5. 现阶段,投资自由化是国内法、双边投资条约、WTO框架下的多边投资规则的一个显著特征。

    Recently , liberalization of international investment is a remarkable character in domestic laws , bilateral investment treaties and multilateral investment rules of WTO .

  6. 双边投资条约(BITs)是资本输出国与资本输入国之间签订的保护私人投资关系的协定。

    Bilateral Investment Treaties ( BITs ) is an agreement that protects the private investment relationship signed between the capital export country and the capital import country .

  7. 随着发展中国家外国直接投资的日益增长以及大量双边投资条约(BilateralInvestmentTreaties,BITs)的签订,越来越多的外国投资者将与东道国之间的争端提交国际仲裁。

    The proliferation of direct foreign investment in developing countries and the increasing of bilateral investment treaties ( BITs ) have resulted in the phenomenon called investor-state arbitrations brought by foreign investors against host states .

  8. 做为一个阿斯佩特利亚企业,MDR有限公司的经济利益因他方违反了双边投资条约而受到了无法弥补的伤害。

    The economic interests of an Aspatrian national – namely , MDR Limited – have been irreparably harmed by this violation of the bilateral investment treaty .

  9. 当前,在大量的双边投资条约(BITs)中一般都规定了对角线条款,即投资者可以依据条约对投资东道国提起国际仲裁。

    Nowadays , in most bilateral investment treaties ( BITs ), the diagonal clause has been inserted according to which the covered investor would be able to bring arbitration against the host country .

  10. 第二部分是研究双边投资条约项下的投资定义仲裁实践,分别举例说明ICSID仲裁庭对双边投资条约项下投资定义内涵和外延的界定。

    Subchapter 2 studies on the arbitration of investment definition under bilateral investment treaties , separately illustrates how the arbitral tribunal identifies the connotation and intension of the definition of investment under bilateral investment treaties .

  11. 近十年来,因为包含解决投资者和东道国间投资争议的国际仲裁机制的双边投资条约和贸易协定的数量越来越多,所以ICSID受理的有关国际投资争议的案件迅速增多。

    Over the past decade , an increasing number of bilateral investment treaties and trade agreements have signed . Most BITs and FTAs include the settlement mechanism of international arbitration for investment disputes between investors and host countries . So the cases submitted to ICSID increased rapidly .

  12. 双边投资条约争端解决中的几个问题

    Some Issues of the Disputes Settlement in Bilateral Investment Treaties

  13. 双边投资条约中的绝对待遇标准评析

    Absolute Treatment Clauses in Bilateral Investment Treaties : Analysis

  14. 双边投资条约对发展权的负面影响及对策

    The Negative Impact of BIT on the Right of Development and Its Resolution

  15. 晚近双边投资条约发展值得注意的几个特点&极力弱化东道国外资管辖权成为趋势

    Some Characteristics of Development of Latest Bilateral Investment Treaties

  16. 投资待遇条款是双边投资条约的核心组成部分之一。

    Articles of the treatment of foreign investment are an important part of a bilateral investment treaty .

  17. 同时,尝试为中国今后修改或签订双边投资条约提出一些建议。

    Meanwhile , this thesis gives some advice on the amendment or the signing of a new bilateral investment treaty in the future .

  18. 但美国必须首先完成双边投资条约战略的内部审议,而这个审议过程已持续了两年多。

    But first it has to finish an internal review of its bit strategy , which has been under way for more than two years .

  19. 虽然在我国缔结的一些双边投资条约中,也都有有关国民待遇的条款,但是仔细分析不难发现,这些条约中所承诺的国民待遇尚不属于真正意义上的国民待遇。

    Although there are some clauses on national treatment in the bilateral treaties our country concluded , these clauses are not in deed national treatment we discussed .

  20. 本文拟运用比较归纳的方法,对中国近年来所缔结的双边投资条约中的国民待遇的发展变化进行一定的分析。

    This article is intended to try a method of induction to research the changes which has happened about the national investment in China 's lately contracted treaties .

  21. 本文认为,中国可以通过制定双边投资条约范本的形式使投资待遇在语言表述和实质内容上得以明确。

    The standpoint of this thesis is that China needs its own model BIT to make the treatment standards clear in both the language using and the essential content .

  22. 通过对国际投资法制的比较分析可以看出,国民待遇被大量的双边投资条约和多边投资公约所采用,这已成为国际投资法发展的一个趋势。

    According to the comparative analysis of the international investment regulations , National Treatment is adopted by a large number of bilateral and multilateral treaties , which becomes a trend of the international investment regulations .

  23. 从国内法领域的实践和我国与其他国家签订的双边投资条约的实践两个方面来认识目前我国国民待遇原则实施状况。

    Know the principle of national treatment of our country at present from domestic law practice and bilateral practice two of investment treaty that our country sign with other countries of field implement the state .

  24. 保护伞条款在现今许多双边投资条约中都可见,用于规定东道国应当遵守其对投资者承诺遵守的任何义务。

    " Umbrella clause " can be seen in a number of BITs , under this clause the host country should abide by the provisions of its commitment to comply with any obligation to investors .

  25. 例如,为保护在金砖四国(巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)经营的美国企业的利益,美国本应与这些国家达成双边投资条约。

    For example , the US is supposed to be agreeing bilateral investment treaties with the BRIC countries ( Brazil , Russia , India and China ) to protect the interests of US companies operating there .

  26. 20世纪90年代末期,阿根廷签订的双边投资条约背弃了卡尔沃主义,完全接受了国际投资仲裁机构的管辖权,并给予外国投资者高标准的保护。

    In the late 1990 , Argentina signed lots of Bilateral Investment Treaties ( BITs ), which abandoned the Calvo Doctrine , accepted the jurisdiction of ICSID , and accorded the foreign investors high level protection .

  27. 本文将主要分析双边投资条约争端解决中以下几个问题:争端性质的适格,争端当事人的适格,用尽当地救济原则以及仲裁适用的法律。

    This article mainly analyses some important issues in the settlement of BITs disputes : the appropriate nature of disputes , the appropriate parties of disputes , exhaustion of local remedies rule and applicable law in BIT arbitration .

  28. 第二节是我国有关间接征收的立法,国内法上关于间接征收的立法不多,主要是在我国同他国缔结的双边投资条约或其他协定中。

    The second section talks about the legislation of indirect expropriation in China , however , there is little legislation about them , to some extent , and they mainly consist of bilateral investment treaty and other treaties .

  29. 然而,近年来的一些双边投资条约和多边投资条约、国际文件开始对东道国的此项权力提出质疑,对东道国外资管辖权形成了过大的冲击。

    But there are some changes in the recent development of bilateral and multilateral investment legislations : some bilateral and multilateral investment treaties began to challenge this power of host country , some treaties even totally prohibited performance requirements .

  30. 主权财富基金类似私募基金,其境外投资也属于国际投资,但原本的各国国内法(关于外商投资和私募基金)和国际法(双边投资条约)不足以对主权财富基金进行监管。

    SWFs are similar to Private Equity , and their oversea investments are also international investment . But the domestic laws concerning foreign investment and private equity and international laws like Bilateral Investment Treaties are not sufficient for the regulation of SWFs .