
  • 网络Rta;rtas;Regional Trade Agreement
  1. FDI的混合型特征与区域贸易协定的第三国效应:对亚太地区的经验研究

    The Hybrid Characteristics of FDI and the Third-Country Effect of RTA : Study on Asia Pacific Area

  2. 区域贸易协定成员国可以排除保障措施的相互适用。

    Members of RTA can exclude application of safeguard measures mutually .

  3. 区域贸易协定与WTO保障条款的冲突及其解决

    The Conflicts and Solutions between RTAs and W TO Safeguard Clause

  4. WTO体制下的区域贸易协定

    The Regional Trade Agreement under WTO System

  5. 再次,文章分析了WTO对区域贸易协定规制存在的三个问题。

    Thirdly , it analyses three problems of the rules and regulations of WTO to RTAs .

  6. 区域贸易协定的透明度因此与保证区域贸易协定与WTO补充作用的纪律一样具有体制性重要性。

    Transparency of RTAs is thus of systemic interest as are disciplines that ensure the complementarity of RTAs with the WTO .

  7. 我们欢迎在澄清和改进WTO关于区域贸易协定的纪律和程序的谈判方面取得的进展。

    We welcome the progress in negotiations to clarify and improve the WTO 's disciplines and procedures on regional trade agreements ( RTAs ) .

  8. 过多的区域贸易协定直接威胁着多边贸易谈判的进程和前景,越来越严重地侵蚀着WTO的基石、精神和宗旨。

    The overwhelming development of RTAs threatens the process and future of the Doha Development Agenda directly , increasingly eroding the basis , spirit and purposes of WTO .

  9. 与传统的区域贸易协定相比,WTO时期新区域主义理念主导下的区域贸易协定在广度和深度方面的发展均达到了空前的程度。

    Compared with traditional regional trade agreement , the regional trade agreement dominated by the concept of new regionalism in WTO period has developed in greater scope and depth .

  10. 轴心机制与区域贸易协定中环境合作的效率改善&以中国FTA战略为案例的分析

    Axis Mechanisms and Efficiency-Improving Mechanism of Environmental Cooperation in RTAs : An Case Analysis based on China 's FTA Strategy

  11. 根据世贸组织的官方统计,截至2005年7月,向世贸组织及其前身关贸总协定通知备案的区域贸易协定总计达330个,且只有一个WTO成员蒙古没有和任何国家缔结区域贸易协定。

    There are 330 RTAs recorded to WTO and its predecessor GATT until July 2005 except Mongolia that is the only one of WTO that has not reached any agreement with other countries .

  12. 笔者介绍了中国与WTO成员和非成员已经签署的自由贸易协定以及正在进行谈判的自由贸易协定,并对已签署区域贸易协定在贸易救济制度方面所采取的模式进行了分析。

    Section one introduces the free trade agreements that China has already signed and those in ongoing negotiations , and analyzes the modes of trade remedy system adopted in the signed regional trade agreements .

  13. 通过金融服务补贴必要性分析,为本文研究提供理论支点。第四章:GATS及区域贸易协定对金融服务补贴的规范。

    The necessity analysis provides theoretical points for the paper . Chapter ⅳ: GATS and Regional Trade Agreement on Subsidies of Trade in Financial Service .

  14. 目前,通知WTO的区域贸易协定已达160个。

    Now , the number of regional trade block noticed to WTO grew to 160.For that reason we can conclude that this lends credence to the theory that regionalism is emerging as a parallel force to multilateralism in the international economic system .

  15. 最惠国待遇原则是GATT/WTO多边贸易体制的基石,关于区域贸易协定规定的GATT第24条则作为最惠国待遇原则的例外而存在。

    Although most-favored-nation treatment principle is considered as the foundation of GATT / WTO multilateral trade system , Article 24 of GATT on regional trade agreement exits as the exception of most-favored-nation treatment principle .

  16. 区域贸易协定是区域主义的源头。1995年1月1日,世界贸易组织(WTO)成立并取代了关税和贸易总协定(GATT)。

    The regional trade agreements are at the origin of the commercial system called " Regionalism " . On January 1,1995 the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) came into force and replaced the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) .

  17. 近年、区域贸易协定(RTA)、以及基于RTA而蓬勃发展的区域贸易集团与全球治理之间关系的论辩成为研究的热点。

    In recent years , regional trade agreements ( of RTAs ), and based on RTAs and flourishing relationship between regional trading blocs and global governance debate has become a hot research .

  18. 区域贸易协定(RegionalTradeAgreementsRTAs)作为WTO最惠国待遇原则的例外,早在GATT时代就确立了其合法地位,制定了相关的规则,以规范引导此类协议的签订和发展。

    RTAs ( Regional trade Agreements ) , as the exception to the most favored nation treatment rules of WTO , established their status in the times of GATT and made the relevant rules to regulate and steer the signing and developing of the kind of agreements .

  19. 区域贸易协定中的技术性贸易壁垒问题研究

    A Study on Technical Barriers to Trade in Regional Trade Agreements

  20. 多边贸易自由化与区域贸易协定:一个博弈论分析框架

    Multilateral Trade Liberalization and Regional Trade Agreement : A Game Theory Analysis

  21. 区域贸易协定的发展与我国的对策

    The Development of Regional Trade Agreements and China 's Countermeasures

  22. 区域贸易协定是多边贸易体制最惠国原则的例外。

    RTA is an exception to the MFN principle under multilateral trade system .

  23. 区域贸易协定组织的演化经济学分析

    The Evolutionary Economics Analysis of Regional Trade Agreements Organization

  24. 区域贸易协定的激增并不完全是件好事。

    Nor is the proliferation of regional trade agreements an entirely good thing .

  25. 区域贸易协定与多边贸易体制

    Regional Trade Agreements and Multilateral Trading System s

  26. 首先,本章论述了区域贸易协定的兴起与发展,指出了区域贸易协定发展的三次高潮。

    Firstly , it introduces the origination and development of RTAs and three developments climax .

  27. 其次,本章分析了区域贸易协定发展的经济原因,即相比多边贸易体制,其更能实现贸易自由化目标。

    Next , this chapter also analyses the economic reason of the development of RTAs .

  28. 东亚区域贸易协定的发展与美国霸权的变迁

    The Development of Regional Trade Agreements in East Asia And the Effect on American Hegemony

  29. 世贸组织的创立并不排除区域贸易协定的效力。

    The creation of the WTO does not challenge the existence of the regional trade agreements .

  30. 区域贸易协定委员会

    Committee on Regional Trade Agreement