
  • 网络Regional Industrial Policy;regional industry policy
  1. 区域产业政策理论的系统研究

    Systematic Study of Regional Industrial Policy

  2. 区域产业政策是国家产业政策在一个区域范围内发挥作用的产业政策。

    Regional industrial policy is the industrial policy that brings into play within a regional range .

  3. GE衍生矩阵在区域产业政策制定中的实际应用

    Application of Extensive GE Matrix on the Regional Industrial Policymaking

  4. 运用区域产业政策优化合肥市产业结构

    Optimizing Industrial Structure of Hefei by Taking Advantage of Area Industrial Policy

  5. 上海市长宁区信息服务业区域产业政策研究

    The Research of Region Industrial Policy about Information Service Industry in Changning District , Shanghai

  6. 区域产业政策具有他的特征和作用,主要包括区域产业结构政策和主导产业政策。

    Regional industrial policy possesses its characteristic and effect , including the policy of regional industrial structure and the policy of leading industries .

  7. 基于现状和实证的研究结果,本文最后提出了进一步促进我国高新技术产品出口的政策建议,政策建议主要包括区域产业政策和外资政策。

    Basing on the above analysis , this paper give some political suggestions about thedevelopment of the high-and-new technological products exports , mainly including foreign capital policy and region-environment policy .

  8. 制定正确的区域产业政策,明确区域产业发展各方面支持和限制的重点,是调整区域产业结构、进行区域主导产业选择的重要依据。

    That instituting regional industrial policy correctly and nailing down the emphases on supporting and restricting aspects of regional industry development , would be an important basis for adjusting regional industrial structure , and carrying on the selection of regional leading industries .

  9. 区域劣势产业退出政策研究&以重庆劣势产业退出政策研究为例

    The Study of Regional Exit Policy of Inferior Position Industries & Taking the Study of Exit Policy of Chongqing City for Example

  10. 第四部分针对具体的地域组织形式,从区域政策、产业政策和区域管理的角度提出对策建议。

    In the fourth part , aiming at specific patterns of regional organizing , some proposals to regional policy , industrial policy and regional management are brought forward .

  11. 为此,国家一应采取有利于中西部特别是民族地区经济、社会发展的区域和产业倾斜政策;

    Therefore the state should first adopt preferential regional and industrial policies for the economic and social development of the middle and western areas , especially areas inhabited by national minorities .

  12. 对于中西部地区,要制定符合区域优势的产业政策,增加人力资本投资,引导东部内资向中西部转移。

    Middle and West region should make industry policy which accord with the regional advantage , increase investment in human resources and attract founds not only come from foreign but also East .

  13. 发展区域产业集群的公共政策

    The Policies Analysis of the Growth of Regional Industry Agglomeration

  14. 以此为基础,分别从区域发展战略、产业政策调整和资源开发三个层面分析了新疆经济可持续发展的路径选择问题。

    Based on this , it studies the problem of path selection of Xinjiang from the regional development strategy , industrial policy adjustment , and economic development of Xinjiang .

  15. 对于汽车生产厂商来说,合理统计预测某时间段的汽车销量和区域销量对制定产业政策及相关政策创新都是非常有意义的。

    For auto manufacturers , A reasonable statistical prediction for a certain time period and regional car sales is really meaningful for the decision of new industrial policy and related policy innovation .

  16. 运用产业链来理解和阐释生物医药产业能够为区域生物医药产业目标政策的设计和实施提供比产业集群更广阔的思路和工具。

    Using the industrial chain to understand and explain the biomedical industry can provide government with the idea that is broader and more useful than industrial clusters in designing regional policy and choosing implementation tools .

  17. 区域经济发展水平、旅游资源禀赋、区位、交通、区域产业政策与发展环境是影响星级饭店业发展水平的重要因素。

    The important factors that influence the developing level are regional economic developing level , natural tourism resources , regional location , transportation , regional industry policy and developing environment .

  18. 针对区域循环经济发展的实际要求,笔者较为前瞻地提出了区域产业政策合法有效性的概念。

    Aiming at the fact of development of regional circular economy , I put forward the conception of validity of regional industrial policy .

  19. 本文首先设计了度量产品区域集聚程度的静态和动态模型,然后通过实证方法研究了我国四大类27种具有代表性的主要工业产品的区域集聚情况,最后对各区域产业发展提出政策建议。

    This paper designs two models to measure product region cluster degree at first , then studies Chinese industrial product region cluster degree experimentally , at last provides some suggestion .