
shì chǎnɡ ɡuī zé
  • market rules
  1. 这种滥用国家安全、动用国家力量打压中国企业的做法不符合市场规则,违背市场逻辑,不仅损害中国企业的合法权益,也损害包括美国在内各国投资者的利益,将严重削弱各方对美国资本市场的信心。

    The United States ' act of abusing national security to suppress Chinese enterprises is inconsistent with market rules and goes against the logic from other countries , including the United States , said the spokesperson , adding that it will seriously weaken the confidence of all parties in the US capital market .

  2. 以WTO为核心,形成了经济全球化的市场规则;

    A series of market rules under the globalization have been formed , with WTO as its core ;

  3. 三家中国公司发行美国存托凭证(ADR)并在纽交所上市已经接近或超过二十年,一直遵守美国证券市场规则和监管要求,受到全球投资者的普遍认可。

    Having issued American Depositary Receipts ( ADRs ) and been listed on the NYSE for nearly or over two decades , the three Chinese firms have complied with the rules and regulations of the US securities market , and are widely acknowledged by investors worldwide , the spokesperson said .

  4. 第一部分:WTO中的教育服务市场规则。

    Part I : WTO 's Rules of Education Service Market .

  5. 加入WTO以后,中国将更严格地遵循国际通行的市场规则,进一步对外开放。

    After WTO entry , China will bring its own practices in line with the international market and will open up further .

  6. 尽管欧洲销售结束时,斯温顿工厂将继续生产,在市场规则允许它在R型。

    Despite the end of European sales , the Swindon plant will continue to produce the Type R for markets where regulations allow it .

  7. 中国加入WTO后,国内的企业,当然也包括流程工业企业,都必须遵循一个统一的市场规则。

    Since China has entered WTO , all domestic enterprises , including process industrial enterprises , must follow the uniform rule of the market .

  8. 我国已经加入WTO,世贸的市场规则对我国会计行业提出了极大的挑战。

    Our Country has entered WTO and the market rules of WTO have made great Challenges to the profession of accounting in our country .

  9. 本文分析了WTO有关食糖贸易的市场规则,认为入世给我国蔗糖产业带来新的发展机遇的同时,也构成了严峻的挑战。

    We have studied the related rules of World Trade Organization ( WTO ) and analysed the challenge to domestic sugar industry after entrancing it .

  10. 加入WTO,意味着中国企业营销环境的国际化,中国企业必须按照国际公认的市场规则(WTO下市场经济条件)来规范自己的行为。

    WTO entry means the marketing environment of Chinese enterprises has become international . Chinese enterprises should standardize their behavior according to the international market regulations .

  11. 国际货币基金组织(imf)昨日敦促各国政府,不要因全球发生信贷紧缩而匆匆改变金融市场规则。

    Governments should not rush to change financial market rules in the wake of the global credit squeeze . , the International Monetary Fund urged yesterday .

  12. 建立了发电企业在电量与备用共同市场规则下策略竞价的供给函数均衡(SFE)模型,分析了其市场势力对两种市场的影响。

    The impacts of generation suppliers ' market power on both two kind markets are analyzed .

  13. 提升盈利能力的关键在于能够了解CDM市场规则和动态,争取议价话语权。

    The key to enhance the profitability is to be able to understand the rules and dynamics of the CDM market , strive for a bargain right to speak .

  14. 出版行业在体制改革之后不再是游离于市场规则之外的自留地,面对世界范围的强大竞争,兼并重组,集团化和市场化的趋势不可避免地让各个出版企业把ERP系统建设提到议事日程的重要位置。

    Publishing industry is no longer a reserved land keeping from market rules after the system reform . Facing the worldwide keen competition , merge and acquisition , globalization and collectivization , many publishing companies are beginning to raise the ERP system establishment to their agenda .

  15. 所有上市的股票都经过市场规则的协调用专门的电子平台交易,通过专门的系统进行清算,选择LCH。

    All listed shares are traded on a single electronic platform under harmonized market rules , and are cleared through a single system , operated by LCH .

  16. 另外,由于我们不能及时适应国际市场规则,特别是对FIDIC条款的认识和和经验不足,将造成我的建筑丧失大量参与国际竞争的机会。

    In addition , since we can not promptly adapt to the international market rules , particularly awareness and lack of experience on FIDIC and the terms , we will lose massive building opportunities to participate in international competition .

  17. 副国务卿Sherman阐述了2022互联计划如何使地区受益。他提到,新的区域市场规则已经落实到位,这将改善能源投资的商业环境。

    Articulating a vision for how Connect 2022 can benefit the region , Under Secretary Sherman noted that new regional market rules have been put in place that will improve the business climate for energy investments .

  18. 通道费的规制困境:买方势力抑或市场规则

    Dilemma of Slotting Allowances Regulations : Buyer Power or Market Rule

  19. 建立公平开放透明的市场规则。

    Make market rules that are fair , open and transparent .

  20. 内部化的显著特征就是利用企业内部控制代替市场规则。

    Internalization is featured by internal control rather than market rules .

  21. 注重引入市场规则,步步推进。

    Import the regulation of market , advance step by step .

  22. 同时要求有一个对市场规则的深入了解。

    An understanding of the principles of marketing is also required .

  23. 完善市场规则,建立高效市场。

    Perfection of market rules , establishment of sufficient market .

  24. 古玩的买卖是受市场规则的支配的。

    Antique buying and selling is played by bazaar rules .

  25. 重点分析了法律规则与市场规则。

    It focuses on the legal regulation and market regulation .

  26. 论市场规则及其构成要素

    Research on the Market Rules and Its Forming Factors

  27. 恶意竞争,破坏市场规则。

    Competing malevolently , break the rule of market .

  28. 关于创业企业与创业板市场规则的思考

    Thoughts on the new ventures and the rule of the second board market

  29. 电力市场规则及水电竞价浅析

    Analysis of Regional Electricity Market Rules and Hydropower Bidding

  30. 该局被授权设立市场规则,执行现有法律。

    The bureau will set rules for the marketplace and enforce existing laws .