
  • 网络Market Logic
  1. 摘要服务型政府是市场逻辑的必然要求。

    The service government is the necessary requirement of market logic .

  2. 第二,市场逻辑引导下的教育改革。

    Secondly , the education innovation instructed by market logic .

  3. 高等教育学术忠诚分流的市场逻辑

    On market logic of academic loyalty distinction of higher education

  4. 试论新闻逻辑和市场逻辑双重制约下都市新闻的事实选择

    A Selection of Urban News Events in the Context of Journalism and Commercialization

  5. 市场逻辑与政府干预的维度

    The Market Logic and the Dimension of Government Interference

  6. 市场逻辑和政治压力助长了金融保护主义。

    Financial protectionism is driven by the logic of the market and political pressure .

  7. 论美国公共广播的分权框架与市场逻辑

    On the Frame of Decentralization and the Logic of Market of Public Broadcastings in USA

  8. 市场逻辑演绎市场空间浙江义乌国际商贸城设计札记

    Efficient Market Space Realized by Rational Market Logic Notes on Yiwu International Trade City , Zhejiang

  9. 这种市场逻辑将会导致最上乘的文物落入外国收藏家和外国博物馆之手。

    The logic of the market would pull the choicest objects into foreign collections and foreign museums .

  10. 反人类中心主义:工具理性与市场逻辑批判&《启蒙辩证法》中的一条逻辑主线

    Anti-human-centrism : A Critique of Instrumental Rationality and Market Logic & The Mainline Logic in Enlightenment Dialectics

  11. 行政逻辑与市场逻辑相结合成为共同推动区域经济合作实现的力量。

    Combination of administrative logic and market logic has become the strength of boosting regional economic cooperation together .

  12. 大学间的竞争虽然表现出了诸多的市场逻辑,但其背后隐藏的政治逻辑同样不能忽视。

    Though the competition among colleges appears several market logic , we still understand political logic should not be ignored .

  13. 高估值背后的市场逻辑&外资高价收购中国啤酒企业的市场价值解读

    Market Logic behind High Value & Analysis of the Market Value of the Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprises Purchasing Chinese Beer Companies at High Price

  14. 因此,中国当代抽象艺术家不得不背离中国的意识形态、空洞的具象世界、市场逻辑和现实自我。

    So , Contemporary Abstract Art of China had to deviate from Chinese Ideology , empty concrete world , market logic and real oneself .

  15. 正是在上述意义上言之,改革后移民创业不再绝对依赖于国家和政府,而更多地由民间社会以市场逻辑来运作。

    In this sense , immigrant entrepreneurship no longer totally depend on the state and the government , but more on civil society and market discipline .

  16. 原有的单一行政逻辑在市场逻辑的影响下改变发挥作用方式,依照市场的需求来发挥行政手段的作用。

    Former single administrative logic changes the role under the influence of market logic , and depends on needs of market to exert functions of administrative methods .

  17. 这不是某种政府策划的结论,而是市场逻辑:不用付费的资源必然被滥用。

    This is not some kind of government planning argument - it is the logic of the market : that which is not paid for is overused .

  18. 因此,企业战略观选择的市场逻辑性十分显著,这可从西方企业战略理论与战略实践的演进中得到证实。

    So , the strategic choice of the marketing logic for the enterprise is very remarkable , which can be proved from the evolution of Western enterprise strategic theory and practice .

  19. 倡导竞争与效率的市场逻辑,主张政府尽可能少地介入公共教育领域,把公共教育的生产交给市场。

    The logic of the market promotes competition and efficiency and advocates the government involving in the field of education as little as possible and brings the production of public education to the market .

  20. 在农村金融体制改革和研究中,应认识这一市场逻辑并进行反市场逻辑的操作,以彻底改变农村资金流向。

    In rural financial regime reform and study , it 's compulsory to know this market logic and to perform the operation of anti-market logic , so as to alternate thoroughly the rural fund flow direction .

  21. 自20世纪80年代以来,世界范围内的市场逻辑取向下的公立学校改革运动可谓是内声势浩大,在这一改革旗帜下产生出了一些具有代表性的公立学校改革理论与实践措施。

    Since the 1980s , Public school reform which is characterized by the logic of the market can be described within the massive . Some representative of public school reform theory and practical measures are popular .

  22. 同时,近年来一些西方发达国家以市场逻辑和公共管理理念为导向的教育改革,给构建市场经济条件下的政府教育管理职能新范式以重要启示。第三部分:构建与发展我国政府公关。

    As the same time , some educational reforms guided by ideas of market logic and public management in western developed countries have enlightened the new paradigm of government educational management function in the market economic condition .

  23. 规则再造的关键在于将传统市场逻辑下的价格需求供给价格机制,改造成非竞争性市场逻辑下的效用需求供给成本机制,重新塑造新的供求法则。

    The key of rule reengineering lies in a change in which the " price-demand-supply-price " mechanism under the logic of traditional market is transformed into " utility-demand-supply-cost " mechanism under the logic of non-competitive market , thus reengineer new rule of demand and supply again .

  24. 这并非从单一市场的逻辑衍生而来,而是来自于保证宏观审慎的稳定性的需要。

    This does not derive from the logic of a single market , but from a need to preserve macroprudential stability .

  25. 与此同时,传统文化在市场的逻辑下,正走向产业化发展道路,这对传统文化传承而言既有积极的一面,也有消极的一面。

    At the same time , traditional cultural logic of the market , has both positive and negative side to the heritage of local traditional cultural .

  26. 现代化过程中,随着民族国家力量的渗透、市场化逻辑的侵蚀,传统村落共同体淹没在大众社会的浪潮中。

    In the process of modernization , both the penetration of modern national power and the encroachment of market logic buried the traditional village community under the waves of mass society .

  27. 其次利用已有的理论成果并通过结合二者关系的历史分析和对我国现状的考察,提出了会计信息与资本市场的逻辑关系。

    Then by using current theoretical achievement , this chapter tried to combine historical analysis of the relation between accounting information and capital market and the current situation in China . And then put forward the logic relation between accounting information and capital market .

  28. 本文针对过渡时期国有企业治理结构存在的诸多问题进行了分析,以资本雇佣逻辑和市场竞争逻辑缺憾的研究为基础,提出多边共同治理逻辑是解决国企治理结构问题的现实抉择的命题。

    This article analyzes the existing problems in the corporate governance of state-owned enterprises in the transition period . Based upon the analysis of " Capital Employment Logic " and " Market Competition Logic ", the author concludes that multilateral joint governance is the practical decision for state-owned enterprises .

  29. 2)地产开发项目市场定位的逻辑框架为4P(产品定位)与4C(市场定位)的对接;

    2 ) The real estate development project market localization logical frame is 4P ( product localization ) and 4C ( market localization ) docking ;

  30. 我国利率市场化推进逻辑与近期展望

    Logic for Promoting Interest Rate Market-orientation in China & Recent Outlook