
  • 网络market neutral;equity market neutral
  1. 同样,在2007年年初,他说,公司采取了一个决定性举措,采取了完全市场中立的立场。

    Also at the start of 2007 , he says , the group made a decisive move to become pure market neutral .

  2. 市场中立的对冲基金后来不再中立,不得不结清头寸。

    Market-neutral hedge funds turned out not to be market-neutral and had to be unwound .

  3. 让我们找到一个迅捷的多/空策略,这样我们就可以做到市场中立,收起我们的支票,等着这波终会平息的动荡过去。

    Let us find a quick long-short strategy where we can be market-neutral , collect our cheques , and wait for this volatility to pass , which it will .

  4. 这类基金通过高度复杂的市场中立策略赚钱:它们做多和做空同等数量的股票,利用这些股票估值的细微差别掘金。

    The quant funds made their money with a highly sophisticated market-neutral strategy , in which they bet on equal numbers of stocks to go up and down , exploiting subtle differences in their valuations .

  5. 古典学术自由理念是西方启蒙理性的产物,它建基在三大理论支点之上,即意见自由市场、价值中立及学者是真理的代言人。

    The idea of classical academic freedom is the result of the western enlightened reason , which is based on three theoretical pivot points : " marketplace of idea "," value neutrality " and " scholars be the agents of truth " .

  6. 通过介绍公司控制权市场理论的兴衰和利益相关者理论,提出法律制度应当为收购和反收购市场确立市场中立理念,确立对毒丸计划的法律规制。

    By introducing the prosperity and decline of the theory of the market for corporate control theory , it proposes neutrality idea for establishing legal regulation .