
  • 网络market reform;market-oriented reform
  1. 加入WTO有利于加快我国市场化改革的进程和有利于解决我国市场化进程中的深层次矛盾。

    Join WTO was beneficial to make China 's market reform faster and solve the deep level contradictories .

  2. 基于平均利润率的中国市场化改革绩效分析

    Analysis of China market reform performance basing on average interest rate

  3. 对加入WTO后我国利率市场化改革进程的思考

    Thinking of China 's market-oriented interest rate reform process after accession to WTO

  4. WTO对中国体育市场化改革的冲击和影响

    Research on WTO 's concussion and influence on the reform of Chinese sports market

  5. 2006年,是我国加入WTO后国内银行保护期的最后一年,也是我国利率市场化改革的关键一年。

    2006 , after China 's WTO entry to the protection of domestic banks last year , as well as China 's interest rate marketization reform key year .

  6. 电力工业的市场化改革突出了市场清算价格(MCP)预测的重要性。

    Reforms of power industry have made market clearing price ( MCP ) forecasting more important .

  7. 当前中国,正处于城市化加速发展时期,在加入WTO之后更加融入全球经济一体化的浪潮中,并且市场化改革的领域进一步拓宽,这些都是城市经营理念在中国迅速传播的时代背景。

    China is experiencing the accelerating urbanization and China further melts into the tide of globalization after joining WTO , accordingly China is widening the field of market-oriented reformation , and these factors are the background of urban management spread in China .

  8. 因此,应进一步加大IPO市场化改革,促进投资银行声誉机制形成,实现投资银行的信息认证功能,提高我国证券市场的效率。

    So , we should step up the marketing reform of IPO and build the reputation mechanism of the investment bank . It will put the information certification function into effect and make the capital market efficient .

  9. 我国的利率市场化改革必须立足于世界经济一体化和金融自由化的现实环境之中,特别是加入WTO对我国经济产生了深远的影响:一方面,我国与国际金融的接轨进一步强化;

    The reform of the interest rate rule in China is undergoing at the background of globalization and liberalization . China 's entry into the WTO has a deep influence on our economy : on one hand , we will further merge into the international financial market ;

  10. 本章从宏观体制的市场化改革与微观企业的产权改革两方面为大股东控制下的CEO变更问题研究提供了详实的制度背景分析。

    From the perspective of marketization reform of the macroscopical system and the property right reform of the microcosmic enterprises , the paper provides detailed system background analysis for the research on the CEO turnover under the control of large shareholders .

  11. 关于购销市场化改革后粮食若干问题的思考

    After the Reform of Grain Marketing System : Some New Problems

  12. 我国市场化改革与城镇居民收入分配

    China 's Market Transition and the Income Distribution in Urban Residents

  13. 市场化改革,就是打破计划体制的一场革命。

    Commercialize reform , it is a revolution of discomfit system .

  14. 我国黄金产品管理市场化改革进程回眸

    Review on the market reform of gold product administration in China

  15. 农业市场化改革的阶段性特征;

    The stage characteristics of the reform of agricultural market-orientating ;

  16. 目前城市商业银行的市场化改革和股份制改造正在如火如荼地进行。

    Currently the joint-stock market reform of city commercial banks is ongoing .

  17. 中国的市场化改革与东亚地区的工业化浪潮

    Market-oriented reform in China and the wave of industrialization in East Asia

  18. 坚持效率与公平相统一的市场化改革方向

    On Following the Market Reform with the Integration of Efficiency and Justice

  19. 农村、农业的发展必须坚持市场化改革;

    The countryside , the agricultural development must persist the marketability reform ;

  20. 市场化改革、企业业绩与国有企业经理薪酬

    Market-oriented Reform , Firm Performance and Executive Compensation in Chinese State-owned Enterprises

  21. 利率市场化改革对商业银行管理的效应分析

    Analysis on Effect of Interest Rate Marketization Reform on Commercial Bank Management

  22. 经济学中对自然垄断的研究是电力市场化改革的理论基础。

    Nature monopoly is the basic theory of markets electric power reformation .

  23. 有一种看法认为,我国贫富差别扩大的根源在市场化改革。

    Some attribute the cause to the market reform in our country .

  24. 竞争&英美教育市场化改革的核心

    Competition , the core of educational marketing reforms in UK and USA

  25. 水业市场化改革的几点新误区

    Several new misunderstandings for marketization reform of water industry

  26. 英美教育市场化改革述评

    Review on Educational Marketization Reform in the United Kingdom and the United States

  27. 中国电力市场化改革的若干问题

    Some problems during the course of electric power industry market-oriented reform in China

  28. 论全面推进保险费率市场化改革

    Reformation of the Market Turns of Rate of Premium

  29. 论我国公共服务供给现状及市场化改革

    Discussion on Public Service Marketization in China and the Duties of the Government

  30. 城镇污水处理市场化改革:一个实例

    Market-oriented Reform of Urban Sewage Disposal : an Example